Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
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We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain.

It is the first Hongkongers expat/diaspora and community-building group set up in the UK after 2019.

Disclaimer: https://www.hongkongers.org.uk/disclaimer
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英國港僑協會 為感謝 布拉格港人文藝組織 我地 NGO DEI 就本次活動的悉心安排,創辦人鄭文傑 (Simon Cheng ) 將與丹麥藝術家高志活 Jens Galschiot (official) 及香港民主運動家出席「國殤之柱」的揭幕典禮及致辭,期盼半年前訪問捷克的民主之旅,能由當地的港人組織繼續傳承和發展,加強在歐港人的聯繋。


會程 2022年6月4日

DOX 當代藝術中心 (Poupětova 1, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice)
13:30 「國殤之柱」記者會
14:00 「國殤之柱」開幕演說
14:30 人權議題研討會
16:00 閉幕演說及預告

我地 NGO DEI 會址(Letohradská 711/10, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice)
18:00 「真相長存」展品開幕演說
19:00 民主理念音樂會



鄭文傑 (Simon Cheng)
英國港僑協會 創辦人

#hongkongers #國殤之柱 #PillarofShame #hku #democracy #freedom #hongkong #prague #czech
反抗極權・守護民主 Unite for Democracy
Joint Rally of Ukrainian & Hongkongers
Supported by Tibetan & Uyghurs
Date: 4th June
Time: 4pm~5:30pm
Location: Opposite Downing Street SW1A 2AS

如水再聚 莫失莫忘 Be Water. Be United.
612 London Rally
Date: 12th June
Time: 3pm~4:30pm
Location: Parliament Square SW1P 3AD

#democracy #4June #12Jun #freedom #hongkong #china #ukrainian #uk
感謝 The Durham Union 的邀請,本會創辦人 鄭文傑 (Simon Cheng) 將向 杜倫大學 師生講述流散港人社區的營建,及香港民主運動的推進,將會為英國內政、歷史、文化、英中關係、世界地緣政治等領域,帶來什麼深遠寓意和影響。 🇬🇧


Thank you for the generous invitation from The Durham Union, HKB founder Simon Cheng will present a speech and dialogue with the teachers and students at the Durham University about the thriving Hong Kong diaspora and new Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, which will bring what far-reaching implication and impact to British home affairs, politics, history and culture, UK-China relations, and the geopolitics and strategy with the US in the world. 🇬🇧

Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1vgIwZh40

#durhamunion #hongkongers #democracy #freedom #hongkong #disapora #uk #英中關係 #流散港人 #地緣政治 #香港民主運動 #杜倫大學
Media is too big
感謝 Rabina Khan 的邀請,港僑會創辦人 於倫敦塔村 (Tower Hamlets) 議會議決 #中國駐英大使館 #遷址升級#擴大編制 一事上,以 #當區居民(包括 #維吾爾穆斯林#藏人#港人#華裔) 及 #社區組織者 的角度向議會陳詞,表達因遷址而帶來的 #安全疑慮

最後,議會一致 #否決 中共大使館的遷址方案,事件 #暫告一段落

The councillors unanimously vote down (#refuse) Chinese #Embassy moving plan to Royal Mint Court.

Big win on the UK’s #freedom and #safety. The #CCP state sponsored #attack in #Manchester cannot be repeated.

Thanks to @Rabina Khan who gave HKB founder a chance to present account for #Chinese, #Hongkonger, #Tibetan, and #Uyghur Muslim refugees and communities in person to the Chair.

Meeting recorded video (會議錄影紀錄): https://towerhamlets.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/707408

Meeting’s agenda and details (會議議程及詳情): https://democracy.towerhamlets.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=360&MId=13208

Chinese Embassy moving plan proposal - refused
(中共大使館遷址申請書 - 已否決):https://democracy.towerhamlets.gov.uk/documents/s209672/Royal%20Mint%20Court%20-%20Planning%20Officers%20Report.pdf
過去兩個月,#英國港僑協會 持續跟進及協助 被襲受害人 Bob Chan 及 #捍衛港人陣線 爭取 #合理待遇,並期望事件得到 #妥善處置,保障 #在英港人#安全#自由不受侵犯。由於六名涉嫌 #人身襲擊 的時任 #中共外交官 仍 拒絕配合 #英國警方調查,並 #奉召回國,本會在未來仍會持續關注事態,要求 #英國外交#司法 部門 #體面 地窮盡及完成所有程序及措施,讓 #法治#公義 被伸張且看見。

就有關事態,港僑會 創辦人 的分析及評論如下:https://youtu.be/i8CQkfzBnus

Hongkongers in Britain (HKB) has continued to follow up and assist the victim Bob Chan and the Hong Kong Indigenous Defence Force to fight for reasonable treatment. The #manchester incident should be properly handled and the #safety and #freedom in the UK shouldn't be trampled. Since the six CCP #diplomats who are suspected of #assault refused to cooperate with the UK #police #investigation and were recalled back to China, HKB will continue to pay attention to the situation and ask the British #diplomatic and #judicial departments to exhaust and complete all procedures and measures with #dignity, so that the rule of #law and #justice are upheld and seen.

The analysis and comments of HKB founder are as follows: https://youtu.be/i8CQkfzBnus
Personal Statement: Justice and human rights upset no one, except for evils


你能想像我們在這樣的 #自由民主 國家中所經歷的這種持續的隱性審查,會以「公正」、「#中立」,甚至「#和平」、「#大愛」和「寬容」的名義出現嗎?

香港被禁止的用於教育公民自由 和 #人權 的書籍或遊戲在英國也可能被拒絕,我們被告知「這可能會讓一些人不高興」,「和平或 #安寧 受到干擾」。

香港被禁止的「#香港加油」的工藝品在英國也可能被移除,我們被告知在社區節日活動中應「不介入 #政治」。

中共的 #黨和國家領導人 #梁振英 甚至公開在社交媒體號令一些人秘密地監視海外流亡港人社區的活動,並向警方匿名告發那些「令政權當局難堪」的人。

昨天禁止了「#羊村 2.0」的教育課程,今天下架了「香港加油」工藝品,如果明天刪除了歌曲、圖片、書籍,甚至我們所捍衛的人類尊嚴,我們也不會感到驚訝。

我們被告知所有「妥協」都是為了「照顧他人的感受」,為了愛、為了和平、為了寬容。 不,沒有。 這是徹底的 #言論審查,甚至是 #人格污蔑

如果我們不阻止這種誤解,那麼這種為社會公義而努力的作為,甚至是被政權迫害的受害者,都會被錯誤地視為 #不便的存在、滋擾的根源。

我們敦促各界應繼續保持警惕,捍衛我們在英國的自由。關於人權和公民教育的活動和努力應該得到 #平等#尊重,不受阻礙。

Have you ever heard dissidents who are suppressed in hometown cannot speak out for themselves even in a refuge because such experience is deemed to ‘upset’ others?

Can you imagine such on-going censorship we have been experiencing in even such liberal democracy could be in the name of ‘#impartiality’, or even ‘#peace’, ‘#love’ and ‘#tolerance’?

We see board games for educating civil liberty and human rights which is banned in Hong Kong could be also rejected in the UK, we are told ‘it may upset some people’, ‘peace is #disturbed’.

We see crafts with a message about ‘Free Hong Kong’ in a market which is banned in Hong Kong could be also removed in the UK, we are ridiculed by ‘no politics’ in community festivals.

A Chinese state leader CY Leung publicly advocates anonymous people to secretly monitor exiled community events and grass on those ‘who upset or shame the authorities’ to the police.

A board game was banned yesterday, a craft is removed today, we are not surprised if songs, pictures, books, even human dignity we stand for will be cancelled tomorrow.

We are told all ‘compromises’ are for the sake of ‘taking care of others’ feeling’ - for love, for peace, for tolerance. No, none. That is a de-facto #censorship, and even a #vilification.

If we don’t stop this #misperception, such works for social justice and even victims of human rights abuses are mistakenly seen as a source of #inconvenience and #disturbance.

We urge a continued vigilance in the defence of our #freedom in the UK - events about human rights and civic education should be #equally treated with #respect and without let and #hindrance.

Simon Cheng 鄭文傑
Hong Kong Exiled Pro-democracy Activist 香港流亡民主運動人士
#英國港僑協會 + #Kongtinue + #羊村 2.0