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#特朗普 寫給 #國會事件 #J6委員會 主席 #BennieGThompson 的一份聲明書

第14頁 節錄

In addition , True the Vote , the Nation's leading voters ' rights organization , collected over 4 million minutes of ballot drop box video , showing ballot stuffing at a level not seen before . This is also supported by highly accurate cell phone data that tracked the same individuals going to as many as 28 different locations in one day to do this . All in all , millions of ballots were stuffed . Based on their research , True the Vote estimates as many as 7 % of all mail - in ballots cast could have been ineligible approximately 4.8 million votes , an Election - changing number many times over .

此外,全國領先的 #選民權利組織 #TrueTheVote 收集了超過 400 萬分鐘的選票投遞箱影片,展示了前所未有的選票填充情況。 這也得到了高度準確的手機數據的支持,這些數據跟踪同一個人在一天內前往多達 28 個不同的地點進行這項工作。 總而言之,數以百萬計的選票被塞滿了。 根據他們的研究,True the Vote 估計,在大約 480 萬張選票中,多達 7% 的郵寄選票可能不合格,這是一個多次改變選舉的數字。
