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本台討論主題 : 中外時政 , 神秘學 外星人 / 陰謀論 , 文化藝術考古歷史哲學自然科學大包圍 。

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Media is too big
Twitter suspends Clandestine's account after their thread on Putin targeting cabal territories in Ukraine, including [Their] US / NIH Biolabs in Ukraine

Turns out Twitter deleted it cuz it goes against the Fake News' narrative they're trying to paint onto American citizens that Orange Man Fren Bad

We all know by now, #Ukraine is the central hub of corruption for the Clinton / O'Biden administration!

How odd is it that after decades of hearing Mockingbird Media / Hollywood's propaganda about #Russia, we're cheering them on to obliterate every damn cabal installations in Ukraine?🤷🏻‍♂️

This is the craziest damn time-line ever!

"US / NIH Biolabs in Ukraine
vs Russian strike points in Ukraine :

" #Putin says he wants to demilitarize & denazif the country but not occupy it. What is he really targeting?

If Putin really believes, as his admin has stated publicly multiple times, that the US is creating bio weapons at Russia’s borders, then this entire situation could be WAY...

#Ukraine 戰況的 #真實內幕 #美國生物實驗室 #DS


包括 #美國興建#生物實驗室


2)首先我檢查了美國是否在烏克蘭有生物實驗室。在經典的 #美國官方文件 中它被稱為“防禦”。



3)他們有充分的理由相信,隨著美國 NIH 資助武漢的功能增益,C19 “退出”並毀了世界。
烏克蘭🇺🇦的美國🇺🇸生物實驗室 意味著 更多病毒(生物武器)可以釋放。


基輔也在烏克蘭的西部。也是#美國政府確認 美國在.twitter.com/st_ioannidis/s 建立#生物實驗室的城市……


6)俄羅斯的多次公開表示 美國正在俄羅斯邊境製造生物武器,

7)在過去的 4 個月裡,俄羅斯和中國指責美國在其邊境製造生物武器,被 #DS 操縱及豬媒把它寫成“虛假信息”和除了稱其為陰謀論外,沒有對其進行報導

8)你必須了解美國 NIH 確實在武漢創造了 C19 的現實。這在很大程度上被接受為現實,並在柯林斯、福奇和世界頂級科學家之間的國會監督發布的電子郵件中得到證實

這帖子在美國東部標準時間凌晨 3 點到 8 點之間的 5 小時內完成了 1,000,000 次展示。

傳播這個詞!使用標籤! #USBiolabs


#走資 #美金 #腐敗 #Ukraine

The wife of former Ukrainian MP Ihor Kotvitskyi declared 28 million dollars and 1.3 million euros when entering Hungary. Kotvitskyi has faced allegations of corruption in the past.

#烏克蘭 前議員伊霍爾·科特維茨基的妻子入境匈牙利時申報了2800萬美元和130萬歐元。 Kotvitskyi 過去曾面臨腐敗指控。

Forwarded from SpecialQForces
Part 2 of 2
▫️One of the US customers' priorities is the anthrax pathogen, which is highly susceptible and persistent in the environment.

▫️The slide shows documents from the UP-2 project, one of the tasks of which was to identify dead animal burial sites, taking soil samples from anthrax animal burial sites. The interest of US military biologists in studying insect vectors in animal burial sites is also not accidental. Apparently, they analysed the results of an outbreak of anthrax disease in Yamal in 2016, during which cases of vector-borne transmission through flies and gadflies were recorded.

▫️Given that the situation with anthrax in Ukraine remains positive, it raises the question of the need for the Pentagon's research and its true purpose.

▫️We know of examples where the US military departments work with anthrax has ended in biosecurity emergencies.

▫️Between 2005 and 2015, viable anthrax spores were sent from the US Army's Dugway proving ground to 194 recipients in ten countries.
The current situation with the shipment of pathogenic biomaterials from Ukraine to European countries could result in loss of life and create a hotbed of epidemiological instability on a scale comparable to the COVID-19 pandemic.

▫️We continue to share information on research involving Ukrainian military personnel. We would like to point out that such work is prohibited within the US and is carried out by the military department outside the US.

▫️Earlier mention was made of the UP-8 research, which involved more than 4,000 people. According to figures published in the Bulgarian media, some 20 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in experiments in the Kharkov laboratory alone and another 200 were hospitalised.

▫️The documents received confirm the attempt to test previously untested medicines on them. This is the Deep Drug screening system for unlicensed pharmaceuticals in the United States and Canada.

▫️What makes the US sponsors particularly cynical is that the developer, Scymount, offered to purchase the system in question on a commercial basis, despite the fact that Ukrainian Ministry of Defence officials were engaged as volunteers.

▫️Such unacceptable approaches, with the tacit approval of the US administration, are the norm for big pharma companies. For example, the US Naval Medical Centre in Jakarta was shut down by Indonesian authorities in 2010 because of numerous irregularities.

▫️The Americans conducted work at the site outside the agreed research programme, collected biological samples and refused to inform the Indonesian government of their findings. The materials they obtained were used on behalf of the Pentagon-affiliated pharmaceutical company Gilead, which conducts trials of its drugs, including in Ukraine and Georgia.

▫️We would like to draw attention that the number of biological laboratories in the USA is not comparable with other countries. According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, they control 336 laboratories in 30 states outside national jurisdiction.

▫️We believe that in the context of the incoming information, clarification should be sought from Washington regarding the true objectives of the US biolaboratories as part of the international investigation.



📑 Documents

🎇 Briefing slides


#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP #BioWeapon

🇷🇺 WWG1WGA 🇷🇺
