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Regina Ip named new Exco convenor

New People's Party chairwoman Regina Ip has been named the new convenor of incoming leader John Lee’s Executive Council. Ip has been a member of Exco since 2012, serving in both the CY Leung and Carrie Lam administrations. She thanked Lee for the appointment, saying she believes her experience in public service can help the next administration."The role of an executive councillor is to give advice to the Chief Executive, and to help explain policies. I have widespread experience of government work and legislative work, so I think I am well-qualified," she told reporters.Joining Lee’s cabinet is former health minister Ko Wing-man and banker Margaret Leung, as well as Moses Cheng, the current chairman of the Council of the Hang Seng University.Eliza Chan, a senior member of John Lee’s campaign team and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, is also new to the council.For lawmakers, DAB vice chairman Gary Chan is in to replace former party vice chair Horace Cheung, who will become the new deputy justice minister in government.Lawmaker Stanley Ng, who chairs the Federation of Trade Unions, takes over his union's position in Exco from Wong Kwok-kin, who retired from the legislature last December.Insurance sector lawmaker Chan Kin-por, who chairs Legco's finance committee, will also be joining the team.He announced soon after the appointment that he will resign from the chairmanship position to strike “a suitable balance of his two roles” as Exco and Legco member.He told reporters that he wants to become "a bridge" to better reflect people's views to the government, adding that he's very pleased with the new Exco lineup. "I think it's a very good pick by the incoming CE. Every member has their own expertise and knowledge. I think they'll be good advisors to the new [government]," Chan said.Staying on from Carrie Lam’s cabinet are Jeffrey Lam of the Business and Professionals Alliance (BPA); Kenneth Lau, chairman of the rural body Heung Yee Kuk and also of the BPA; Tommy Cheung of the Liberal Party; and commerce sector lawmaker Martin Liao.Joseph Yam, former head of the Monetary Authority, former HKU Council chair Arthur Li, Elderly Commission chairman Lam Ching-choi and barrister Ronny Tong also see their terms in Exco extended.Those who’ll be bidding farewell to the council also include incumbent Exco convenor Bernard Chan, as well as Laura Cha, Fanny Law, CK Chow and Ip Kwok-him.

2022-06-22 15:10:41 (5)
June 19: The iconic Jumbo Floating Restaurant sank when pulling to an unknown destination. Many believes that the restaurant was purposely drowned instead of an accident. Whether this conspiracy is true or not, it reflects the #HKGov inability and unwillingness of maintaining #HongKong's value and culture.

Forwarded from The Epoch Times
Opinion: Terror Attacks on Hong Kong’s Protest Movement More Horrific Than Tangshan Restaurant

By: Julia Ye

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion-terror-attacks-on-hong-kongs-protest-movement-more-horrific-than-tangshan-restaurant_4546955.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=telegram

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一年 ׀ One Year ׀ 蘋果日報 ׀ 紀實 ׀ Documentary ׀ The WELL

Youtube: https://youtu.be/SJGQ6SEGqOs

創刊26年的《#蘋果日報》去年6月24日 #停刊,創辦人 #黎智英 及6名高層被捕還押至今,1000名員工被迫失業,當中有大約800名編採人員。一年後,有幾多人已經轉行?幾多人堅持報導?又有幾多人仍然失業迷惘?受訪的三位記者走上不同的路,他們認為紀念《蘋果日報》,也是紀念香港 #失去了的自由

This video features three journalists on different paths, who believe that commemorating Apple Daily is a tribute to the vanishing freedom in Hong Kong.

Credit: The WELL
Patreon: http://bit.ly/thewell_patreon
Instagram: @thewell.hk
Facebook: http://bit.ly/thewell_fb
Forwarded from 寶寶CHANNEL
The 25th #HongKong handover anniversary is approaching, pro-#CCP groups are hanging the #CCP flags everywhere in #Nazi like fashion. They are now revealing their true form and turned #HK, once an international city, into a massive jail.

Forwarded from Anne Marie Waters News
"After the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect in June 2020, the British government announced that it will provide a visa program for those who obtained British National

The British government also allows the family members of these people to apply for this visa as "dependent applicants", and the family members of these people do not necessarily need to have BN(O) status.

British government figures show that more than 90,000 applicants for the visa have been approved in Hong Kong since the program was launched, including about 37,000 dependent applicants, excluding those who have already applied for the visa in the UK and locally."

支聯會拒交資料案 7.13 開審 鄒幸彤申控方披露更多「外國代理人」指控證據 官拒絕

@thewitnesshk 報導


鄒幸彤批評,控方至今仍未披露指控支聯會為「外國代理人」的證據,包括外國組織的身份及相關轉帳金額,以致辯方「幾乎不可能」在短時間內預備反駁。鄒向法庭申請,要求控方披露更多資料,指「如果香港仍有 #法治,我們理應獲 #公平受審、洗脫污名的機會」。

控方回應指已提供所需資料,重申法庭已裁定控方須披露的部分文件,現時無基礎更改命令。國安法指定法官、主任裁判官 #羅德泉 考慮後拒絕鄒的申請,指控方已按法庭命令披露部分資料,控方有權決定披露多少證據。


#支聯會 #公眾利益豁免權 #外國代理人 #鄒幸彤
【7.1 淪陷廿五年活動】籲海外港人黑衣白絲帶 · 悼念抗爭義士犧牲

今年7.1 獨裁者習近平訪港,港共政權企圖對外打造香港歌舞昇平的假象,現呼籲海外港人支持以下行動,抗衡港共外宣手段:

(1) 可於7.1當日穿上黑衣白絲帶,拍照上傳社交媒體,並hashtag #Hongkongisnotchina#七一淪陷日

(2) 參與聯署,向外表明不承認李家超為特首:https://chng.it/Mn5vPprNYN (簽署時可選 “Do not display name”)

(3) 如你所在的城市有舉辦遊行或集會,請務必參與。


#七一 #集會 #七一遊行 #七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #梁健輝 #Hongkongisnotchina
