Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
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We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain.

It is the first Hongkongers expat/diaspora and community-building group set up in the UK after 2019.

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歡迎,#李俊威 #WilberLee 作為本會 #駐倫敦外展主任,首日履新,Welcome on board! Our HKB's Outreach Coordinator based in Greater London.

【Greetings from London!】

2021年初,英國展開了「5+1」BNO VISA計劃後,便成為眾多香港人屬意的移居地之一。日漸增加的移英港人亦成為英國政府未來決定國策的其中重要關注點,其中首都倫敦更成為港人集中地之一。隨着時間催生了各種大大小小的民間組織與團隊,重建港人的公民社會。

2021年英國港僑協會推出了Mission PERM計劃,致力為新來英港人提供各類型的協助與服務,尤其作為BNO VISA計劃下的香港人,一班與我們分享著同樣價值觀與共渡艱難時刻的同伙。

四季過去,闊別各位一段時間的我以Mission PERM計劃中的Regional Outreach Coordinator (London)身份再次投入服務香港人的工作,幫助各位融入當地社會及凝聚港人力量。繼議員身份後再次為有需要的人伸出援手。


附圖為協會其中一倫敦區內活動-倫敦和你飛,未來將會繼續舉辦類似活動,有興趣請follow Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 密切留意最新動態。

本會聯同 #Barnardo's 合辦嘅 #年宵活動 喺昨日於本會會址完滿結束。雖然天氣唔太隱定,但都有600多人參與,特別係小朋友玩得好開心!預祝各位🐰#平平安安!出年見!

感謝 #港僑會 #倫敦外展主任 #李俊威 Wilber Lee #劉珈汶 Carmen Lau 的籌辦,以及一眾義工的協助。

Our #Lunar New Year’s Eve event co-hosted with Barnardo's was successfully held in #London yesterday. Although the weather wasn’t too well, there were more than 600 people joined and celebrated with us. Everyone had a great time especially for the children! Wish you all a safe and healthy year of the #Rabbit 🐰 ! See you next year!

Credits to HKB's outreach coordinator (Greater London) #李俊威 Wilber Lee #劉珈汶 Carmen Lau for organising the event, as well as a group of volunteers for their assistance.
#劉珈汶 Carmen Lau + #李俊威 Wilber Lee 叫 #鄭文傑 Simon Cheng 幫 @HONGKONGMARCH 宣傳而影張自拍照,咁有意義嘅活動就真係豁出咗佢嘅第一次。 大家記得踴躍參加,帶住本地人認識香港文化!

港僑會倫敦辦公室仲有好多透明卡,歡迎大家拎返張去不同景點打卡,傳揚香港文化 - Hongkongers are here! #HKMARCH

Carmen Lau & Wilber Lee asked Simon to take a selfie for promoting such a wonderful HONG KONG MARCH . You can participate the event and bring locals to understand Hong Kong culture!

There are many transparent cards in the Hongkongers in Britain's office in Waterloo London, everyone is welcome to get the cards and check in at different attractions - Hongkongers are here!