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鄒幸彤 Chow Hang Tung

Challenging discrimination, defending justice, rights and freedoms. Even she is in remand and loses her freedom, she keeps fight for justice and the rule of law. Let’s learn about Chow Hang Tung’s case today.

挑戰各種歧視,捍衛正義、權利和自由。雖然她身在囹圄,卻仍堅持捍衛法治與公義。 今天我們來了解一下鄒幸彤的個案。

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Posted by @the29principles
#ChowHangTung #鄒幸彤 #支聯會 #煽動顛覆國家政權 #打壓異見 #毋忘六四 #維園集會案



#支聯會拒交資料案 #六四維園集結案
#ChowHangTung #鄒幸彤 #支聯會 #打壓異見 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #荒謬法治 #莫須有
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
獲歐洲律師協會頒人權獎 鄒幸彤獄中萬言書答謝:香港的經驗是警示 歐洲律師協會委員會日前(24日)頒發2023年人權獎,予香港的鄒幸彤、中國的許志永及丁家喜。身在獄中的鄒幸彤寫下二萬多次的英文感謝詞,表示「監獄滿是良心犯」。 鄒幸彤指出,現實世界遠非令人愉快的地方,大多數人並不活在正義或接近正義的情況,必須忍受壓迫而非保護他們的法律。她具體地指:「如果憲法賦予某個政黨絕對的領導地位,效忠法律是否代表我們要接受一黨專政?當一條法律經由黑箱作業,突然對群眾實施,你是接受抑或拒絕?當法律明文規定的權利在現實中…
Imprisoned Hong Kong activist Chow Hang Tung receives the 2023 Human Rights Award from the European Bar Association. In her heartfelt gratitude, she emphasizes that prisons are filled with conscientious inmates. She sheds light on a harsh reality where justice remains elusive for many, questioning the acceptance of one-party rule and the imposition of laws without transparency. Chow's powerful message serves as a reminder of Hong Kong's struggle.

“The (Hong Kong) prison is full of conscientious inmates” she wrote in her letter.

#HumanRights #HongKong #ChowHangTung