Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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The calendar of this year’s June is exactly like the one 5 years ago. June 16th, was a Father’s Day, but it wasn’t a time for celebration. Instead, millions of families came out to protest against a bill that would destroy the #ruleoflaw.

Everyone in the city knew that in order to maintain the city’s order and status, the bill needed to be revoked. However, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong at the time, Carrie Lam, was arrogant enough not to respond. The government even transform the city into a #PoliceState, organized #TerroristAttack on July21, and #Police randomly attacking regular citizens on Aug31.

Now, look at the city, what has it become? Dropping its ranking in every single criteria. Even judges resigned saying that Hong Kong is becoming a #totalitarianstate. This is 1 of many brilliant cities the #CCP destroys.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
曾在反修例運動期間,因非法集結判監三個月的前大埔區議員文念志,宣布已離開香港移居英國,他指自己被國安監視,本身的教員資格亦被教育局「重新考慮」,促成他離開香港,「紅加藍的大包圍打壓,係依然存在…佢地(哋)從無放棄過清算,無放棄過秋後算賬。思前想後,我認為無必要同佢係(喺)度浪費光陰。」 文念志星期三在個人專頁發文,指帖子公開之時他已順利離開香港到達英國,「很抱歉,不能與所有同路人繼續在香港奮鬥。」 文念志指,過去五年香港有很多變化,他曾因為兩宗社運案被判入獄及社會服務令,完成所有刑罰後他決定離開「是非…
Andrew Wan, former district councillor of Tai Po, has made the decision to leave Hong Kong, shedding light on the prevailing atmosphere of fear and the perception of Hong Kong as a totalitarian state. The concerns about surveillance, qualifications reconsideration, and overall suppression have created an unsettling environment for the former district councillor and many others. The erosion of civil liberties and restrictions on freedom of expression contribute to a deepening sense of insecurity. Continued attention and support for Wan and the people of Hong Kong remain crucial. #AndrewWan #FormerDistrictCouncillor #FearInHongKong #TotalitarianState #SupportHongKong