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The vaccine disaster is terrifying. Many countries have dropped the vaccine mandates. The evil CCP’s malicious manipulation is still influencing the world! How dangerous it would be without the New Federal State of China, without our Whistleblower Movement!

疫苗灾难 很吓人。许多国家已经取消了强制疫苗。中共 的 九层妖塔 还在继续影响着世界。这个世界如果没有 新中国联邦,没有 爆料革命 是多么的危险。

#vaccinetruth #vaccinekills #vaccinemandate #ccpliedpeopledied #covidorigin #unrestrictedwarfare #bioweapon #boughtout
#theRuleOfLawFoundtion #theNewFederalStateOfChina
#milesguo #milesgettr #milesgrandlive

#法治基金 #新中国联邦
Spreading the truth about covid-19 vaccines is the greatest contribution of the whistleblower movement.
#郭文贵爆料 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 #疫苗真相
#milesguo #whistleblowmovement #NFSC #vaccinetruth
Forwarded from 📡 HimalayaNews
Media is too big
Former Pfizer employee reveals: Covid-19 vaccine is a biological weapon. They signed a confidentiality agreement with the government not to disclose the vaccine ingredients. Dissident scholars' independent research, uncovered scientific papers, will not and dare not be reported publicly by the mainstream media. People who get the truth are only a minority.

#輝瑞 原職員揭露:新冠疫苗是生物武器。他們與政府簽署了保密協議,不公開疫苗成分。異議學者的自主研究、揭秘的科學論文,主流媒體不會也不敢公開報道。獲得真相的人們僅僅只是少數。

#VaccineTruth #BiologicalWeapons #ArtemisininbasedVaccine #Artesunate #Ivermectin