Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
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We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain.

It is the first Hongkongers expat/diaspora and community-building group set up in the UK after 2019.

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過去兩個月,#英國港僑協會 持續跟進及協助 被襲受害人 Bob Chan 及 #捍衛港人陣線 爭取 #合理待遇,並期望事件得到 #妥善處置,保障 #在英港人#安全#自由不受侵犯。由於六名涉嫌 #人身襲擊 的時任 #中共外交官 仍 拒絕配合 #英國警方調查,並 #奉召回國,本會在未來仍會持續關注事態,要求 #英國外交#司法 部門 #體面 地窮盡及完成所有程序及措施,讓 #法治#公義 被伸張且看見。

就有關事態,港僑會 創辦人 的分析及評論如下:https://youtu.be/i8CQkfzBnus

Hongkongers in Britain (HKB) has continued to follow up and assist the victim Bob Chan and the Hong Kong Indigenous Defence Force to fight for reasonable treatment. The #manchester incident should be properly handled and the #safety and #freedom in the UK shouldn't be trampled. Since the six CCP #diplomats who are suspected of #assault refused to cooperate with the UK #police #investigation and were recalled back to China, HKB will continue to pay attention to the situation and ask the British #diplomatic and #judicial departments to exhaust and complete all procedures and measures with #dignity, so that the rule of #law and #justice are upheld and seen.

The analysis and comments of HKB founder are as follows: https://youtu.be/i8CQkfzBnus
🙋Bristol 愛麗絲失蹤調查案🔍
The Disappearance of Alice: Investigation Case

快啲黎參加「愛麗絲失蹤調查案」啦!Kongtinue 係由一班香港社工及教育倡議者組成嘅團體,佢地以香港移民學童嘅適應同遇到嘅挑戰爲靈感,設計咗「愛麗絲失蹤調查案」冒險遊戲。喺玩樂之餘,小朋友可以發揮團隊合作同解難能力,呢個亦係小朋友發掘自己身份認同嘅好機會!歡迎 6 至 12 歲嘅小朋友一齊黎解開謎團,搵返愛麗絲。唔好錯過呢個獨特嘅體驗,立即報名啦!

日期 / Date : 3/6/2023 (星期六 / Saturday)
時間 / Time : 2:30pm - 5:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : Faithspace, Prewett Street, Redcliffe, Bristol BS1 6PB
報名方法 / Registration : https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/events-in-2152229
費用 / Fee : 全免 / Free
查詢 / Enquiries : Amos Cheng 地區外展主任 ( 英格蘭西南和威爾斯 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (South West England & Wales) amos.cheng@hongkongers.org.uk
協辦 / Co-organiser : Kongtinue

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#英國港僑協會 #移英港人 #MissionPerm #移英港人家園計劃 #移民英國 #BNO #實體活動
#Bristol #Kongtinue #冒險遊戲 #碧仙桃 #愛麗絲失蹤調查案 #Investigation #education #小朋友