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公海: @HK_Schedule_Discussion

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引自 Instagram @dc4hk :
⚰️July 1st Funeral Invitation — Mourning the Death of Hong Kong’s Freedoms】

⚰️7.1 喪禮邀請 — 弔念香港逝去的自由】

On July 1st 1997, without consulting Hongkongers, Hong Kong was handed over by the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China.

The PRC promised Hongkongers basic freedoms and rights, rule of law, and a high-degree of autonomy, under the structure of One Country Two Systems. Yet, halfway through the 50 year mark, the PRC has already broken every promises made and dismantled all our rights and freedoms.

This year on July 1st, DC4HK invites you to a funeral outside of the HKETO, in memory of Hong Kong’s now-gone freedoms.

Date: July 1st
Time: 4PM
Venue: Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (1520 18th St NW, Washington DC 20036)

All-black attire is recommended.




#hongkong #hk #hongkonger #washingtondc #dc
引自 IG @hkaaberk :

10/11 傘運十年《亂世備忘》栢克萊放映 Yellowing @ Berkeley 🇺🇸

2014 年於香港發生的雨傘運動,由年輕人主導策動:一呼百應之下,萬人佔領街道,以公民抗命的方式爭取民主普選。由此,從香港到全世界,雨傘運動可說是改變了我們看待香港前途的方式。脫離議論式的訪談評論,陳梓桓導演的《亂世備忘》沒有知名權威人士的斷言,而以最貼近活動當時的紀錄,為雨傘運動留下仔細的與緊貼運動發展的備忘錄。《亂世備忘》為2016金馬獎紀錄片提名作品,在日本山形國際紀錄片展獲得小川伸介賞,並入圍奧斯卡最佳紀錄片初選。


Screening Details 放映詳情
🗓️ Fri 10/11 | 7:00 PM (Doors open at 6:30 PM 開始入場)
📍 Location released in email after RSVP (報名後於電郵通知)
🔊 Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
🎟 Pay in advance 預支:
Students 學生: $4
General 一般價: $5
Pay at door 現場: $8
🅿️ Parking/Transportation Tips on second page!

RSVP 報名表: (link in bio, 連結於主頁下方)

Guest Speaker 嘉賓: Find out at the screening!

#yellowing #亂世備忘 #UmbrellaRevolution #雨傘革命 #雨傘運動 #雨傘 #傘運 #傘運十年 #HK #HongKong #HumanRights #Documentary #金馬獎 #GoldenHorseAward
引自 IG @readingukstandswithhk :

【10th Anniversary of Hong Kong Umbrella Movement】
【1st October National Tragedy】
【Street Booth@Reading】

Date: 29/9/2024 (SUN)
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Venue: Outside HSBC, Broad Street, Reading

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the 2014 Umbrella Movement and the 75th anniversary of the proclamation of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong's human rights situation has deteriorated to an all-time low, with many political prisoners behind bars. This Sunday, we will set up a street booth on Broad Street to call on the British public to pay attention to the state of human rights and freedom in Hong Kong and to be vigilant against the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party.

【雨傘運動十周年、十一國殤 雷丁街站】

日期: 29/9/2024 (SUN)
時間: 1pm - 3pm
地點: HSBC外面, Broad Street, Reading

今年是2014年雨傘運動10周年,也是中共建政75周年。香港人權狀況惡化至谷底,大批政治犯身陷囹圄。本週日,我們將於Broad Street擺設街站,呼籲英國民眾關注香港的人權和自由狀況,並警惕中共暴政。

#香港 #hk #hongkong #雨傘運動 #umbrellamovement #中共 #國慶 #國殤