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Forwarded from 庭刊 HKCourtNews
【《反恐條例》首案 第12天|辯方質疑控方證人黃振強自覺難脫罪 「轉做『金手指』嘗試得到大幅度減刑」 黃不同意】

Chinese scientists have created a mutant virus by combining a livestock disease with Ebola, resulting in severe symptoms and the death of hamsters. The engineered virus caused systemic diseases and organ failure in the infected hamsters, including impaired vision and scabbing of the eyeballs. The researchers claim their aim was to find safe animal models for studying Ebola symptoms in a lab. If another deadline pandemic emerge, it’s probably from China again.

#Ebola #LabResearch #Biosafety

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#願榮光歸香港 遭禁 美國國務院表達關注


#願榮光歸香港 #香港國歌 #香港禁歌 #禁制令
Legal expert Johannes Chan Man-mun explains the permanent nature of the "interim" injunction in Hong Kong's protest case, with no avenue for appeal to the Court of Final Appeal. Chan criticizes the court's decision to deny intervention, highlighting the challenges in challenging the ban. He emphasizes the undermining of human rights and suggests legislative action instead of relying on court injunctions. Human rights concerns persist in Hong Kong. #HongKongProtests #LegalRuling #HumanRights
英國起訴三男違國安法 指涉協助香港情報機構



圖片來源:press reader
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
英國起訴三男違國安法 指涉協助香港情報機構 https://bit.ly/3JWkW7F
UK London Police have charged three men under the National Security Law, accusing them of aiding Hong Kong intelligence agencies and committing foreign interference. The defendants, including Yuen Chung Biu, aged 63, will face trial today at Westminster Magistrates' Court. This arrest raises questions about any potential connection to Yuen Chung Biu, who shares the same name as the Administrative Manager of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London. #NationalSecurityLaw #UK #HongKong #YuenChungBiu
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
香港駐倫敦經貿辦行政經理袁松彪,被英國拘捕起訴,指他違反英國國安法間諜罪,《南華早報》20多年前的報道曾指,袁松彪曾與當時是總警司的李家超,一同修讀澳洲查理斯史都華大學公共行政碩士學位。 李家超今早被問到這件事,以及袁松彪是否曾任職警隊,「呢幅相睇嚟係一幅畢業嘅合影照,而照片展示咗一班畢業生,我係其中一位」,而袁松彪據報亦到在這張照片之中,「我對呢個人既印像就係呢張照片」,似乎是要和袁松彪劃清界線。 但對於袁松彪的背景,港府是否會審視倫敦經貿辦過去的開支等問題,李家超並無回應,只是重覆昨日港府發出的聲明。…
The Administrative Manager of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London, Yuen Chung Biu, has been arrested and charged under the UK's National Security Law for espionage. A 20-year-old report from the South China Morning Post indicated that Yuen and John Li, who is currently the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, studied together at Charles Sturt University in Australia. When asked about this, Li stated that they appeared together in a graduation photo but emphasized that it was simply a group photo. The Hong Kong government has not commented on Yuen's background or the scrutiny of the London Economic and Trade Office's past expenditures. #YuenChungBiu #NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
反恐首案|黃振強稱按理解認罪協商須認全部事實 確認明知有誤仍照認
Forwarded from Xi DieDie
Forwarded from 棱角 The Points Global
【黎智英案|全球17名政界人士被提及逾50次 眾人聯署要求上庭作證】

- 17名政界人士向港府發聯署信,要求成為「黎智英案」的證人並上庭作供
- 聯署人士均為「對中政策跨國議會聯盟」(IPAC)成員,來自9個不同國家
- 他們表示自己的名字在庭上被多次提及,但港府並沒有與他們聯絡或傳召出庭
- IPAC創辦人裴倫德:對港府審判的公正性嚴重質疑

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Forwarded from 庭刊 HKCourtNews
【林卓廷等涉721暴動|第7被告供稱 曾攙扶頭流血女傷者到客服中心求助 職員回覆:「出面好危險,我哋唔會出嚟,但我哋報咗警」】

全文閱讀📍 https://bit.ly/44II6Yp
Forwarded from 庭刊 HKCourtNews
【林卓廷等涉721暴動|第7被告供稱與友人飯後送對方回元朗 南邊圍見白衣人持棍狀物聚集 以為是圍村活動或儀式】

Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
47人案|16人不認罪 司法機構網站:5月30日開庭宣布裁決 需時兩天
Forwarded from 棱角 The Points Global
【YouTube:遵循臨時禁制令 限制在港瀏覽《願榮光》】

- YouTube即時禁止在香港境內瀏覽32條《願榮光》影片連結
- 聲明:對法院裁決感到失望,但遵臨禁制令
- YouTube批評,裁決令人質疑港府促進數碼經濟,以及恢復其穩定營商環境聲譽的努力

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