Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
5.1K subscribers
1.59K photos
26 videos
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We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain.

It is the first Hongkongers expat/diaspora and community-building group set up in the UK after 2019.

Disclaimer: https://www.hongkongers.org.uk/disclaimer
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【一齊送聖誕禮物比低收入家庭 🎁

仲有唔夠兩個星期就係聖誕節,相信大家都忙碌緊Decorate 屋企同準備聖誕禮物。不過另一邊廂,英國有超過一半嘅家庭因為Cost of living crisis 而要削減日常開支,莫講聖誕禮物,連暖氣都未必有錢開。

#Kowloonshire 聯同 Hongkongers in Britain #英國港僑協會 以及 #我地OURS 希望喺呢個艱難嘅時刻,透過送出聖誕禮物俾基層家庭、獨居老人增添一點人間溫暖!💛


召集 South-west / West London 嘅香港人一齊為基層人士送上溫暖!

組團👉 https://form.jotform.com/223445299149364
#kongtribute #聖誕禮物 #fulham #sutton #Croydon #richmond