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謠傳羅馬尼亞已關閉疫苗中心的“謠丸子” 💊💊💊 粉碎吧!🗯️看眞相~

Poor Romanians, they always pay to make someone very rich.
I know people who got the vaccine just because they knew it was gonna be mandatory, they didn't want it but just gave up.

#Romania just bought 120 million doses a couple of weeks ago (July 2021). 購置一個億++的針劑數量,誰在和你玩玩!💨

Romania's population: 19 million. That's 6 boosters per person (minimum! Including infants and the sick et al).

What's your country's name and population? How many vaccines has your government bought? 想想你自己國家的人口總數吧!…你的政府papa購置了多少隻呢?🔔

#Jab #Population #Vaccines #Doses #Romania


What Ingredients are in the COVID-19 Vaccines?

Here is a breakdown of the three COVID vaccines and their ingredients:

⚗️ 輝瑞 Pfizer Vaccine:
The full list of ingredients for the Pfizer vaccine is:

▫️lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate),
▫️2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,
phosphocholine, and cholesterol),
▫️potassium chloride,
▫️monobasic potassium
▫️sodium chloride,
▫️dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate,
▫️and sucrose.

The Pfizer vaccine does not contain eggs, preservatives, or latex.

⚗️ 莫得納 Moderna Vaccine:
The full list of ingredients for the Moderna vaccine is:

▫️Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA),
▫️lipids (SM-102,
▫️polyethylene glycol [PEG] 2000
dimyristoyl glycerol [DMG],
▫️and 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine [DSPC]),
▫️tromethamine hydrochloride,
▫️acetic acid,
▫️sodium acetate trihydrate,
▫️and sucrose.

The Moderna vaccine does not contain eggs, preservatives, or latex.

⚗️ 強生 Johnson & Johnson Vaccine:
The full list of ingredients for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is:

▫️replication-incompetent adenovirus type 26 expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,
▫️citric acid monohydrate,
▫️trisodium citrate dihydrate,
▫️2 hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HBCD),
▫️sodium chloride.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not contain eggs, preservatives, or latex.

⚗️ Oxford / 艾斯利康 AstraZeneca vaccine contains:

It is a colourless to slightly brown, clear to slightly opaque and particle free solution.

It contains the weakened adenovirus encoding the
▫️SARSCoV-2 Spike glycoprotein, as well as the following excipients:

▫️active ChAdOx1-S,
▫️L-histidine hydrochloride,
▫️magnesium chloride,
▫️polysorbate 80,
▫️sodium chloride,
disodium edetate dihydrate,
water for injections.

You should not have the vaccine if you have ever had a severe allergic reaction to any of the of the active substances or any of the other ingredients. None of the ingredients in this vaccine can cause COVID-19.

#Ingredients #Vaccines #針劑 #成份

Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Adam)
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WARNING This contains distressing content of animal abuse.

It looks like an undercover video put together to show the disgusting torture of animals for "science" by the same people pushing the Covid19 vaccine agenda.

Show this to your friends and ask them if they trust this science?

Link to original Twitter post
#Covid #Vaccines

#COVID19 #COVID19疫苗 #疫苗副作用 #疫苗接種 #實驗性疫苗 #詐騙 #醫療詐騙 #假疫情 #強制打疫苗 #BigPharma


根據我們迄今為止掌握的最佳數據,正如我採訪過的多位專家(史蒂夫·基爾希、埃德·多德等)所詳述的那樣,每有一名在 #加沙 被殺的巴勒斯坦人,全世界就有大約一千人被殺害。被新冠病毒 #疫苗 殺死。在我看來,這似乎不一致,儘管如此多的進步人士、#自由主義者#民主黨 人等將以色列對加沙的轟炸描述為#種族滅絕或種族清洗,但這些人幾乎從來不願意承認 #以色列 對人類犯下的1000倍更大的暴行。疫苗產業及其惡意執行者(#CDC#FDA、科學期刊、#MSM 等)。為什麼許多人對每天持續發生的更大規模的「疫苗大屠殺」如此視而不見?
