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2024年1月14日 多语快报,NFSC新闻简报 (英语,共4页)
January 14, 2024 Multilingual Express, NFSC Press Briefing
#XiJinping #MilesGuo #CCP #NFSC #Taiwan #election #TakeDownTheCCP #TakeDownTheXiCP #CovidCCPvirus
2024年1月17日 多语快报,NFSC新闻简报 (英语,共4页)
January 17, 2024 Multilingual Express, NFSC Press Briefing
#XiJinping #MilesGuo #CCP #NFSC #Taiwan #election #TakeDownTheCCP #TakeDownTheXiCP #CovidCCPvirus
2024年1月21日 多语快报,NFSC新闻简报 (英语,共4页)
January 21, 2024 Multilingual Express, NFSC Press Briefing
#XiJinping #MilesGuo #CCP #NFSC #Taiwan #election #TakeDownTheCCP #TakeDownTheXiCP #CovidCCPvirus
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2/9/2024 Taiwan's SET News: Xi Jinping, in his New Year's message, boasted about the CCP's economy being "beyond compare," triggering widespread public mockery and satire
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #Xijinping

2/9/2024 台灣三立新聞:習近平在新年賀詞中自吹自擂中共國經濟「風景獨好」,引來輿論廣泛嘲諷
#中共 #消滅中共 #習近平
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3/11/2024 [Taiwan's SET News] Xi Jinping’s dictatorship was once again confirmed at the Two Sessions, during which more words were censored by the CCP authorities.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #twosessions #xijinping #dictator

#中共 #消滅中共 #兩會 #習近平 #獨裁
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CCP uses 💸money to lure people like Elliot Broidy who has great political connections. When Broidy was finance chairman of RNC, CCP-backed Pras Michel and Jho Low reached out to him to resolve 1MDB case in Trump administration and extradite Miles Guo, CCP NO.1 enemy.

Broidy requested extra $1 million “clean money” for his visit to Jho Low in Bangkok.

Broidy requested extra $1 million “clean money” besides $75m contract fee, for his visit to Jho Low in Bangkok.

#China #XiJinping
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High-ranking CCP leader: "We can control Ma Ying-jeou! He listens to us 100%!"

Miles Guo's Live Broadcast: August 07, 2017

#MilesGuo #MaYingjeou #CCP
#XiJinping #TakeDownTheCCP
02/19/2023 [ #Miles Guo ]

Miles Guo: Iranian President #Raisi proposed to #XiJinping that 1) he intended to attack Israel. He wanted balloons and assembly line technology for military drone production, and 2) asked Xi to attend a visit to Iran, to endorse him as the successor to Khamenei and take control of the $700 billion dollar fortune and (with the CCP) the oil business. Xi agreed to all of them, but with conditions, one of which was that Iran must lease its military bases and ports near the Strait of Hormuz, especially those on the islands between it and the UAE, to the CCP unconditionally for 100 years! The PLA are stationed in the south of Iran, in the Persian Gulf (Strait of Hormuz) at the port of Alia (Abbas).

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina
04/14/2024 [Mr. Miles Guo(February 16, 2022)]

#Iran launched a barrage of explosive drones and missiles against #Israel in the early hours of April 14, 2024.

Mr. #Miles #Guo revealed(February 16, 2022) that Iran would definitely attack Israel, and one of the weapons would be the balloons they got from #XiJinping! Why would the President of Iran visit China? To discuss with the #CCP how to announce Khamenei's death. So Xi will go to Iran to attend his funeral, and then he will recognize the new Iranian representative of the theocracy, and then the two countries will form a strategic friendship, and they will bring thousands of balloons, and they will definitely attack Israel. #XiJinping agreed to this three months ago, right after we revealed that #Khamenei was dead.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines
04/17/2024 [Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare]

MR. #Burlison: The #CCP has overseen an extralegal operation for repatriation called "Operation #Fox #Hunt". They use "Operation Fox Hunt" to harass and stalk Chinese American and the Chinese diaspora.

