Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Media tycoon Jimmy Lai and two other Hong Kong democracy activists were found guilty of defying a police ban on a June 4 candlelight memorial last year.

Who is Tik Chi-yuen? Someone nobody cares about. For him to claim to be part of the pro-democracy when everyone has a mutual agreement to boycott a rigged election is nothing but hypocritical. His existence in the LegCo is part of #CCP's plan to create a fake consent for this illegitimate election. He is a traitor of all #HongKongers.

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
More absurd charges against journalists. Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai and ex-Apple Daily journalists face additional charge over 'seditious publications' https://hongkongfp.com/2021/12/28/hong-kong-media-tycoon-jimmy-lai-and-ex-apple-daily-journalists…
#JimmyLai & 6 other people are now facing with more charges for publishing a newspaper.
This is part of #ccppropaganda to threaten #HongKongers not to speak against the #CCP.
It's no coincidence that they are now facing more charges right after everything about #tiananmansquaremassacre being removed from 3 different universities. It's all part of the undertaking to demolish #freedomofspeech in #HongKong.

the latest update on #pressfreedom in #HongKong. What if this independent news outlets are also force to be closed? Will #HK become another #XinJiang?

#HongKong had never lost so much like she did in year 2021.

More protesters are put into jail. 21 jailed for up to 42 months for rioting during 2019 Hong Kong protest. They were charged with eh clash in Yuen Long on July 28, 2019. A week after the terrorists attack at the same place which videos showed that police left the scene deliberately. However, non of those police are investigated & most mobsters caught in camera attacking civilians are still not arrested.


Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Alarming. Legco backs immigration bill despite exit ban fears https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1588168-20210428.htm
#HKGov is using security as an excuse again to ban people from leaving #HongKong. The bill Legco passed on Wed will enable authorities unlimited powers to prevent residents and others from entering or leaving the territory. The bill will come into effect on Aug1.
[612 demonstration Nottingham]

Over 600 Hong Kongers attend our 612 rally. We remember the 3rd anniversary of 612 protest and demand freedom and democracy. We call on Nottingham City Council to end twin city status with Ningbo.
To take a stand for human right means no more ties with totalitarian regimes.

#StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
Today, we commemorate Chan Yin Lam, who fought with us and passed away 3 years ago. Although #HKPolice claimed she killed herself, her death was extremely suspicious. Her body was found in the sea, but people knew her said she was a diver and a good swimmer.


credit: @kyliethapthong
To display the organized terrorist attack by #CCP, #HKPoliceTerrorist & the local gang on July 21, 2019, a stall will be set tomorrow at 6. Please go if you are in #Toronto area.

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
TLDR: 就算失望,不能絕望。共勉之。
This is not a post recounting the details of the #UmbrellaRevolution so much as what it stood for and how it informed the #fightforfreedom in #HongKong. For years, #HKers had been struggling to defend our rights and values from the #CCP. The #UmbrellaMovement in 2014 was for many an awakening to the root cause of the social problems in #HK - the lack of a popularly mandated government as ours was (and is) but a #Beijing puppet.
The experience of 2014 produced the now much more mainstream indigenous ideology and inspired new protest tactics in 2019. Hong Kong has never stopped evolving to cope with challenges and does not intend to stop now. "Be water", the city-wide pro-democracy movement in 2019 taught us, even though it may be dark and the suffering ahead seem endless, don't lose heart. We will remember who we are, what we stand for, persevere and outlive the tyrant.
#China #democracy #freedomofspeech #standwithhongkong
There is a HK photography exhibition at Downtown Toronto Oct 4-16. The theme is the 25th anniversary of the #HongKong handover. It is actually a #ccppropaganda in disguise. Activist group @somebody.hk will be protesting at the gallery on Oct 16. See you there.

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Demonstration in Nottingham. We refuse to back down to CCP’s violence towards peaceful protestor. We’ve shown great determination by standing even in the rain.
#FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
【逆權運動|BBC首播香港抗爭紀錄片 示威者:從未見過香港人可以咁齊心】

英國廣播公司(BBC)周一(14日)首播講述香港2019年運動的紀錄片《Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom》,上半部回顧港府提出修訂《逃犯條例》至「8.31」太子站襲擊事件的歷程。影片下半部將於下周一(21日)放映,講述理大圍城等反送中運動後期事件,形容北京的鎮壓將永遠改變香港。






#BBC #紀錄片 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #三周年 #documentry #HongKong #Protest #ExtraditionLaw #FightForFreedom

誠邀您參與《追新聞》- COOTL《香港人在英國生活適應》調查
Jun 15: Leung Ling-kit wore a yellow raincoat with an umbrella standing at Pacific Place Patio at 4:30. He wrote “Carrie Lam kills Hong Kong” & “Black Cops are cold blooded” on a banner and hang it at the building for everyone to see. Police and negotiators went but did not allow anyone to go near him. At 9:15pm, he jumped down. That was the beginning of the 2 million+1 people march the next day.

People still commemorate him in Hong Kong to this day while countless of #HKPolice was standing by as if having a flower in hand can damage #nationalsecurity. This is the excuse they use to arrest people anyway. The laws that we having been fighting against, the extradition bill, national security law & article 23 are laws that criminalize thoughts.

#leunglingkit #HongKongProtest #5demandnot1less #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong