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#人口販賣 #HumanTrafficking #Abuse #虐待 #泰臣 #MikeTyson

前拳王 #泰臣( #MikeTyson )揭露了"#菁英"們 #綁架 無家可歸者到他們的莊園裡追捕並殺死他們。哦耶,他們也在電影中向我們展示過。 1993 年拍攝的電影名為《 #終極標靶 》也有類似的情節,其中一個商人支付了$$(奬金?) 來增加搜獵人的機會!

Mike Tyson exposed elites kidnapping homeless people to hunt them and kill them in their estates. Oh yeah, they have been showing to us in movies as well. A movie called “Hard Target”, filmed in 1993, has similar plot, where a businessman pays $$ for the opportunity to hunt a man.

Many locations:
BlackForrest - Rothschild
Balmoral - Queen Elizabeth
Islands - Fiji Water


