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Sen. Dan Sullivan:The Chinese Communist Party has no problem lying to the world.
Given ENERGYs determination that #COVID19 likely came from the Wuhan lab, we need full public hearings to dig into the origins of this⋯
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Rand Paul: Bill Gates is Largest funder of trying to find these Viruses in Remote Caves and Bring them to Big Cities (VIDEO)


#BillGates #CCPvirus #Covid19
07/21/2023 #Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. on The #Vigilant #Fox
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: There are now 100 studies that show that #Ivermectin had profound benefits. Generally speaking, a 70% to 85% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths. It was really a miracle drug. Places using #hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin ended the #COVID pandemic overnight, while places using the American protocol have the same death rate as the US.
#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china​​ #novaccines #covid19
America will Continue to Lead the World in the Future.
- After a few years of the COVID-19 vaccine catastrophe and the elimination of the CCP, two major forces will be born in the world.
#American #CCP #COVID19 #vaccine #NFSC #milesguo #Internationalnews #hotnews
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剛剛結束的美國國會七個小時閉門聽證會上,中共 #武毒所 所長姘頭 #福奇 回避了關於新冠病毒的100多個問題。但它承認它批准了危險的武漢冠狀病毒研究提案。
證實了福奇從一開始就清楚病毒來源與真相。這也再次證實了病毒來自中共實驗室,是中共造的新冠病毒已經是鐵一般的事實‼️ #COVID19 #中共病毒🦠
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01/12/2024 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and special guests Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Kirk Milhoan for a Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines. Part 1
Opening remarks by Marjorie Taylor Green: the reason Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene is holding another hearing on COVID-19 vaccines is because COVID-19 selected committee refuses to do anything about what Americans actually care about. They help big pharma, and end up enriching themselves, but force Americans to pay for it.

#covid19 #hearing
For the past six months Arne Burckhardt has been studying human organs.
He has found clear evidence of autoimmunity, self-attack on the tissues by killer lymphocytes in 90 per cent of cases.
#COVID19 #COVID19vaccine #ArneBurckhardt #humanorgans #killerlymphocytes #internationalnews #hotnews
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今天,新冠大流行委員會 發佈了一份工作人員級別的報告,建議正式取消生態健康聯盟主席 Peter Daszak 博士的資格,並對其在 #COVID19 大流行之前和期間的行為進行刑事調查。

該報告還揭露了 #NIH 嚴重的系統性缺陷,正是這些缺陷使得生態健康公司能夠資助在中國武漢進行危險的功能增益研究。
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🚨The Select Subcommittee on COVID-19 released a report on EcoHealth Alliance and the evidence surrounding its highly risky research activities.
1) In 2014, the NIAID awarded EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. a grant titled "Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence," and EcoHealth Alliance outsourced the lab work to the #WuhanInstituteofVirology in China.
2) EcoHealth used taxpayer dollars to facilitate risky #gainoffunction research.
3) In a private communication to Dr. Morens, Dr. Daszak, president of EcoHealth, wrote that he still had 15,000 samples "in freezers in Wuhan" and had not yet analyzed more than 700 coronaviruses that he had identified in these samples.

國會 #新冠特別小組委員 會發布了一份關於 #生態健康聯盟 (EchoHealth Alliance, Inc)及其研究活動相關證據的報告。
(1)2014年,美國國家過敏與傳染病研究所(NIAID)向生態健康聯盟公司撥款,資助名為“了解蝙蝠冠狀病毒出現的風險”的項目。這項研究的實際工作,由生態健康聯盟外包給中國 #武漢病毒研究所
(2)生態健康聯盟公司使用納稅人的錢來進行有風險的 #功能增強研究 ,特別是在武漢病毒研究所。
(3)生態健康聯盟主席達扎克(Peter Daszak)博士在私人通信中告訴莫倫斯博士,他還有15000份樣本“在武漢的冰櫃裡”,他還沒有分析在這些樣本中發現的700多種冠狀病毒。

#消滅中共 #TakeDownTheCCP #Covid19
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Media is too big
郭先生說的「新3F方案」,就是Follow the money、Follow the PP and Follow NFSC,是追查賣美賊的錦囊妙計,也是追查中共病毒的有效手段。
#COVID19 #新冠病毒 #新冠疫苗 #病毒溯源 #疫苗災難 #蘭德保羅參議員#武漢病毒研究所 #王延軼 #福奇 #郭文貴先生 #gnews #深見
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美國病毒溯源工作正在加緊🚨 🚨

美國國會 #新冠病毒小組委員會 宣佈發出傳票,要求 #福奇 博士的高級顧問David Morens博士於 2024 年 5 月 22 日出席公開聽證會。👏👏👏

新證據表明,#Morens 博士故意拖延我們對 COVID-19 起源的調查,以保護福奇博士.💪💪💪

#病毒真相 #病毒溯源 #Covid19
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Publicizing the vaccination will cause global social unrest and economic collapse.

"The future politicization of vaccines could trigger widespread social unrest and economic collapse.

In any country where 30-50% of the population has been #vaccinated, due to the interconnections within society,

ONCE a vaccine disaster strikes, 100% of the population will turn against those responsible for pushing the vaccines."

—— 2021.08.25.MilesLive.( "Vaccine Politics: Chaos and Collapse" )

#VaccineDisaster #13579plan #Viruses #COVID19 #vaccine #jabs #chemicalweapon #biologicalweapons #Monkeypox #VirusOrigins #Coronavirus #Artemisinin #Ivermectin #Pfizer #Moderna