Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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HongKongers please pay attention to the situation of lawyers #盧思位 and #任全牛. They dare to represent some of #12hkyouths amid the threats and warnings from the authorities. They are now under persecution. 👇


Credit: Twitter @monkmonkii
#12手足 #12港人 #save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #BringThemBack #BringThemHome #陽光司法 #不公平審訊 #維權律師 #LuSiwei #ChineseHumanRightsLawyers #Hearing #LicenceRevocation #NationalSecurity #SpeechFreedom #FreedomOfSpeech
April 15, #HKGov held a #NationalSecurity Education Day. It's in fact, a brainwashing event similar to the #Nazi before WW2. Police Training College was opened for children to play toy guns in fake metro which reminded everyone of the terrorists attack #HKPolice did to people on Aug 31.

The National Security Edu is step 2 of the total assimilation for #CCP to turn #HK into another city in #China. The curriculum will be taught from Kindergarten to High school. It's basically implementing the #Uyghur re-education camp in all the schools in HK.

This brainwashing curriculum will turn kids to believe that the meaning of national security is equal to CCP remaining in power in China. Therefore, any means to secure CCP's power is necessary on the expense of the citizens. It explains why all these horrific scene appeared for the past 2 years.

7 Pro-Democracy district councils are disqualified for invalid oath. The oath has been an excuse for #HKGov to persecute Pro Democracy Law Makers once they lost the election. Of course, non of the Pro-Beijing politicians have ever been disqualified because of the oath.

#CCP #HongKong #PoliticalPersecution #SpeechFreedom #ExpressionFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #NationalSecurity
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
There are all the secrets in the government that’s they aren’t gonna tell you; and don’t expect to be able to tell any secret either - it even hurts “national security”. Welcome #authoritarianism.
#ccp #fuckccp #boycottchina #china #hongkong #standwithhongkong #secret #nationalsecurity
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
There are all the secrets in the government that’s they aren’t gonna tell you; and don’t expect to be able to tell any secret either - it even hurts “national security”. Welcome #authoritarianism.
#ccp #fuckccp #boycottchina #china #hongkong #standwithhongkong #secret #nationalsecurity
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
"Hong Kong government allocates an additional HK$5 billion for national security, bringing the total spending to HK$130 billion. Critics argue that the lack of transparency in these funds violates government accountability and turns Hong Kong into a 'cash machine.' The public remains in the dark about the allocation details and personnel involved. This excessive spending raises concerns of abuse and mismanagement of taxpayers' money. #HongKong #NationalSecurity #Transparency"
Forwarded from Hong Kong Democracy Movement (HKDMovement)
"Hong Kong government allocates an additional HK$5 billion for national security, bringing the total spending to HK$130 billion. Critics argue that the lack of transparency in these funds violates government accountability and turns Hong Kong into a 'cash machine.' The public remains in the dark about the allocation details and personnel involved. This excessive spending raises concerns of abuse and mismanagement of taxpayers' money. #HongKong #NationalSecurity #Transparency"
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Explosive revelations in the UK expose a hidden network of Chinese influence, raising concerns about national security. The investigation by pianist 'Dr K' Brendan Kavanagh uncovers the infiltration of Chinese infiltration the UK education sector, highlighting the tactics of CCP's influence.

Newton Leng, known as 'Roaring Man,' provides teaching materials for GCSE Chinese with ties to Confucius Institutes, amplifying concerns about CCP's impact on education.

Adelina, also known as Zhang Ning, have close ties to the Chinese Embassy and UK political circles, raising further national security concerns.

Additionally, Liu Mengying, founder of Top Offer Academy, a recruitment company, attracts attention due to her connections and the changing addresses of her registered company.

#CCPInfiltration #ConfuciusInstitutes #ChineseInfluence #NationalSecurity"
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
過去二十多年一直面對強烈民意反對,03 年試圖強行立法不成的基本法二十三條立法,在香港由治及興下,在立法會完全無反對聲音下光速通過,行政長官李家超隨即宣布,廿三條將於星期六、3 月 23 日刊憲生效。 政府在去年底放始放風,會在今年完成廿三條立法,當時普遍預料會趕在年中七一主權移交前完成立法程序,但結果到今年初政府突然極速推進立法程序,在 1 月 30 日公布「諮詢文件」,當時未有公布詳細刑罰,到 2 月 28 日為僅期一個月的「諮詢」結束,政府指超過 98% 的意見支持。 到 3 月 8 日,條例草…
The controversial Article 23 legislation, previously faced strong opposition for over 20 years, was swiftly passed in Hong Kong's Legislative Council without any dissenting voices. The law will come into effect on Saturday, March 23. Critics express concern over the accelerated legislative process, with minimal consultation and detailed penalties revealed. The expedited passage of Article 23, which tightens national security, has drawn international attention, with media outlets like BBC, Bloomberg, CNN, and The New York Times highlighting the impact on Hong Kong's freedoms and its further alignment with China. Al Jazeera describes it as a "dark day" for Hong Kong's civil society, while Peninsula TV refers to the law as "draconian." #HongKong #Article23 #NationalSecurity
Jun 15: Leung Ling-kit wore a yellow raincoat with an umbrella standing at Pacific Place Patio at 4:30. He wrote “Carrie Lam kills Hong Kong” & “Black Cops are cold blooded” on a banner and hang it at the building for everyone to see. Police and negotiators went but did not allow anyone to go near him. At 9:15pm, he jumped down. That was the beginning of the 2 million+1 people march the next day.

People still commemorate him in Hong Kong to this day while countless of #HKPolice was standing by as if having a flower in hand can damage #nationalsecurity. This is the excuse they use to arrest people anyway. The laws that we having been fighting against, the extradition bill, national security law & article 23 are laws that criminalize thoughts.

#leunglingkit #HongKongProtest #5demandnot1less #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong