Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong Democracy Movement
7.21首名非白衣人罪成 涉英龍圍對抗 官指即使白衣人暴力對待亦不應以暴易暴 https://bit.ly/3J6Nmew
The concerning verdict in the Yuen Long 7.21 attack case, where individuals protecting themselves and others were found guilty of rioting, raises questions about the fairness of the court system in Hong Kong. Treating self-defense as a crime undermines human rights and the rule of law. It is crucial to ensure a fair and just legal process that upholds the principles of justice and protects individual rights.

#YuenLongAttack #HumanRights #Fairness #HongKongCourt
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 國際非政府組織「中國人權捍衞者」(Chinese Human Rights Defenders)周一(15日)發表一份題為《中國人權捍衞者家庭集體懲罰:如果我不服從,我的家人將受罪》的調查報告。報告內容提及香港,港府於2023年7月懸紅通緝身處美國、歐洲等地的海外港人,自2020年強推「港區國安法」後,接近50萬居民離開香港。根據香港民主委員會(HKDC)報告顯示,港警因應「國安調查」至少帶走31名家庭成員問話,另有23人與「被通緝」的海外人士有聯繫被扣押,5人被帶返警署問話。報告引述國際人權法「無…
Chinese Human Rights Defenders released a report titled "Collective Punishment of Families by China and Hong Kong for Suppressing Dissent: If I Disobey, My Family Suffers." It exposes the targeting of families of overseas Hong Kong residents wanted by the government since the implementation of the national security law. Over 500,000 people have left Hong Kong, and Hong Kong police have interrogated 31 family members, detained 23 individuals with connections to wanted individuals, and brought back 5 people for questioning. The report criticizes the use of family ties as evidence, violating the presumption of innocence. #HumanRights #HongKong #Crackdown
Legal expert Johannes Chan Man-mun explains the permanent nature of the "interim" injunction in Hong Kong's protest case, with no avenue for appeal to the Court of Final Appeal. Chan criticizes the court's decision to deny intervention, highlighting the challenges in challenging the ban. He emphasizes the undermining of human rights and suggests legislative action instead of relying on court injunctions. Human rights concerns persist in Hong Kong. #HongKongProtests #LegalRuling #HumanRights
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【47人案整合4】質疑欺騙選民、禁止發表政見——整理三位法官的審訊介入 https://bit.ly/3KflOUK 初選案不設陪審團,由三名指定法官審理。歷時118日的審訊,除了由控辯雙方提問,三位法官加入發問的情況也很常見。庭上不少令人較深刻的回答,像是戴耀廷不民主、趙家賢向法官認錯、彭卓棋「扮黃」、公民黨黨團不民主等,均是源自法官的發問。 《獨媒》回顧審訊中的法官提問,當中既有就被告對否決預算案的立場、協調會議共識等案情關鍵作澄清追問,亦有在不少被告主問時,不止一次質疑他們欺騙和誤導選民、說法不…
"Unfairly conducted without a jury, the trial of the 47 activists undermines human rights. The active involvement of judges in questioning witnesses raises concerns about the fairness of the proceedings. The absence of a jury denies the defendants the right to a trial by their peers. This highlights the importance of an impartial and independent judicial system to safeguard human rights. The trial's lack of transparency and the judges' extensive intervention warrant scrutiny. The right to a fair trial must be upheld to ensure justice and protect fundamental freedoms. #47ActivistsTrial #UnfairTrial #NoJury #HumanRights #JudicialSystem"
Silencing Memory in Hong Kong

A young man bows at Prince Edward MTR, holding a sunflower to remember 8.31.
Result? Taken to police station.

This is Hong Kong today:
• Peaceful gestures treated as threats
• Citizens living in fear
• Basic freedoms vanishing

His words echo: "At least I haven't forgotten. The people here haven't forgotten."

When a flower becomes defiance, what's left of freedom?

Hong Kong's story is a wake-up call. How long before the world takes notice?

#HongKongFreedom #831Remembrance #HumanRights