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2/12/2023 文貴直播:中共國境內最起碼有上千個氣球發射基站; 我們戰友冒著全家生命危險曾向美國情報部門爆料,卻無人理會
#中共氣球 #日本 #臺灣 #俄烏戰場 #中央情報局 #聯邦調查局 #蒙古 #紅海 2/12/2023 Miles Guo: At least there are thousands of (military) bases in Communist China for purpose of launching balloons; one of our fellow fighters who risked the life of his entire family did approach CIA and FBI, but no one was serious about his intel
#CCPballoons #Japan #Taiwan #RussiaUkraineWar #CIA #FBI #Mongolia #RedSea @NFSCHimalayaNews
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2/15/2023 文貴直播: 在涉及臺灣和法輪功問題上,ChatGPT在中文簡繁體的版本給出了完全不一樣的答案,簡體行文風格完全是中共官方檔形式,再次證明中共已經影響了ChatGPT。
#臺灣 #法輪功 #中文簡體 #中文繁體 #ChatGPT 2/15/2023 Miles Guo: When it comes to questions related to Taiwan and Falun Gong, ChatGPT provides totally different answers to the same question in the traditional and simplified Chinese versions. Its answer is given in the exact same fashion as the CCP’s official document. It proves again that ChatGPT has been influenced by the CCP.
#Taiwan #FalunGong #SimplifiedChinese #TraditionalChinese #ChatGPT @NFSCHimalayaNews
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3/2/2023 文貴蓋特:正如當年希特勒發動二戰的情況一樣,內政外交的失利和國內經濟的崩潰已經讓習近平別無選擇,只有發動戰爭才能解決他面臨的內外交困的問題。
#習近平 #臺灣 #俄烏戰爭 #中共支俄志願軍 3/2/2023 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Similar to what motivated Hitler to start WWII, Xi Jinping is facing the same challenges of domestic and diplomatic setbacks and a collapsing economy. This has left Xi with no choice but to wage war in order to address his internal and external issues.
#XiJinping #Taiwan #RussiaUkrianeWar #CCPvolunteerarmy @NFSCHimalayaNews
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3/5/2023 文貴直播:歐洲某些金融機構認為,中共打臺灣或參加俄烏戰爭會讓人民幣兌美元匯率跌至3000人民幣兌1美元; 中共國的GDP增長是負數,而絕非李克強所稱的5%; 隨著中共威脅歐美導致其貿易脫鉤,中共將只有貿易逆差!
#中共 #國民生產總值 #臺灣 #俄烏戰爭 #貿易逆差 3/5/2023 Miles Guo: Some European financial institutions predict that the RMB-dollar exchange rate will drop to 3000:1 if the CCP invades Taiwan or officially joins the Russia-Ukraine war. The CCP’s GDP growth rate is in fact negative, rather than the 5% predicted by Premier Li Keqiang. The CCP will only have a trade deficit as trade decoupling occurs due to the CCP’s increasing threat to Europe and America.
#CCP #GDP #Taiwan #RussiaUkraineWar #tradedeficit
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3/5/2023 文貴直播:習死皇悲慘的成長經歷造就了其混不吝的思維定式; 現在只有這幾招才能阻止習近平打臺灣:脫鉤、斬首和參戰,包括各種立法在內的其他招都不管用。
#習近平 #臺灣 #美國 #臺灣衝突遏制法 #地窖 #茄子 #党奴 3/5/2023 Miles Guo: The reckless mental state of 「Xi the Dead Emperor」 was the result of his miserable upbringing. So, only the following strategies will work to prevent him from attacking Taiwan: Decoupling, decapitation, and joining the war waged by Xi. Any other strategy, including the passage of various bills, is useless.
#XiJinping #Taiwan #US #TaiwanConflictDeteranceAct #cellar #eggplant #Partyslaves
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4/13/2023 【Nicole with David Zere】Miles Guo had long warned that the CCP would use military force to unify Taiwan, and it has been testing if the United States has the political will to eliminate the CCP on U.S. soil. Taiwanese businessmen like Terry Gou, who have made a fortune solely because of the CCP, would never want to take down the CCP.
#freeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #freeMilesGuoNow #FreeYvetteWangNow #takedowntheCCP #NFSC #Taiwan
4/13/2023 【妮可接受大衛·澤瑞】郭文貴先生早就警告過,中共必將武統臺灣,而且一直在試探美國是否有在其本土消滅中共的政治意願; 像郭台銘這樣只是因為中共才賺得盆滿缽滿的台商,是絕不會想要滅共的!
#釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #立即釋放郭文貴 #立即釋放王雁平 #消滅中共 #新中國聯邦 #臺灣 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/13/2023 【Nicole with David Zere】Nicole: If the United States wants to assist the people of Taiwan, it must first eliminate the CCP on its soil! The CCP fears our New Federal State of China (NFSC) the most. That is why they put Miles Guo, our leader and the founder of the NFSC, behind bars. I hope everyone can join us in calling for 「Free Miles Guo!」
#freeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #freeMilesGuoNow #FreeYvetteWangNow #takedowntheCCP #NFSC #Taiwan
4/13/2023 【妮可接受大衛·澤瑞】妮可:如果美國想要幫助臺灣人民,就首先要在自己的國家消滅中國共產黨! 中共最畏懼我們新中國聯邦,所以才將我們的領路人和新中國聯邦的締造者郭文貴先生置於囹圄之中,希望大家能一起呼籲「釋放郭文貴先生! 」
#釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #立即釋放郭文貴 #立即釋放王雁平 #臺灣 #消滅中共 #新中國聯邦 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/13/2023 【Nicole with David Zere】Nicole: If the United States wants to assist the people of Taiwan, it must first eliminate the CCP on its soil! The CCP fears our New Federal State of China (NFSC) the most. That is why they put Miles Guo, our leader and the founder of the NFSC, behind bars. I hope everyone can join us in calling for 「Free Miles Guo!」
#freeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #freeMilesGuoNow #FreeYvetteWangNow #takedowntheCCP #NFSC #Taiwan 4/13/2023 【妮可接受大衛·澤瑞】妮可:如果美國想要説明臺灣人民,就首先要在自己的國家消滅中國共產黨! 中共最畏懼我們新中國聯邦,所以才將我們的領路人和新中國聯邦的締造者郭文貴先生置於囹圄之中,希望大家能一起呼籲「釋放郭文貴先生! 」
#釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #立即釋放郭文貴 #立即釋放王雁平 #消滅中共 #新中國聯邦 #臺灣 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/13/2023 【Nicole with David Zere】Miles Guo had long warned that the CCP would use military force to unify Taiwan, and it has been testing if the United States has the political will to eliminate the CCP on U.S. soil. Taiwanese businessmen like Terry Gou, who have made a fortune solely because of the CCP, would never want to take down the CCP.
#freeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #freeMilesGuoNow #FreeYvetteWangNow #takedowntheCCP #NFSC #Taiwan 4/13/2023 【妮可接受大衛·澤瑞】郭文貴先生早就警告過,中共必將武統臺灣,而且一直在試探美國是否有在其本土消滅中共的政治意願; 像郭台銘這樣只是因為中共才賺得盆滿缽滿的台商,是絕不會想要滅共的!
#釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #立即釋放郭文貴 #立即釋放王雁平 #消滅中共 #新中國聯邦 #臺灣 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/13/2023 【Nicole with David Zere】 Nicole calls on the House Judiciary Committee to combat the Chinese Communist Party, which poses the greatest threat to the rule of law and justice system in the U.S. What has happened to Mr. Miles Guo is 100% the result of a political witch hunt launched by the CCP. The New Federal State of China is one of the biggest victims of the weaponization of the American justice system by the CCP.
#freeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #freeMilesGuoNow #FreeYvetteWangNow #takedowntheCCP #NFSC #Taiwan 4/13/2023 【妮可接受大衛·澤瑞】妮可呼籲眾議院司法委員會打擊中共,因為中共是美國法治和司法系統的最大威脅! 郭文貴先生現在的遭遇100%是中共發起的政治迫害! 新中國聯邦是被中共武器化的美國司法系統的最大受害者之一!
#釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #立即釋放郭文貴 #立即釋放王雁平 #消滅中共 #新中國聯邦 #臺灣 @NFSCHimalayaNews