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#NFSC #AMFEST2022 中共不代表中国人,the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) ≠ Chinese people
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【HU】2022. 12. 14. Miles Guo hangja: Miért törtek ki hirtelen járványok a kommunista Kínában mindenütt? A kiváltó ok az, hogy a karanténközpontok fertőzések forrásai, valamint a (Covid) vakcinák mellékhatásai; Hszi a NAP eltökélt szándéka, hogy minden kínai ember megfertőződjön, majd meghaljon, ezért teljesen feloldotta a zárlati korlátozásokat; de a kínaiak sorba állnak, hogy megvásárolják a Lianhua Qingwen-t, annyira kínos és szánalmas
#Karanténközpontafertőzésforrása #Vakcinamellékhatások #LianhuaQingwen #WHO #Avilágjárványnakvége #NFSC #ÚjKínaiSzövetségiÁllam
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【DE】14.12.2022 Miles Guo's Audio: Warum sind die plötzlichen Ausbrüche überall im kommunistischen China aufgetreten? Die Hauptursache ist, dass die Quarantäne-Zentren Quellen von Infektionen sind, plus Nebenwirkungen der Covid-Impfstoffe; Xi die Sonne ist fest entschlossen zu sehen, dass Chinesen infiziert werden und dann sterben, so hob er die Lockdown Einschränkungen vollständig auf; aber Chinesen stehen Schlange, um Lianhua Qingwen zu kaufen. Es ist so peinlich und erbärmlich.
#QuarantänezentrumistInfektionsquelle #ImpfstoffNebenwirkungen #LianhuaQingwen #WHO #GlobalePandemieistvorbei #NFSC #NewFederalStateofChina
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【IT】14/12/2022 Audio di Miles Guo: Perché gli scoppi improvvisi si sono verificati ovunque nella Cina comunista? La causa principale è che i centri di quarantena e gli effetti collaterali dei vaccini (Covid); Xi Jinping è determinato a vedere tutti i cinesi infettarsi e poi morire, quindi ha revocato completamente improvvisamente le restrizioni di blocco; ma è un peccato e patetico che i cinesi facciano la fila per comprare Lianhua Qingwen
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【NL】14/12/2022 Audio van Miles Guo: Waarom vonden de plotselinge uitbraken overal in het communistische China plaats? De hoofdoorzaak van alles zijn de quarantainecentra die de bronnen zijn van infecties plus bijwerkingen van de (Covid-)vaccins; Xi the Sun is vastbesloten om alle Chinezen besmet te laten raken en vervolgens dood te laten gaan, dus heeft hij de lockdown-beperkingen volledig opgeheven; maar voor de Chinezen die in de rij staan om Lianhua Qingwen te kopen is het zo gênant en zielig
#QuarantineCenterisInfectionSource #VaccineSideEffects #LianhuaQingwen #WHO #GlobalPandemicisOver #NFSC #NewFederalStateofChina
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Male university students have walked out of their exam in protest against Taliban’s decision to BAN female students from university education.

Several male professors have also resigned so far.

This must happen across the country NOW!

Forwarded from 📡 HimalayaNews
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12/15/2022 Dr. Naomi Wolf: In the CDC's own VAERs database, there were so many hypertensive adverse events from Pfizer and Modena COVID vaccinations that it was unable to produce the results when searched unless a separate report was done.
12/15/2022 娜奧米·沃爾夫博士:在疾控中心自己的疫苗不良反應報告系統系統中,因接種輝瑞和莫德納新冠疫苗產生的高血壓不良事件太多,以致於除非單獨做一份報告,否則無法搜出結果。

