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#Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers drafted a “New Declaration of Independence” calling for nationwide full forensic audits, decertification the place acceptable, and a attainable U.S. Home Session to deal with the fraudulent election.

Lower than two weeks in the past, Senator Rogers introduced that 92 legislators from 31 states signed on.

This motion is constant to develop.

AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “New Declaration Of Independence” – 92 Legislators From 31 States Sign Letter Calling For Audits In All 50 States And Decertification

At present Rogers tweeted,

BREAKING: 138 Legislators from 38 States Write a Letter to the American Folks Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification The place Acceptable, and Attainable Convening of the US Home of Representatives

#亞利桑那州 參議員溫迪·羅傑斯起草了一份“ #新獨立宣言 ”,呼籲在全國范圍內進行全面的法醫審計,取消可接受的地方的認證,並召開美國內政部會議來應對欺詐性選舉。

不到兩週前,參議員羅傑斯介紹說,已有來自 31 個州的 92 名立法者簽署。


亞利桑那州參議員溫迪·羅傑斯:“新的獨立宣言”——來自 31 個州的 92 名立法者簽署了要求對所有 50 個州進行審計並取消認證的信函


突發:來自 38 個州的 138 名立法者寫信給美國民眾,呼籲對 50 個州進行 #審計、 #取消認證

An Urgent Call For All #Arizona Citizens
10 am, Sat Dec 11th, 2021
#Chandler Regional Medical Center
1955 W Frye Rd, Chandler, #AZ

Demand immediate release of #TroyJenkins Medical #Kidnapping and unlawful arrested victim

Src: https://publielectoral.lat/GreatAwakeningHkGp/15328
#Arizona #AZ #亞利桑那

12/13 ⚠️ 驚聞! #亞利桑那州 議員 #MarkFinchem 獲取一封11/10/20發出一封匿名信。 該信的收信人是司法部刑事司,信中詳細介紹了民主黨人在皮馬縣為民主黨候選人嵌入35000張選票的計劃。 Mark已經獲得了該郵件發件者的IP位址。 看來,亞利桑那州還遠遠沒有完成她的使命! 希望具有爆炸性事件出籠,可以一劍封喉這幫作弊的腐敗分子!

#Arizona #AZ #亞利桑那

Okay. Here is the updates of Troy Jenkins.


#TroyJenkins was kidnapped and moved from #Chandler Regional Hospital at approximately 5PM today while his wife, #Jasmine , went to pick up her children.

She returned to Chandler Regional Hospital to thank the supporters who demonstrated outside to demand the release of Troy from being held hostage for 10 days in the hospital without reason, charges, or documentation.

When she came in, Troy was gone!

Neither Troy nor Jasmine would have consented that he be moved anywhere. Troy must be drugged for the move because the only place he would go willingly is outside and back to his home!

If we are able to locate Troy, we ask for your support outside that facility and to petition the appropriate local authorities for Troy's immediate rescue from his captors.

Troy is being held illegally. We demand Troy's current captors release him immediately!

Shown in the picture above: Maricopa City Police brutality act against Troy at his own home on his driveway.

#Arizona #Az #亞利桑那 #Maricopa #馬里科帕 #馬力寇巴 #審計 #法證審計 #Audit #ForensicAudit #美國 #總統 #選舉 #選舉舞弊 #作弊 #舞弊 #竊選 #特朗普 #Trump #拜登 #敗登 #Biden #BidAn #President #Election #ElectionFraud #Corruption #HereIsTheEvidence #EveryLegalVote

1/3 🔥🔥好消息!亞利桑那馬力寇巴審計惊現更重大欺詐證據!

大難不死的真教授Jovan Pulitzer,揭露儘管亞利桑那州只核證(Certify)唯一一種紙張,用來打印選票,但是馬力寇巴郡審計中發現了10種並沒有核證的紙張。這成為亞利桑那總檢察長正在調查的內容之一。此外,馬力寇巴郡拒不交出路由器數據,已經構成檢控完美理由。

#拉斯幕森報告 確認了AZ的總檢察長處於靜默期,因為所有的有效選票必須打印在由州政府核證的唯一類型紙張上,但是目前馬力寇巴郡選票出現了10種不同非核證的紙張。這意味著什麼呢?它的結論是:沉默經常出現在最大的爆炸之前!



Update Arizona - Silence of The
If all legal "counted ballots" are to be on 1 specific secure ballot paper - but 10 types of paper are identified in the forensic ballot examination, what might that imply?

Silence frequently precedes the largest of explosions.

更新亞利桑那 - 沉默的

如果所有合法的“計票選票”都在一張特定的安全選票上——但在法醫選票檢查中確定了 10 種類型的選票,這意味著什麼?


#Arizona #Az #亞利桑那 #特朗普 #Trump

#美國 #總統 #選舉 #選舉舞弊 #作弊 #舞弊 #竊選 #特朗普 #Trump #拜登 #敗登 #Biden #BidAn #President #Election #ElectionFraud #Corruption #HereIsTheEvidence #EveryLegalVote #亞利桑那


BOOM! #亞利桑那州 司法部長 #MarkBrnovich 得出的結論是,2020年大選充滿謊言,僅此而已。

“我們得出的結論是,2020 年 #馬里科帕縣 的選舉揭示了必須解決的嚴重嚴重漏洞,並引發了對 2020 年亞利桑那州選舉的質疑。”


BOOM! #Arizona AG Mark Brnovich has reached the conclusion that the 2020 election was full of lies and nothing else

"We have reached the conclusion that the 2020 election in #Maricopa County revealed serious serious vulnerabilities that must be addressed and raises questions about the 2020 election in Arizona."

Full Letter

#美國 #中期選舉


#共和黨 #亞利桑那州 總檢察長候選人安倍·哈馬德(#AbeHamadeh) 在莫哈維縣高等法院法官先前駁回了他的選舉挑戰後,在大峽谷州表態。

根據 Just the News 的一份報告,哈馬德本週在“重新計票的消息令人震驚”之後提出了一項新審判的動議。 Hamadeh 的訴訟集中在皮納爾縣。

哈馬德還要求對皮納爾的選票進行人工重新計票,據稱他以 511 票之差輸掉了選票——在重新計票完成後,這一數字降至微弱的 280 票。


#亞利桑那州 當局對66 歲的羅納德·李·西爾武德(Ronald Lee Syrvud) 展開緊急搜捕,據稱他在唐納德· #特朗普 即將訪問 #亞利桑那州 科奇斯縣南部邊境期間威脅要開槍射擊之。西爾武德也因其他幾項罪名被通緝,包括酒駕、未出庭、未登記為性犯罪者以及肇事逃逸重罪。六週前在賓州巴特勒舉行的集會上,一顆子彈擦傷了特朗普的耳朵。由於威脅,#特朗普 訪問期間的安全措施得到加強。


#特朗普遇襲 #暗殺