Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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Today is 19 months after #721YuenLongattack. On 21 July 2019, terrorist indiscriminately attacked civilians at Yuen Long station, while no police were present in the turmoil.
RTHK journalist Bao Choy has been found guilty over her TV documentary on #721YuenLongAttack. Choy had been trying to discover who owned a car suspected of ferrying weapons to the gangs who launched an indiscriminate attack on people on July 21, 2019.

This persecution is a grave violation of press freedom, as access to vehicle registry is common among journalists.

Dozens of #Hongkongers were assaulted by terrorists on July 21, 2019, and the first conviction over #721YuenLongAttack is a journalist who investigated the truth.

Journalism must be allowed to flourish and not be criminalised.

It's been 22 months since the #721YuenLongAttack. #Hongkongers were assaulted by terrorists in white T-shirts in Yuen Long station.
#Neverforget #Neverforgive #StandWithHongKong

Photo credit: @NickDemocracy (Twitter and TG)
Today is the 2nd anniversary of #721YuenLongTerroristAttack. On July 21, 2019, a triad of armed mobs, dressed in white t-shirt, indiscriminately attacked civilians at Yuen Long metro station. However, #HKPolice refused to protect innocent civilians. They escaped from the scene.

And now, some of the victims and journalists are charged. None of the mob members who attacked them, were charged. The HK government is trying to bury the truth and silence of #HongKongers under National Security Law. However, we will never forget 721 attack.

#721YuenLongAttack #StandWithHongKong #NeverForget #NeverForgive
Oct 17: A student held piece of paper writing "721唔見人" at a college recruitment event which #HKPolice participated. It refers to the day no police showed up when thugs attacked citizens indiscriminately on July 21, 2019. The school security told him to leave soon after.

"Are you happy?" the judge asks Lam Cheuk-ting during the trial. Lamresponds, "I'm not happy at all. It's not something that should have happened. Why would I be happy when someone is hitting my mouth and causing it to bleed?" The judge clarifies, "I'm not asking if you're happy about being attacked, but if you're happy that hundreds of thousands of people watched the livestream." Lam reiterates his discontent, questioning the joy in such a disturbing incident being witnessed by many. This raises concerns about a fair trial. #HongKong #721terroristattack #721yuenlongattack
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【林卓廷等涉721暴動|閉路電視見第7被告午夜仍在元朗 與早前供稱抵太子時間有出入 控方質疑一派胡言 案件9.19結案陳詞】 全文閱讀📍https://bit.ly/4bmT88w
May 20: DOJ continued to ignore the video from the attack at Yuen Long station on July 21, 2019, and accuse victims were those who provoke the gangs, which clearly was gathered to attack passengers indiscriminately.

#ruleoflaw #freepoliticalprisoners
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
721 五年,今年警方部署與以往不同,完全不在元朗站一帶安排人手站崗,傍晚過後陸續有市民到元朗站一帶逗留;到晚上約 9 時,十多名市民在元朗站 G 出口,亦即兩名軍裝警員調頭走的出口,一同舉五一等手勢,亦有人展示「自由」毛巾。
"On the 5th anniversary of 721, there was a notable change in police deployment in Yuen Long. No officers stationed near Yuen Long Station, and citizens gathered in the area in the evening. Around 9 PM, a group of over 10 people, near the G exit where two armed officers turned away, raised the five-finger and "freedom" towel gestures. #721YuenLongAttack #YuenLong #721
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【7.21五年】從「襲擊事件」到「集體毆鬥」、「互相以暴易暴」——整理7.21事件的官方論調與法庭詮釋 https://bit.ly/3zT4GCA 五年過去,不僅政府和警方對事件的定性改變,當事件被帶上法庭,法官的判詞亦再對當天的事情作出詮釋。 《獨媒》整理7.21事件後政府和警方的說法,以及至今已審結案件的判詞,當中政府就7.21的論調,由事發後的「襲擊事件」、「暴徒肆意襲擊手無寸鐵的市民」,在約一年間,改變為「有議員帶黑衣人衝入去」、「集體毆鬥」、雙方「勢均力敵、旗鼓相當」。 而翻查2021和…
Official narratives and court interpretations of the 7.21 incident have changed over five years. The government initially described it as an 'attack' on unarmed citizens but later shifted to 'collective brawl' with equal force on both sides. Court judgments referred to 'collective loss of rationality' and 'vigilante justice' by the white-clad individuals. The recent conviction highlighted the online instigation for reclaiming Yuen Long and mutual violence between white-clad and black-clad individuals. The verdict emphasized that resorting to violence and using force had consequences for both parties. #721Anniversary #YuenLong #CCPPropaganda #721YuenLongAttack