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HongKongers in Leeds
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有一套關於香港2019年嘅紀錄片叫《不作浮塵》Hong Kong: City on Fire 會喺11月22日全英國超過70間Odeon戲院上映!

電影簡介 Short Synopsis
2019香港民主運動波瀾壯闊,數百萬市民為爭取民主湧上街頭,《不作浮塵》團隊跟拍當中4名素人抗爭者,以細膩鏡頭捕捉火光以外的日常及掙扎,面對打壓時的恐懼及對未來的嚮往及希望,帶領觀眾重回 2019年呼吸街頭角落中的空氣,窺探「兄弟爬山」下的各人面貌及政治漩渦中的矛盾衝突,還原大事件外的真實情感。

This urgent film beds in with Hong Kong’s pro-democracy demonstrations, offering a frontline portrait of four young protesters through a year of struggle. We see their hopes for a freer life and feel their fears as the authorities crack down. Pulse-racing scenes bring the viewer to street level, where peaceful protest is met with fury and tear gas. Clear-eyed about the complications and contradictions that come with a movement that changed Hong Kong forever, it is a brave document of troubled times.

Get your tickets now‼️

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj-EEkcnBmY

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/HKCityonFire/



利物浦大學正與英國港僑協會,香港協會及多個在英港人組織合作進行大型研究,透過舉行全國普查📑,全面了解移英港人的融入及健康狀況。今次調查將會是首次有英國大學為港人進行全面普查 ‼️,為英國政府及在英港人組織提供資料,完善未來港人政策。

若您已年滿18歲,並於2020年8 月之後移居英國,歡迎參與是次問卷調查。這份問卷需時約 15分鐘✏️

這項研究計劃已獲利物浦大學通過,問卷收集到的資料將絕對保密,所有個人資料不會被公開,並受數據法保護。您的參與將屬自願性質,亦可隨時退出此問卷。如您對這項研究有任何查詢,可隨時電郵 p.h.yue@liverpool.ac.uk 📩向研究員查詢。


問卷連結 ⚠️https://liverpool.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/national-survey-for-hkers
港僑協會 X 希望學遊戲日 @ Leeds
HKB X Hopology Game Day @ Leeds
The well-liked boardgame by Hopology tours to Leeds! Facilitators at Hopology will use the board game to guide participants through important
events in Hong Kong. Through story-telling, children will be able to learn our city’s history and universal values in a fun and interactive way. Let’s keep our Hongkongese identity alive through encouraging our younger generation to remain connected with our roots, history, and the truth. 
活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date : 18/12/2022 (星期日 / Sunday)
時間 / Time : 13:30-16:30 (英國時間 / UK Time)
對象 / Target : 5歲至12歲小朋友的家庭 / Family with kids of age 5 to 12
名額 / Capacity : 40 (額滿即止 / First come, first served)
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
地點 / Venue : Morley, Leeds (詳細地址將經電郵發放給成功報名的參加者 / The address will be sent by email upon successful registration) 

報名方法/Registration: https://forms.gle/BGeHU6ABdFXrXSry8

截止日期/Deadline : 15/12/2022 (星期四 / Thursday) 11:59am (英國時間 / UK Time) 或額滿 / or when capacity is reached.
協辦機構 / Co-organiser: 希望學 Hopology
Happy New Year to everyone.
In the coming year, we shall not forget our initiatives. For the sake of liberating Hong Kong, we will continue to let more people know about the inhuman, antisocial behaviours of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its puppet Hong Kong Government.
Through organising various activities in the past two years, we have realised that it is of vital importance to gain understanding and support from locals. Many of us have been trying to spread the news about the evil acts of the CCP to our friends and neighbours. However, it becomes harder for the locals to reach news from China and Hong Kong because of the censorship imposed by the CCP and Hong Kong Government.
Hence, we are going to share translated news/articles about the evil act of the CCP and Hong Kong Government through the telegram channel. We hope these can be your small talk topics with local friends and colleagues. We need to integrate protest into our daily routine.
We sincerely invite anyone who would like to volunteer in translation or other activities. Please get in touch with us by telegram.
Thank you for your generous support last year. We are looking forward to seeing you at the coming events.
All the best!

HongKongers in Leeds
Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
列斯手足連線 謹祝各位 2023 年新年快樂!



