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2022/12/18多语快报 (英语,共4页)
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#AMFEST2022 #CCP #XiJinping #WHO #Tedros #NFSC
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【HU】2022. 12. 14. Miles Guo hangja: Miért törtek ki hirtelen járványok a kommunista Kínában mindenütt? A kiváltó ok az, hogy a karanténközpontok fertőzések forrásai, valamint a (Covid) vakcinák mellékhatásai; Hszi a NAP eltökélt szándéka, hogy minden kínai ember megfertőződjön, majd meghaljon, ezért teljesen feloldotta a zárlati korlátozásokat; de a kínaiak sorba állnak, hogy megvásárolják a Lianhua Qingwen-t, annyira kínos és szánalmas
#Karanténközpontafertőzésforrása #Vakcinamellékhatások #LianhuaQingwen #WHO #Avilágjárványnakvége #NFSC #ÚjKínaiSzövetségiÁllam
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【DE】14.12.2022 Miles Guo's Audio: Warum sind die plötzlichen Ausbrüche überall im kommunistischen China aufgetreten? Die Hauptursache ist, dass die Quarantäne-Zentren Quellen von Infektionen sind, plus Nebenwirkungen der Covid-Impfstoffe; Xi die Sonne ist fest entschlossen zu sehen, dass Chinesen infiziert werden und dann sterben, so hob er die Lockdown Einschränkungen vollständig auf; aber Chinesen stehen Schlange, um Lianhua Qingwen zu kaufen. Es ist so peinlich und erbärmlich.
#QuarantänezentrumistInfektionsquelle #ImpfstoffNebenwirkungen #LianhuaQingwen #WHO #GlobalePandemieistvorbei #NFSC #NewFederalStateofChina
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【IT】14/12/2022 Audio di Miles Guo: Perché gli scoppi improvvisi si sono verificati ovunque nella Cina comunista? La causa principale è che i centri di quarantena e gli effetti collaterali dei vaccini (Covid); Xi Jinping è determinato a vedere tutti i cinesi infettarsi e poi morire, quindi ha revocato completamente improvvisamente le restrizioni di blocco; ma è un peccato e patetico che i cinesi facciano la fila per comprare Lianhua Qingwen
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【NL】14/12/2022 Audio van Miles Guo: Waarom vonden de plotselinge uitbraken overal in het communistische China plaats? De hoofdoorzaak van alles zijn de quarantainecentra die de bronnen zijn van infecties plus bijwerkingen van de (Covid-)vaccins; Xi the Sun is vastbesloten om alle Chinezen besmet te laten raken en vervolgens dood te laten gaan, dus heeft hij de lockdown-beperkingen volledig opgeheven; maar voor de Chinezen die in de rij staan om Lianhua Qingwen te kopen is het zo gênant en zielig
#QuarantineCenterisInfectionSource #VaccineSideEffects #LianhuaQingwen #WHO #GlobalPandemicisOver #NFSC #NewFederalStateofChina
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2022/12/14 궈 선생 음성: 국내 전염병 근본 원인 - 방창 전염원과 백신 반응, 시진핑은 전 국민이 모두 감염되어 죽을 각오로 개방. 중국인이 줄서 연화청온약을 사는 것을 개탄...
#방창전염원 #백신반응 #연화청온 #WHO #글로벌코로나종료 #신중국연방
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2023年3月2日,CPAC 新中國聯邦星火行動第一天,郭先生的美國粉絲有話要傳給他說並和妮蔻戰友一起大聲地喊「 Take Down the CCP 「
#CPAC #nfsc #doj #sec #nih #who #sec
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【FR】« La démocratie est plus que jamais menacée, et cela vient de nos propres institutions », a déploré Andrew Bridgen lors de l’initiative citoyenne contre le traité de l’OMS sur la pandémie.
【CN】英國議員安德魯·布里格登(Andrew Bridgen)在反對世衛組織大流行病條約的公民倡議上稱:」民主正受到前所未有的威脅,而威脅來自我們自己的機構。”
#WHO #OMS #世衛組織
02/02/2024 Global #cancer cases expected to increase 77 percent by 2050 : #WHO report.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines #中共≠中国 #中共≠中国人 #脱钩
04/15/2024 #Justin #Leslie on #EXTRA

Justin: #Christine #Massey, an independent #Canadian researcher, has had no response to to her Freedom of Information Act request for isolated and purified samples of the #SARS-CoV-2 ( #COVID-19) #virus from more than 220 health organizations around the world, including the #Government of Canada and #WHO. If governments around the world, including the CCP government, if they had purified and isolated samples of viruses, not only the COVID-19 virus, they would be happy to provide this evidence that these virus particles are present in patients. But they are unable to do so.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines
05/18/2024 Dr. #McCullough joins "Outside the Beltway" with John #Fredericks to talk about the gain-of-function research behind the avian flu and the threat of food insecurity

John: Is the #bird #flu just a hoax concocted for another upcoming election?

Dr. McCullough: Ahead of #WHO meeting to try to bring in the US and everyone else under this global treaty control. It's poised right ahead of the elections. The state of Michigan just declared a bird flu emergency. What they're doing now is they're doing mass PCR testing of animals to create this artificial crisis and then mass culling of destruction of poultry. They're going to create a food shortage. In reality, bird flu can be treated in humans with modern day treatment and early detection. Bird flu is Disease X, which GAVI says will lead to food insecurity and be a driver of panic during election cycles.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines
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08/29/2024 Dr. Peter McCullough on Real America’s Voice: Yesterday, the WHO released a plan responding to the monkeypox public health emergency, making vaccines the only solution. But vaccines cannot protect people from monkeypox infection, and there is already a very effective treatment called Tecovirimat. So antiviral treatment should be given, not vaccination.
#MonkeypoxMPox #WHO #Vaccine #Treatment #Tecovirimat #PeterMcCullough
08/29/2024 彼得·麥卡洛醫生做客Real America’s Voice:世衛組織昨天公布了應對猴痘公共衛生緊急事件的計劃,該計劃將疫苗作為唯一解決方案。但是疫苗不能保護人們免受猴痘感染,而且目前已經有一種非常有效的治療藥物叫做Tecovirimat。所以應該進行抗病毒治療,而不是接種疫苗。
#猴痘 #世衛組織 #疫苗 #治療藥物 #Tecovirimat #彼得·麥卡洛