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📣 📣 📣 Miles Guo’s Latest Revelation On Feb. 4th, 2023 — The CCP spy balloon incident was the result of American bureaucrats being bought by the CCP.: 💥 The CCP spy balloon incident is an example of the CCP’s 「asymmetric, unrestricted warfare」 against the U.S. The CCP is completely in control, has the upper hand, and will not back down. 💥 What is more frightening than the CCP’s spy balloon is that the CCP has already arranged military facilities in front of the U.S. that can attack the U.S. at any time. 💥 文貴先生大直播 2023/02/04:中共間諜氣球事件是美國官僚和被中共收買的結果! 中共間諜氣球事件是中共對美國進行的 #非對稱超限戰,完全在中共預測內,中共完全可控,不會退縮! 比中共間諜氣球更可怕的是,中共早就在美國家門口佈置了隨時可以向美國本土發起攻擊的軍事設施!
#CCPSpyBalloon #UnrestrictedWarfare #AsymmetricWarfare #CCPthreat #CCP≠Chinese #CCPhenchmen #takedownCCP @NFSCHimalayaNews
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📣 📣 📣 Miles Guo’s Latest Revelation On Feb. 5th, 2023 (Eng. Dubbing): 💥 The surveillance balloon went to Montana’s Malmstrom Air Force Base, the most important nuclear missile base in the U.S. to take photos and collect information there for several days. 💥 "Emperor Xi" has defined the balloon incident as the absolute victory of the confrontation between the East and the West and between China and the United States over the past 70 years. 💥 Many New-Axis-of-Evil countries, like Russia, Iran, and North Korea sent congratulatory messages to Emperor Xi. 💥 文貴先生蓋特 2023/02/05:中共間諜氣球到了美國最重要的核導彈基地-發射中心,在那塊兒拍照、收集情報長達幾天! 「習死皇」已經將其定義為七十年來東西方對抗、中美對抗一場政治實力、敢於鬥爭的絕對性勝利! 俄羅斯、伊朗、朝鮮等新邪惡軸心國紛紛發來賀電! #CCPSpyBalloon #UnrestrictedWarfare #CCPthreat #CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP #AxisOfEvil
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💥 Since day one of the Ukrainian-Russian war, Xi and Putin have been in it together. It’s not about whether Communist China aided Russia or not; they are essentially on the same side of the war. 💥 People around the world are being controlled by a few liars and scammers. 💥 文貴先生蓋特 2023/02/06:從俄烏戰爭第一天開始,習和普就商量好的。 這與共產主義中國是否援助俄羅斯無關; 他們本質上就站在同一邊! #UnrestrictedWarfare #CCPthreat #AxisOfEvil #Putin #UkrainianRussianWar #CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP @NFSCHimalayaNews
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📢📢📢 Miles Guo’s Latest Revelation On Feb. 7th, 2023 (Eng. Dubbing):
💥Strictly speaking, the CCP’s sending the spy air balloon to America this time is a declaration of war. This is the true “shadow war,” an asymmetrical war, and this is the true unrestricted warfare.
💥Russia has immediately placed an order for 3 million of these balloons from the CCP, which will be deployed in the Ukrainian-Russian war.
💥文貴先生蓋特 2023/02/07:嚴格來講,這次中共間諜氣球到美國就是宣戰,這就是中共針對西方的「影子戰爭、不對稱超限戰爭」!俄羅斯提出要找中共訂購300萬個間諜氣球,用於俄烏戰爭!
#ShadowWar #UnrestrictedWarfare #CCPthreat #AxisOfEvil #UkrainianRussianWar #CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP

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📣📣📣 Miles Guo’s Latest Revelation On Feb. 7th, 2023 (Eng. Dubbing):
💥Before launching a kinetic war, the CCP must start a series of unrestricted financial, trade and technological wars, and tie them all together to cut off the supply chain in the West, destroy their finances, flood the West with illegal drugs, and create social turmoil and political infighting in the West. This is the so-called 「3F」 (Fail, Frail, and Fall) plan to weaken, create chaos, and destroy the West.