有見及此,我哋希望能夠定期分享翻譯既資訊俾大家,等大家同本地朋友、同事茶餘飯後之時可以分享中共港共惡行,將抗爭融入生活之中。希望有興趣協助翻譯之朋友能與我哋聯絡🙏🏻 @leedshkger@nobattery25



Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
Hongkongers in Leeds 列斯手足連線
Revealing the real China – 1st Sharing
揭示真實的中國 - 第一彈

This series is a new project of Hongkongers in Leeds in 2023, we would like to share news/articles about the evil act of the CCP and Hong Kong Government through the telegram channel. We hope these can be your small talk topics with local friends and colleagues. We need to integrate protest into our daily routine.

Reaching 2023, COVID seems to be disappeared from our daily life long ago. However, since China has recently withdrawn its strict travel restrictions to its citizen, loads of China visitors are going to reach every country in the world. But the pandemic in China persists, and the infection rate and death rate are rocketed since the removal of the travel ban. Will it be another start of a pandemic? How serious is the situation in China right now?
踏入2023 年, COVID 似乎已經離我們而去. 但中國最近取消所有其國民既旅遊限制,勢將有成千上萬的中國旅客到訪世界各國。中國疫情仍然嚴峻, 感染率及死亡率不斷攀升。到底中國疫情有多惡劣? 中國會否引發另一次全球疫症?

#蟈情知多啲 - 中共正侵略全球 (第一彈)
#KnockKnockItsthenews - CCP is invading the world (Episode 1)







This is our new project in 2023, aimed to regularly share translated information about the evil act of the CCP and Hong Kong regime. We hope this can be your small talk topics with local friends and colleagues, help them to understand the threat China is posing. We think it helps to integrate resistence into daily lives.

<Chinese tracking device found sealed inside UK government car>
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s oppression of Hongkongers has alerted the world to the threat posing them. Recently, The UK government banned new Chinese surveillance cameras from ‘sensitive’ sites, after a security review.

However, CCP's surveillance network is too wide to be limited. Intelligence officials discovered tracking devices with SIM card in vehicles used to carry diplomats and snior government officials, which can record and transmit real-time location data. The tracker was found sealed inside a part that had been imported from China.

Through the device, CCP could build up a large database to target and track the passengers, infringe their privacy and build up a rich picture of activity.

In recent years, car manufacturers such as BMW, Volkswagen, Volvo, Jaguar and Land Rover have partnered with chinese companies to supply ECU and 5G connectivities for their cars. Although they denied the possible vulnerablilities, many politicians have expressed their concerns.

We look forward to the response from the UK government.

來源 Source: metro.co.uk


#蟈情知多啲 #KnockKnockItsTheNews #CCPisinvadingtheworld
#中共正侵略全球 #Hongkongersinleeds
春?乜春呀? 唔係春節,唔係中國新年,係農曆新年!

現今世界各地都有不同民族文明使用農曆,例如越南、韓國、香港、台灣、中國、蒙古、泰國、印度以及希伯來等等。其中中國、台灣、香港、越南、韓國嘅農曆新年係同一日,因此將所有農曆新年總括為「中國新年」係非常「文化不包容同不敏感」 (culturally exclusive and insensitive)。

為此,列斯手足連線準備咗電郵template,如果大家發現你身邊有政府部門、公司或者學校使用「中國新年」(Chinese New Year)而非「農曆新年」(Lunar New Year),懇請大家可以send 個email好心提醒,要求佢哋要留心並非只有中國先會慶祝農曆新年。更重要既係,一傳十,十傳百,將會有更多人明白中國不可以騎劫所有亞洲文化。


Hi everyone,
The Lunar New Year is coming up on Sunday, an important festival for all Hongkongers. I believe "Lunar New Year" is a more appropriate term to mention this festival.

A couple of nations or civilisations still use lunisolar calendars as well as Gregorian calendars, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia, Thailand, Hindu and Hebrew. The Lunar calendars used by China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Korea all have the same New Year's Day. Hence, by simply referring to all "Lunar New Year" as "Chinese New Year" is not culturally sensitive and inclusive enough. It is somehow disrespectful to other cultures.

Referring to our important festival as "Lunar New Year" is more universal and culturally sensitive. For this reason, we have prepared an email template for addressing concerns over any misuse of "Chinese New Year" instead of "Lunar New Year" in company/organisation/school promotions or events. Please use the email template to gently remind our local friends about the importance of being culturally sensitive. We also hope that you can explain this to your local friends and help them realise that the "Lunar New Year" is celebrated by different cultures rather than only in China.

Thank you for your action, and we wish you a "Happy Lunar New Year" and Kung Hei Fat Choi!

Email Template:

HongKongers in Leeds
Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds