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#Israel #Children #CrimesAgaistHumanity

When the entire Arab world sees their news broadcasts filled with these stories on a daily basis, and the entire Western world media intentionally fails to report on children literally kidnapped in broad daylight in front of their family and friends by armed squads of soldiers, the Western Citizenry is robbed of vast amounts of context behind the outrage throughout the region.

Israel is a leading organ harvesting country. There is very real fear from families for obvious reason.

These are but 2 of THOUSANDS of such videos.

Silence Implies Consent.

SOURCES here and here.

The media is the virus.

Now imagine U.N. vehicles entering in your neighborhood and doing this.

This is not a game.


#巴勒斯坦國 尋求 #聯合國 承認】

在2022年9月於 #紐約 將舉行的 #聯合國大會 (UNGA)前夕,巴勒斯坦領導人正努力遊說各國領導,包括 #美國 總統 #JoeBiden、法國總統
#EmmanuelMacron#約旦 國王 #AbdullahII#聯合國安理會 成員,要求巴勒斯坦國成為正式成員。

據巴勒斯坦駐紐約聯合國代表Riyad Mansour稱,巴勒斯坦領導人Mahmoud Abbas正與聯合國接觸,要求「巴勒斯坦國」成為其正式成員,維持與以色列的「兩國方案」。

根據《 #聯合國憲章 》,聯合國承認一個新國家存在,需先由聯合國安理會15個成員國中的9個(包括全部5個常任理事國,即中美英法俄)建議,再被三分之二的聯合國大會成員國通過批准。