Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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Jan 4: On the 6th day of the #JimmyLai case, the prosecution alleges that he is the mastermind behind the "Stand with Hong Kong (SWHK)" team, supporting global advocacy and international alliances. They claim Lai provided financial support and instructed individuals to organize the "Global Call for Action" campaign, urging foreign pressure on China. The team established connections with the US, UK, and Japan to lobby for sanctions. Lai transferred over HKD 118 million to his assistant and donated over HKD 93 million to pro-democracy figures and parties. Trial adjourned until Monday with reduced witness count. #HongKong #FreePoliticalPrisoners
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第九日審訊|國安供詞指李宇軒收「可疑巨款」 付980萬元全球登報費 https://bit.ly/48JwVzF
Jan 10 Jimmy Lai's trial: Prosecution presents financial investigation details, including suspicious transactions and alleged funding of political organizations. Lai is charged with 'colluding with foreign forces' and other offenses. Defense questions the exaggerated language in the police testimony. The judge emphasizes the court's role in determining the conclusions. Trial to resume next Tuesday with expert witness testimonies. #JimmyLai #freePoliticalprisoners
Jan 16: day 10 of Jimmy Lai's trial. Defense disputes relevance of expert reports to national security charges, while prosecution argues no need to prove Lai's actions caused foreign sanctions. Judge approves expert reports, stating they aid understanding of US actions against Hong Kong and whether they constitute "sanctions, blockades, or other hostile actions" under the National Security Law. Trial continues with the testimony of an accomplice witness.

It seems that the prosecution lacks a direct witness to support their accusations. Instead, they have relied on expert reports to present their case. The absence of a witness raises questions about the strength of the prosecution's evidence.

#FreeJimmyLai #freepoliticalprisoners #FreeHongKong #HKDMovement
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第37日審訊|楊清奇:黎曾稱不擔心被捕 若被捕相信英美不會坐視不理 https://bit.ly/4bX7UU5
During the trial, Jimmy Lai, founder of Apple Daily, revealed that he was not concerned about the possibility of his arrest. Lai expressed his belief that if he were to be apprehended, it would serve as evidence of the Chinese Communist Party's suppression of human rights and press freedom. He further stated his confidence that countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe would not stand idly by in such a scenario. The trial continues to unfold. #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #FreePoliticalPrisoners #PressFreedom
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 2019年七一示威者衝擊立法會大樓,14人被控暴動及「進入或逗留在會議廳範圍」等罪,其中8人早已認罪,餘下6人經審訊後被裁定至少一項罪名成立。案件於周六(16日)在區域法院判刑,承認及經審訊後被裁定暴動罪成的12名被告,被判監4年半至6年10個月,當中藝人王宗堯被重判6 年2個月。至於認罪的劉頴匡判囚4年半;鄒家成囚5年1個月;孫曉嵐則被判監4年9個月。判刑消息一出,網上爭議聲不絕,流亡澳洲的立法會前議員許智峯在fb批評, 「教人如何不痛恨這可恥政權」;藝人杜汶澤感慨「除了難過,還有什麼」;前香港眾…
In the July 1st Legislative Council incident, 14 individuals were charged with rioting and "entering or remaining in the Legislative Council chamber." 8 have pleaded guilty, while the remaining 6 were found guilty after trial. On Saturday, they were sentenced to 4.5 to 6 years & 10 months in prison, with actor Gregory Wong receiving 6 years and 2 months.

Controversy sparked online as people criticized the sentence, with exiled legislator Ted Hui expressing outrage and actor Chapman To lamenting the situation. Activist Nathan Law expressed sadness for his friend's heavy sentence, highlighting the punishment of the righteous and the rise of the wicked.
#HongKongprotest #Legco #freepoliticalprisoners
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【林卓廷等涉721暴動|閉路電視見第7被告午夜仍在元朗 與早前供稱抵太子時間有出入 控方質疑一派胡言 案件9.19結案陳詞】 全文閱讀📍https://bit.ly/4bmT88w
May 20: DOJ continued to ignore the video from the attack at Yuen Long station on July 21, 2019, and accuse victims were those who provoke the gangs, which clearly was gathered to attack passengers indiscriminately.

#ruleoflaw #freepoliticalprisoners
Owen Chow sentenced to 3-day immediate imprisonment for 'removing unauthorized items from prison' complaint case, appealing conviction and sentence. Assistant lawyer fined $1800. Initial complaint involved filing against prison authorities for damage and refusal of Buddhist books entry. Highlights lack of rights for political prisoners in Hong Kong. Main judge rules maintaining prison security, deeming complaint form as unauthorized item. Both accused found guilty for shared intent. #OwenChow #PrisonComplaint #UnauthorizedItemRemoval #FreePoliticalPrisoners