Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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3 Pan-Democracy Law Makers were arrested yesterday. It has become clear that #CCP wants to eliminate all its opposition and gain full control in #HK within a short period of time. At this moment, there isn't a single Law Maker that represented the Democratic side in the Legislative Council (#LegCo)

I’m not going to encourage people to cast invalid ballots or boycott the emasculated election. But I am going to point out that in the 2019 UK General Election, Nigel Farage spoilt his ballot due to the lack of a suitable candidate to vote for. Not voting is just voting for the winner, whoever that is. The US also has write in balloting so that if there isn’t a suitable candidate, you can choose someone else. So these are things worth thinking about when making a decision as to what to do.
#Court #AntiELAB
Pro-democracy Engineer tells Hong Kong Court to "Return the Power to the Citizens"

Part 1:

[Editor's notes: On July 28, 2019, the police fired numerous #teargas canisters and #rubberbullets in #SheungWan in order to disperse the crowd. 44 people were arrested, 21 of them were charged for rioting. The Court extended the trial from November 13 to December 4, 2021.]

In Hong Kong, 20 civilians, including an 26-year old engineer who pleaded guilty earlier, were accused of the riot at the police-citizen conflict at #SheungWan on July 28, 2019.

On December 4, 2021, Kun Kit-Wang, a 26-year-old engineer, defended himself in court in Hong Kong over rioting charges in the 2019 AntiELAB Movement.

Kun pleaded guilty before the trial and was under detention since May when he revoked his bail.

In court, Kun thanked the magistrate for reminding him to find a legal representative in the previous trial, but he still hoped to defend himself.

Kun said that during the 2019 #AntiELABmovement, #July28 was nothing special originally, but because of the Police’s indulgence of the #July21 indiscriminate attack in #YuenLong, that night triggered the most anger from citizens, and resulted in much anger on the rally on July 28.

He used a quote from #MartinLutherKing, "Riot is a language of the unheard", saying that the #riot classification reflects the government’s negligence of the citizens' opinion.

As a result, he admitted to being part of the riot with no hesitation and indicated that the government should feel ashamed of their actions, not the citizens.

He said there were two #rallies with a million people on #Jun9 and #Jun16, 2019, demonstrating the vox populi. Although the peaceful demonstration gained international accreditation, the Hong Kong government still ignored the backlash and made the decision on their own.

He recalled a quote painted on the wall of the #LegCo chsmber on #Jul01, 2019, "It's you who taught me a peaceful rally can't change anything." It expresses the hopelessness, frustration and anger felt by #Hongkongers at the time.

As there had been magistrate that were unknowledgable concerning the protesters' demands, Kun said that the protesters only hoped for having a chance to participate in policy advocacy, which some regard as "returning the power to the people".

If the #HongKongLegCo does not gain authorisation of the people or does not have a peaceful system to resolve problems, it is suppression. #MaoZedong has said, "fight as there is suppression".

He also pointed out that the #ProvisionalLegislativeCouncil (#PLC) installed by the post-handover government in 1997 was not authorised by the citizens. The handpicked council revived the #PublicOrderOrdinance, which became the law behind the prosecution of many dissidents.

As a person bound by the law, he would like to ask, "do I have the responsibility to obey a contract that I disagree with to begin with?”

Continue with Part 2:

Source: Inmedia #Dec04

#Defence #PoliticalOppression
Overseas activists launching Hong Kong Parliament in exile are suspected of violating national security law : Hong Kong Security Bureau

A group of overseas #Hongkongers announced their proposal of "Hong Kong Parliament", and plan to have the first election next year.

In response, the Security Bureau published a statement to condemn the organisers, including Victor Ho Leung-Mau, Elmer Yuen Gong-Yi, Baggio Leung Chung-Hang, claiming that their actions may violate the 22nd Ordinance under #NationalSecurityLaw (#NSL) -- Subversion of the State, and will arrest them.

Read more:

Elmer Yuen Gong-Yi, aged 73, is the father of former People Power Chairperson #EricaYuenMiMing and current-issue commentor #DerekYuenMiChang whose wife is a #LegCo member #EuniceYungHoiYan. Elmer Yuen has been commenting social and political issues since the 2019 #AntiELAB movement.

Victor Ho Leung-Mau was an editor-in-chief at Sing Tao Daily Canada. #BaggioLeungChungHang is a former LegCo member who was disqualified from his seat in the vow-taking incident in 2016, and had announced that he was exiled to overseas in 2020.

source: In-Media HK #Aug03
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 2019年七一示威者衝擊立法會大樓,14人被控暴動及「進入或逗留在會議廳範圍」等罪,其中8人早已認罪,餘下6人經審訊後被裁定至少一項罪名成立。案件於周六(16日)在區域法院判刑,承認及經審訊後被裁定暴動罪成的12名被告,被判監4年半至6年10個月,當中藝人王宗堯被重判6 年2個月。至於認罪的劉頴匡判囚4年半;鄒家成囚5年1個月;孫曉嵐則被判監4年9個月。判刑消息一出,網上爭議聲不絕,流亡澳洲的立法會前議員許智峯在fb批評, 「教人如何不痛恨這可恥政權」;藝人杜汶澤感慨「除了難過,還有什麼」;前香港眾…
In the July 1st Legislative Council incident, 14 individuals were charged with rioting and "entering or remaining in the Legislative Council chamber." 8 have pleaded guilty, while the remaining 6 were found guilty after trial. On Saturday, they were sentenced to 4.5 to 6 years & 10 months in prison, with actor Gregory Wong receiving 6 years and 2 months.

Controversy sparked online as people criticized the sentence, with exiled legislator Ted Hui expressing outrage and actor Chapman To lamenting the situation. Activist Nathan Law expressed sadness for his friend's heavy sentence, highlighting the punishment of the righteous and the rise of the wicked.
#HongKongprotest #Legco #freepoliticalprisoners