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本台討論主題 : 中外時政 , 神秘學 外星人 / 陰謀論 , 文化藝術考古歷史哲學自然科學大包圍 。

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【有可能會引發反恐戰爭的 #驗屍報告






📄 Nanochips FOUND in the bodies of people who died from vaccination - a conference of German pathologists from the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen (Germany) on September 20, 2021.
On Monday, September 20, 2021, a conference of pathologists was held at the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen (Germany), which presented the autopsy results of eight people who died after vaccination. Please COV.
Analysis of the deceased's thin tissues, performed using dark-field microscopy, revealed high levels of foreign substances in which, superficially like microscopic electronic chips, appeared to have formed in the body. human body from nanoparticles obtained by vaccination.
These are honored German scientists from the State Institute of Pathology, and the results of their research are serious - they reveal an extraordinary terrorist threat that humanity has faced under the guise of so-called vaccination against COV.
Based on the results of these studies, the political question should be asked about the need for an international counter-terrorism operation to eliminate the terrorists involved in organizing a biological attack. into humans is carried out under the guise of vaccination against COV.
If the data obtained by scientists is reliable (in fact, there is no doubt), then an international counter-terrorism operation becomes necessary and mandatory.

#轉帖 #Repost#Death #Bioweapon #Threat #Terrorism #PostMortem #Autopsy #Report #Vaccine #Microchip #Chip #Study #War #生物武器 #恐怖主義 #威脅 #死亡 #屍體解剖 #屍檢結果 #疫苗 #納米芯片 #驗屍報告 #研究 #戰爭

疫時代 @PandemicTruths
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「身體互聯網」 #IoB 將監控你的身體、情緒和思想:在我們未來生活的每一個方面,我們都將被評估,我們將被計算。從你吃了什麽、和誰約會、在網上買了什麽、用了多少能源。還有,你的生命體征是什麽,你在健康方面做了什麽?你有什麽特殊的基因怪癖?你的基因組会告訴你關於:你的身體健康、你的心理健康、你做得好不好、你衰老得如何…

Internet of Bodies (IoB) will monitor your body, emotions and thoughts
"We will be under assessment — we will be under measure of computationin every aspect of our lives in the future. From what you eat, who you date, what you buy on the internet, how much energy you use. But also, what are your vital signs, what are you doing in terms of health? What kind of specific genetic quirks do you have? What’s your genome telling about your health, about your mental health, about how well you are doing, how well you are aging…"


#IoB 相關的帖

#Technology #科技#IoB #Cyborg #Microchip #Genome #人機接口 #半機械人 #Transhuman #超人類 #基因組