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On December 21, in front of the apartment of Shan Weijian's lawyer Stuart Sarnoff, the 32nd day of peaceful protest at Rock Farm in New York, the cold weather could not stop us, and the CCP arranged pseudo-classes to threaten sabotage and scare us, because we are brave and righteous people of the new Chinese Federation! Our spontaneous peaceful protest will last for 90 days, and it will definitely make Shan Weijian and Luc, these CCP accomplices, pay the price they deserve!
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On December 20, 2022, while the NFSC representatives at americafest2022 were exposing the viciousness of CCP judicial infiltration
Nick, a member of the self-organized protest group protesting the scandal at the U.S. DOJ,
was suddenly struck and injured by a driver hired by the CCP's lackey, #StuartSarnoff of O'Melveny & Myers LLP
This is a very serious criminal offense of #deliberate murder and #intentional harm to a fellow fighter of NFSC on US soil.
This will be proven in court!
#paulhastings #lucdespins The scum of the U.S. law firm, the lackeys of the Chinese Communist Party, must be held accountable for their actions!
American justice will root out these scum!
2022年12月20日,在新中国联邦代表在 americafest2022 上揭露中共司法渗透的恶行的同时,
突然被中共黑手,#美迈斯 律师事务所 #StuartSarnoff 雇佣的司机开车撞伤!
这是光天化日之下,发生在美国本土的,#蓄意谋杀#故意伤害 新中国联邦战友的一起情节及其严重的刑事犯罪。
#americafest2022 #paulhastings #LucDespins #intentional #StuartSarnoff #CCP #O’Melveny #PAX #pag太平联盟
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December 21, 2022 Roppongi 🔥 Tokyo protest against Paul Hastings Law Firm continues 🔥 All this insistence is not only to expose the collusion between the CCP and General Heng, but also to let the people of the world who safeguard freedom and the rule of law know that the Communist Party is the root of all evils 🔥
What Germany and China are playing?

Precious report said Germany imported vaccines made in China but only for Chinese citizen use who live in Germany.

Now Germany exports vaccines to China while Chinese people have been mostly vaccinated but still getting sick and tested positive.

First foreign COVID vaccines head to China from Germany,

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14/12/2022 Audio de Miles Guo: La causa principal de los brotes repentinos en China: los centros de cuarentena son fuentes de infecciones y los efectos secundarios de las vacunas (Covid); Xi "el Sol" está decidido a ver a todos los chinos morir juntos, dejarlos ir por completo; pero los chinos todavía están haciendo cola para comprar Lianhua Qingwen, lo cual es tan vergonzoso y patético
#CentroCuarentena #FuentedeInfección #EfectosSecundarios #Vacunas #LianhuaQingwen #OMS #PandemiaMundial #NEFC #NuevoEstadoFederalChina
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12/14/2022 Áudio de Miles Gu: Porque ocorreram os súbitos surtos por toda a parte na China comunista? A causa principal é que os centros de quarentena são fontes de infecções mais efeitos secundários das vacinas (Covid); Xi o Sol está determinado a ver todos os chineses serem infectados e depois morrerem, pelo que levantou completamente as restrições de quarentena; mas os chineses estão a fazer fila para comprar Lianhua Qingwen é tão embaraçoso e patético.
#Centrodequarentenaéfontedeinfecção #Efeitoscolateraisdavacina #LianhuaQingwen #OMS #Pandemiaglobalacabou #NFSC #NovoEstadoFederaldaChina
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12/10/2022 Fay Fay Show: "Embora eu queira ficar quieto, o PCCh está ocupado a fazer movimentos". O Sr. Guo enviou ao Fay Fay Show duas fotografias e disse que o pântano dentro do PCCh acabou de deixar o local relacionado com as duas fotografias há uma hora. Que tipo de evento importante aconteceu? Como irá ter impacto e mudar o mundo?
#O PCCh #Swamp #derrubaroPCCh
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10/12/2022 Fay Fay Show: "Aunque quiero permanecer callado, el PCCh está ocupado haciendo movimientos". El Sr. Guo envió a Fay Fay Show dos fotos y dijo que los del Pantano que está dentro del PCCh acaba de abandonar el lugar relacionado con las dos fotos hace una hora. ¿Qué tipo de acontecimiento importante ha ocurrido? ¿Qué impactos traerá a la situación y los cambios en el mundo entero?
#PCCh #LosdelPantano #DestruiralPCCh
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2022/12/14 궈 선생 음성: 국내 전염병 근본 원인 - 방창 전염원과 백신 반응, 시진핑은 전 국민이 모두 감염되어 죽을 각오로 개방. 중국인이 줄서 연화청온약을 사는 것을 개탄...
#방창전염원 #백신반응 #연화청온 #WHO #글로벌코로나종료 #신중국연방