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#VAIDS #疫苗獲得性免疫缺陷綜合徵 #HIV #AIDS #艾滋病 #愛滋病 #VAERS #不良反應 #疫苗不良反應 #疫苗副作用 #副作用 #嚴重副作用 #疫苗後遺症 #疫苗 #Vaccine #Vaccination #實驗性疫苗 #ExperimentalVaccine


Addison Wilson 的照片 Addison Wilson 2021 年 10 月 22 日

最新的 #英國 #PHE 疫苗監測報告中關於 C-19 病例的數字顯示,40-70 歲的接種疫苗人群已經失去了 40% 的免疫系統能力,免疫系統每週減弱 5%,如果這種趨勢繼續下去,那麼 30-50 歲的人將有 100% 的免疫系統退化,並且將在聖誕節之前就沒有病毒防禦能力......

Government Reports State The Fully Vaccinated People Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome!

Photo of Addison Wilson Addison Wilson October 22, 2021

The latest #UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report numbers on C-19 cases show that the vaccinated population from 40-70 years has lost 40% of the immune system capability. The immune system is weakening by 5% per week. If this trend continues, then 30-50 years old people will have 100% immune system degradation and will remain without viral defense until Christmas...