💥文貴先生蓋特 2023/02/07:中共在發動熱戰前,要對西方世界進行一系列的金融、貿易和科技超限戰,將它們聯合在一起,斷掉西方的供應量,毀掉西方的金融,大量的毒品湧入西方,造成社會動亂,讓西方政治上互相掐架,造成西方內亂! 這就叫搞弱、搞亂、搞死西方的3F計畫! #UnrestrictedFinancialWarfare #UnrestrictedTradeWarfare #CCPthreat #3Fplan #CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP
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📣 📣 📣 Miles Guo’s Latest Revelation On Feb. 7th, 2023 (Eng. Dubbing): 💥 Strictly speaking, the CCP’s sending the spy air balloon to America this time is a declaration of war. This is the true 「shadow war,」 an asymmetrical war, and this is the true unrestricted warfare. 💥 Russia has immediately placed an order for 3 million of these balloons from the CCP, which will be deployed in the Ukrainian-Russian war. 💥 文貴先生蓋特 2023/02/07:嚴格來講,這次中共間諜氣球到美國就是宣戰,這就是中共針對西方的「影子戰爭、不對稱超限戰爭」! 俄羅斯提出要找中共訂購300萬個間諜氣球,用於俄烏戰爭! #ShadowWar #UnrestrictedWarfare #CCPthreat #AxisOfEvil #UkrainianRussianWar #CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP
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📢 📢 📢 Miles Guo’s Latest Revelation On Feb. 9th, 2023 (Eng. Dubbing): 💥 The CCP wants to rule the Americans, break the world order, and further expand into God’s territory and become God itself. Now God sends the New Federal State of China, the NFSC, to annihilate the CCP. 💥 The Chinese and Americans will improve their relationship and love each other more. The problem now is that both Americans and Chinese are represented by the interest groups from both countries. We must break this situation together! 💥 文貴先生蓋特 2023/02/09:中共想要統治美國人,打破世界秩序,進一步染指到上天當上帝,現在上天派新中國聯邦來滅共! 中美兩國人民必須互相更加美好、更加相愛,問題是中美兩國人民都被兩國的家族利益集團所代表,我們必須一起打破這種局面! #UnrestrictedWarfare #CCPthreat #CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP @NFSCHimalayaNews
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📣📣 Miles Guo’s Shocking Revelation On Feb. 15th, 2023:
⚠️#AI #ChatGPT Could Be A Bigger Threat To The U.S. And Taiwan Than Nukes!
💥The outputs of ChatGPT were artificially manipulated into scripts with no criticism directed at the CCP’s highest officials and their lackeys. In particular, it is set to weaken and vilify the Whistleblower Movement and the New Federal State of China.
💥ChatGPT's appearance would have been a big improvement. But when controlled by a devil, like the CCP, it becomes a serious threat to all mankind. It's like the mentally poisonous COVID vaccine that is forced on people.
💥2023/02/15 文貴先生直播:ChatGPT 對美國和台灣的威脅可能比核武器還嚴重!它的出現本來是一大進步,但被中共這樣的魔鬼控制,會對全人類構成嚴重威脅,如同給人強行注射了精神毒疫苗!
#NanpengShen #Microsoft #BillGates #CCPthreat #NFSC #takedownCCP
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🚨🚨 Miles Guo's Three Shocking Revelations On Feb. 16th, 2023 (Eng. Dubbing): 💠Iranian President’s visit to China is to arrange the funeral of #Khamenei, including the transition of Iran’s theocratic power and the specific details for Xi Jinping’s visit to #Iran.
💠The spy balloons will soon float in clusters and groups over #Japan. They will pose a huge threat to all military facilities in Japan.
💠Montana's spy balloon wasn't the first, and won't be the last one.
🚨🚨2023/2/16 文貴先生3大爆料:
#KhameneiDeath #Israel #Spyballoon #ccpthreat #AttackBalloon #takedownCCP

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💥 Nicole @nicole7749 , a member of the New Federal State of China, interviewed by Steve Bannon at #CPAC : "If we want to fight the Asian hate, if we want peace, love and unity, we need to take down the CCP.... The CCP does not represent China, nor the Chinese people. In fact, the CCP wants to conflate the CCP and the Chinese people and China." 🔥 【雙語字幕】Nicole在CPAC現場接受班農先生採訪:如果我們想要避免「仇恨亞洲人」,如果我們想要和平、友愛與團結,我們就需要消滅中共! 中共不代表中國,也不代表中國人民,實際上,中共是想把中共和中國人民、中國混為一談! #NFSC #CCPthreat #CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP @NFSCHimalayaNews