Mr. #Mattis: I would consider it a violation of U.S. sovereignty by a foreign power. They're conducting operations on our soil that are affacting American citizens. They are deliberately avoiding any judicial channels for dealing with a law enforcement matter. It is under the guise of anti-corruption. some of it may be a corrupt official. But as we've see from #XiJinping's campaign internally, some of the people that are targeted are very clearly targeted for their political reasons.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines
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Jinping Xi arrived in France on May 5 by a special plane! It’s verified what NFSC proclaimed in Long Island Views Brother 7 on April 27th.

#NFSC #寶島視訊
#Paris #XiJinping
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5/7/2024 While visiting Serbia, Xi Jinping once again brought up the incident of the US bombing of the Chinese Embassy. However, Mr. Miles Guo had already revealed the truth behind the bombing more than two years ago. The Chinese Embassy was actually a third-party monitoring point during the NATO-Yugoslavia conflict and the CCP even helped Yugoslavia shoot down the American bomber.The bombing of the Chinese Embassy was actually a consequence of the CCP's own actions.
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #XiJinping #ChinaEurope2024 #Serbia

5/00/2024 習出訪塞爾維亞再提美國炸中共使館一事,而郭文貴先生兩年多前就已揭開背後真相:中共使館在當時北約和南斯拉夫衝突中實為第三方監控點,中共還幫南斯拉夫打下了美國的轟炸機,使館被炸實為中共自作自受。
#新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 #中共 #習近平 #塞爾維亞 #南聯盟大使館
05/11/2024 [ #NFSC TV]

Mr. Guo(10/19/2022): Mr. #Miles #Guo is the No.1 enemy of the #CCP! The top CCP officials have been digging dirt on Mr. Miles Guo for many years but couldn’t find any wrongdoing. Mr. Guo is the only successful businessman in China who has never colluded with the CCP! After five years of investigation by #WangQishan, #LiuZhihua, #MengJianzhu, #FuZhenhua, #SunLijun and #XiJinping, no economic crimes were found, and Mr. Guo is the cleanest Chinese.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines
06/25/2024 Mr. Miles Guo Live Stream Recap

Mr. Guo(08/01/2021): #XiJinping has completely launched an economic campaign called Economic Attack on Wall Street. The delisting of Chinese concept stocks will definitely hurt not only Chinese entrepreneurs, but also the U.S. economy and the entire world economy. The Didi incident, Tencent incident, Evergrande incident, Shengjing Bank, Bank of Beijing, China Merchants Bank, etc. Trust assets including Ping An, Lu Zhiqiang(Minsheng), and Zhang Hongwei.This is definitely an irrecoverable attack to the world financial economy. Just between July 17th and 27th, the CCP’s second devastating Pearl Island-like attack on the entire Wall Street financial sector in the West took place. It will confiscate all Chinese concept stocks, companies investing in China, and American companies in accordance with the law. This will be 9/11-like attack to the U.S. financial market.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines
2024年6月30日 多语快报,NFSC新闻简报 (英语,共4页)
June 30, 2024 Multilingual Express, NFSC Press Briefing
#takedowntheCCPviatheCCPitself #CCP #NFSC #MilesGuo #CCPdoesnotrepresentchinese #takedowntheCCP #CovidCCPvirus #culturalrevolution #USelection #XiJinping
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#China 出了問題, #XiJinping 即將把他的危機變成我們的危機。準備。
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2023年3月12日,郭文貴先生在直播中說到,習近平一定會 #突然死亡,50%-60%的概率會死於他有病的 #頸椎, 40%的概率是被黨內人推翻——這個人可能是韓正,也可能是沒被抓以前的王岐山,或者是軍隊的人……總之,他活不過2025年】

On March 12, 2023, Mr. Miles Guo said in a live broadcast, #XiJinping will definitely die suddenly. There is a 50%-60% chance of dying from his #cervicalspine problems, and a 40% chance of being overthrown by someone in the CCP - this person may be Han Zheng, or Wang Qishan before arrested, or someone from military ... Anyway, Xi won’t survive 2025.