Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
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We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain.

It is the first Hongkongers expat/diaspora and community-building group set up in the UK after 2019.

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港僑會 衷心致謝 🇺🇳 聯合國人權事務委員 以最專業而正當的方式質詢中共及香港的政權代表,本會的列席者能真切感受到委員們對人權被侵犯的港人那份嚴正且誠懇的關切。過去幾日,本會代表在 日內瓦聯合國威爾遜宮 與委員們坦誠交流,我們知道你們正在盡力,感謝你們,我們也會努力,窮盡一切方法去保護港人的權利不受侵犯。


HKB is grateful to the UN's #HumanRightsCommittee (UNHRC) members 🇺🇳 and International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), who have accurately and professionally spoken for the people of #HongKong, and sharply questioned the Chinese and Hong Kong authorities' representatives over grave concerns of human rights abuses. We had sincere exchanges of our opinion with UNHRC members in the UN Palais Wilson at Geneva, and can feel the committee members' genuine compassion and concerns for Hongkongers who have had their human rights violated. We Hongkongers will also do our part to continue to defend and protect human rights of other fellow Hongkongers.

During the meeting, Geneva's Fountain Jet d'Eau welcomed us with a rainbow, a good omen and good wish.

會議 Video: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1e/k1e5lbhfee