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5/17/2023【House Select Committee on the CCP】Congressman Gallagher: The CCP took advantage of our technology and capital to grow strong and began to decouple from us. The CCP has launched economic warfare against us, so it’s time that we defend ourselves in the free world! We should protect our sensitive research and critical technology and reshore our critical supply chains. American business and capital should stop fueling the CCP’s genocide and human rights abuse.
#CCP #decouple #economicwarfare #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang

5/17/2023 【美國眾議院中共問題特設委員會聽證會】麥克·加拉格爾眾議員:中共利用我們的技術和資本壯大了自己,現在開始和我們脫鈎、向我們發起經濟戰,自由世界該開始捍衛自己了!我們應該保護敏感研究和關鍵技術、美國企業和資本應該停止對中共的種族滅絕及侵犯人權行為助紂為虐、並讓關鍵供應鏈回流美國
#中共 #脫鈎 #經濟戰 #消滅中共 #釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平
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7/14/2023 【Hearing of the House Select Committee on the CCP】Shehzad Qazi, COO of China Beige Book International: What is even more harmful than simply reproducing the PRC economic propaganda is that US investment banks conduct self-censorship to please the CCP and gain benefits so that the banks are prevented from publishing any viewpoints that are deemed to be critical of the Chinese economy, the CCP, or the CCP's economic policy.
#CCP #decouple #economicwarfare #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/14/2023 【美國眾議院中共問題特設委員會聽證會】中國經濟褐皮書國際首席運營官謝赫扎德·卡齊:比單純複製中共對其經濟的宣傳更有害的是,美國投行為了取悅中共以獲得利益而進行的自我審查,這進而阻止了這些銀行發表任何被視為批評中共國經濟、中共或中共經濟政策的觀點。
#中共 #脫鈎 #經濟戰 #消滅中共 #釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #郭文貴先生有證據
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7/13/2023 【Hearing of the House Select Committee on the CCP】Piper Lounsbury, Chief Research and Development Officer at Strategy Risks, says that it is extremely risky for Americans to invest their pension funds in state-owned enterprises of Communist China! Because the CCP has the ability to shut down the market and take away Americans' money whenever they want. Unfortunately, most Americans are unaware of where their pension funds are invested.
#CCP #decouple #economicwarfare #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/13/2023 【美國眾議院中共問題特設委員會聽證會】戰略風險公司首席研發官派珀·朗斯伯里表示,美國人把養老基金投給了中共國的國有企業非常危險! 因為中共可以隨心所欲地關閉市場,拿走美國人的錢。可悲的是,大多數美國人並不知道他們的養老基金被投資在哪裡。
#中共 #脫鈎 #經濟戰 #消滅中共 #釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #郭文貴先生有證據