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#俄羅斯 軍方在 #亞速營 #Azov 嘅一個據點嘅地庫搵到 大量武器 ??

The war gonzo project publishes exclusive footage of the cleansing of the Azov base, located in the basements of the prosecutor's office near the central beach of #Mariupol .

The Somali fighters found dozens of boxes of ammunition with foreign markings in a bomb shelter. These are ammunition for grenade launchers, and anti-tank systems, and banal small arms. Based on the fact that the calibers are mostly "Soviet" - we can conclude that these weapons were exported from the countries of the former socialist camp that joined NATO.

戰爭奇聞趣事項目發布了清理亞速基地的獨家鏡頭,該基地位於 #馬里烏波爾 中央海灘附近的 #檢察官辦公室 地下室。

索馬里戰士在防空洞裡發現了幾十箱帶有外國標記的彈藥。 這些是榴彈發射器、反坦克系統和普通小型武器的彈藥。 基於口徑主要是“蘇聯”的事實 - 我們可以得出結論,這些武器是從加入北約的前社會主義陣營國家出口的。

PS : 咩索馬里戰士,咩意思,片入邊啲人點睇都唔似索馬里人。🤔
