Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Forwarded from Hearts of Oak
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Jeremy Hunt is the new Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Here's a reminder of the 'Remainer' praising China's ruthless authoritarian Zero Covid strategy.
#neverforget #uk #covid
Forwarded from Hearts of Oak
Dozens of Chinese nationals are working at UK universities on sensitive projects that could aid Beijing’s plans for military domination.
The Civitas think-tank claims to have identified more than 60 individuals from top Chinese defence firms or universities linked to the People’s Liberation Army who have carried out research on campuses here in the past 18 months.
Six joint Sino-British laboratories are still active despite many UK institutions insisting they have ceased formal collaboration with the Communist regime.
#china #UK
Newcastle City Council unanimously passed motion to detwin with Taiyuan, China

Full article: fb.com/photo?fbid=427403159576903
IG @newcastlestandswithhk

#紐卡素 #Newcastle #UK
#globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反極權 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
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// Wishing a happy and prosperous Lunar New Year to the East and Southeast Asian community, in the UK and around the world.

@SonnyLeong53 and @SarahOwen_ are the first East and Southeast Asian Labour Lord and MP.

新年快樂, 恭喜發財! //

Posted on twitter @Keir_Starmer
#video #工黨 #UK #LabourParty #兔年 #HappyLunarNewYear #YearoftheRabbit #農曆新年 #香港人平安
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“Many Hong Kongers have said living in Britain is like coming home”

The UK is proud to have welcomed 144,500 people from Hong Kong since our BN(O) visa launch 2 years ago.

Posted by Home Office

#BNOVisa #BNO #移民 #移民潮 #UK #救生艇 #video

追新聞報導 linktr.ee/thechasernews

#初選47人案 #港區國安法 #UK #Manchester #烏克蘭 #普京 #putin #xijinping #russia #ukraine #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #StandWithUkraine #TakeDownCCP
Media is too big
Article 23 comes into effect today. The UK House of Lords tables urgent questions on Hong Kong to the FCDO Minister of State.

#英國上議院 #UK #23條 #廿三條 #叛國罪 #境外干預罪 #竊取國家機密 #間諜行為 #滅聲 #一言堂
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
英國起訴三男違國安法 指涉協助香港情報機構 https://bit.ly/3JWkW7F
UK London Police have charged three men under the National Security Law, accusing them of aiding Hong Kong intelligence agencies and committing foreign interference. The defendants, including Yuen Chung Biu, aged 63, will face trial today at Westminster Magistrates' Court. This arrest raises questions about any potential connection to Yuen Chung Biu, who shares the same name as the Administrative Manager of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London. #NationalSecurityLaw #UK #HongKong #YuenChungBiu
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The 35th anniversary protest and rally for #tianamensquaremassacre is hosting all around the world. Countries include #USA, #Canada #UK, #Japan, #Taiwan, #Netherland, #Australia, and #NewZealand. We urge everyone to gather to protest against tyranny and never forget the day #CCP killed thousands of innocent people who were only seeking for democracy.

#tiananmensquare #june4 #june41989 #tianamensquareprotest
蒙著面說服你 — 831 集會

昨日是831五週年,Birmingham HongKongers 和 West Midlands HongKonger Support CIC 在伯明翰市中心的維多利亞廣場舉行集會,悼念831事件及每位為香港的自由民主犧牲的死難者。五年來,香港人面對的恐懼和絕望有增無減,就算身在英國亦要提心吊膽。光復香港看似遙遙無期,感謝仍有約140名香港人出席集會,以行動證明我們仍然未忘初心。

「Free Hong Kong Democracy Now」是口號亦是信念。在陷入迷失的時候,讓我們一起找回信念,繼續前行。
IG @birminghamhongkongers

#831太子站 #毋忘831 #香港民族 #香港獨立 #UK #birmingham
3D連儂牆相片製作工作坊 — 倫敦

倫敦展覽期間,義工團隊安排咗兩個 3D 相片製作工作坊,歡迎大小香港朋友過嚟參與,大家記得記低喺行事曆,帶埋小朋友嚟啦!

- 工作坊時間:
9月21及22日,下午1時 — 2時

- 費用全免
- 地址:
Kupfer Gallery, 3 Scrutton St
London EC2A 4HF, United Kingdom

#連儂牆 #LennonWall #倫敦 #UK #London #細葉榕 #人道支援基金