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A legend within a legend! Himalaya Reserve and H-Coin bring hope to many people in dark moments nationalization
传奇中的传奇 喜联储 喜币至暗时刻带给很多人希望
#MilesGuo#NewFederalStateofChina #WhistleblowerMovement #CCPgameOver #Himalaya Reserve #H-Coin #Deficit #legend
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #共产党你完了 #传奇 #喜联储 #宣布 #希望 #至暗时刻
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11-3 People are together with Miles Guo who brings huge cyber traffic to Twitter
To combat our Whistleblowers' Movement, CCP added Sequoia Capital to twitter
民心向郭 给推特带来巨大流量 为打击爆料革命 红衫资本进入
#MilesGuo #NewFederalStateofChina #WhistleblowerMovement #CCPgameOver #SequoiaCapital #Twitter
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #中共不灭灾难不止 #共产党你完了 #红衫资本 #推特

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💥美国司法史上最大丑闻💥Luc Despins, Chief Extortion Office (CEO) at Paul Hastings threatened to have US DOJ, court system, IRS, and SEC destroy all Chinese Dissidents😱😱
#paulhastings #lucadespins #chinesewhistleblowermovement #newfederalstateofchina

Protest against the #CCP interference in the United States Justice System. #The New Federal State of China supporters voluntarily carried out a #90 days of peaceful protest against the CCP agents and organizations

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【DE】14.12.2022 Miles Guo's Audio: Warum sind die plötzlichen Ausbrüche überall im kommunistischen China aufgetreten? Die Hauptursache ist, dass die Quarantäne-Zentren Quellen von Infektionen sind, plus Nebenwirkungen der Covid-Impfstoffe; Xi die Sonne ist fest entschlossen zu sehen, dass Chinesen infiziert werden und dann sterben, so hob er die Lockdown Einschränkungen vollständig auf; aber Chinesen stehen Schlange, um Lianhua Qingwen zu kaufen. Es ist so peinlich und erbärmlich.
#QuarantänezentrumistInfektionsquelle #ImpfstoffNebenwirkungen #LianhuaQingwen #WHO #GlobalePandemieistvorbei #NFSC #NewFederalStateofChina
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【IT】14/12/2022 Audio di Miles Guo: Perché gli scoppi improvvisi si sono verificati ovunque nella Cina comunista? La causa principale è che i centri di quarantena e gli effetti collaterali dei vaccini (Covid); Xi Jinping è determinato a vedere tutti i cinesi infettarsi e poi morire, quindi ha revocato completamente improvvisamente le restrizioni di blocco; ma è un peccato e patetico che i cinesi facciano la fila per comprare Lianhua Qingwen
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【NL】14/12/2022 Audio van Miles Guo: Waarom vonden de plotselinge uitbraken overal in het communistische China plaats? De hoofdoorzaak van alles zijn de quarantainecentra die de bronnen zijn van infecties plus bijwerkingen van de (Covid-)vaccins; Xi the Sun is vastbesloten om alle Chinezen besmet te laten raken en vervolgens dood te laten gaan, dus heeft hij de lockdown-beperkingen volledig opgeheven; maar voor de Chinezen die in de rij staan om Lianhua Qingwen te kopen is het zo gênant en zielig
#QuarantineCenterisInfectionSource #VaccineSideEffects #LianhuaQingwen #WHO #GlobalPandemicisOver #NFSC #NewFederalStateofChina
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Check out @newsmax’s latest episode of Wise Guys With John Tabacco where you’ll hear some New Yorkers’ thoughts on taking down the CCP in America!

#nfsc #newfederalstateofchina #newsmax #chinaselectcommittee
Forwarded from 📡 HimalayaNews
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一年前,俄羅斯攻擊烏克蘭後 #新中國聯邦 志願參與了國際烏克蘭難民的救援活動。在 #法治社會法治基金 的支持下,聯盟各農場自發組織了救援隊前往波蘭Medyka,成功營救了包括96名兒童和老師在內的烏克蘭人民。救援基地接待了兩萬多名難民和義工。芳香的 #新中國聯邦咖啡 和溫暖舒適的大帳篷,在殘酷的戰爭和寒冷的天氣里,給予難民們的些許的溫暖和慰籍🥰
A year ago, #newfederalstateofchina volunteered to participate in the international Ukrainian refugee rescue program. With the support of #ruleoflawfoundation #rule of law society. the #NFSCalliance spontaneously organized a rescue team to #Medyka Poland, and successfully rescued refugees including 96 children and teachers.
Over two months, the NFSC Rescue Base received around 20,000 refugees and volunteers. The fragrant #NFSCcoffee, the warm and comfortable tent delivered a little warmth and comfort.
Pray for people all over the world who yearn for peace, democracy and freedom 🙏
#新中國聯邦咖啡 #烏克蘭 #新中國聯邦烏克蘭救援 #NFSC #俄羅斯侵入烏克蘭
Is The DOJ Destroying Presumption of Innocence Through Miles Guo's Case?

A Gateway Pundit article on May 18 revealed that the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), as government agencies, have committed improper law enforcement and have abused their powers. It called on the House of Representatives to conduct an in-depth investigation into them, especially in their treatment of Miles Guo and the anti-Chinese Communist Party whistle blowers.

#新中国联邦 #nfscnews #ccp #whistleblowermovement #newfederalstateofchina #nfsc #gnews #China #Chinese #CHINESE≠CCP≠China #takedowntheccp #freemilesguo
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#MilesInsights reveals that 200+ media outlets will be livestreaming or attending the highly anticipated #MilesGuo trial on May 20th.
It will be the biggest revelation of the truth about the #NewFederalStateOfChina, an organization that truly wants to take down the evil CCP.

超過200家媒體會實時轉播或現場關注 #郭文貴 先生5月20日的庭審。
這是對 #新中國聯邦 巨大的免費廣告(宣傳),將展示我們是真正的滅共組織。
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Artemisinin is a miraculous medicine!

Artemisinin is the best solution for repairing genetic defects, and its most significant function is precisely that—restoring genetic integrity!

Beyond its ability to repair genetic defects, artemisinin is nearly 100% effective in destroying #cancer cells within the body.

Artemisinin has proven to be remarkably effective in treating strokes , diabetes , cancer , and gynecological diseases!

2021.12.29.MilesLive.( Artemisinin and ivermectin are life-saving)

#Artemisinin #GeneticDefects #Stroke #Diabetes #Cancer #GynecologicalDiseases #VaccineDisaster #TruthAboutVaccines #VaccineCure #WhistleblowerMovement #NewFederalStateOfChina #MilesGuo #QuantumFarm
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" #Monkeypox is nothing more than a diversion and deception — a political manipulation designed to shift attention away from the origins of the #virus.

The true objective behind the global hype over #monkeypox, driven by the Chinese Communist Party and dark forces worldwide, is to continue pushing #vaccines on the population.

However, the real cure for #monkeypox , #vaccines , and the #coronavirus lies in #artemisinin and #ivermectin ."

2022.05.29.MilesLive.( "Mandatory COVID Vaccine: Bioweapon Warfare" )
#Monkeypox #VaccineDisaster #VirusOrigins #Coronavirus #Artemisinin #Ivermectin #WhistleblowerMovement #NewFederalStateofChina #MilesGuo #QuantumFarm