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Thank you UK 🇬🇧 for welcoming #Hongkongers into UK community!

This new package to welcome #BNO #Hongkongers includes 12 welcome hubs setting up across 4 nations, new resources for schools to teach students about UK-HK connection, and a new website to help HK families navigate the move.

As expected, Amendment to the Immigration Ordinance passed. Starting from Aug1, #HKGov will have the power to ban people from entering or leaving #HongKong.
Obviously, they are trying to stop people from moving to #UK with #BNO. So, once this bill is put in effect, they won't make any announcement at all. Those particular people will only realize they can't leave until they are on board. This actually shows that the BNO scheme does have an effect to #CCP. However, those who are planning to leave should consider leaving as soon as possible.
5月13日再次宣佈延長LOTR 到6月21日

You can then apply for the BNO visa from within the UK. You do not need to apply for the BNO visa straight away. You can apply at any point before your ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ expires.
You can enter the UK on ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ until 21 June 2021.

Updated today 13/05/2021

● GOV UK Official Link below

● BHK Facebook Post Link below
● BHK Discussion Forum

#bnoa #homeoffice #LeaveOutsidetheRules
#香港人加油 #英國 #BNOVisa #BNO #BNO平權 #LOtR
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#British government sources have revealed that vetting process of the BNO visa scheme is much more thorough than any other. The #UK govt are NOT idiots, #CCP's dirty tricks of abusing the lifeboat scheme has been anticipated.
The report also mentioned that a massive amount #HongKongers who have emigrated to #UK via the #BNO scheme are fearful of local #Chinese communities, worrying that spies are among them.
#China #CGTN #espionage #spying #spy #passport #english #diyms
#CCP spies are using the #BNO scheme & pretend as #HK refugees infiltrate in the #UK. Their infiltration isn't only a national threat to UK but also to the #HongKongers there.

#CCPInfiltration is formed in a lot of different ways. They can be normal investors, students or even immigrants. After universities in Australia & New Zealand fully controlled by Confucius Institute, the world is slowly realizing that #CCP use their students to manipulate professors & stealing research findings.

Some activists outside of #HongKong are also being followed & harassed by them.

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Honestly #CCP is a psychopath. #HongKongers applying to the #BNO visa please try to do it online (with VPN?) and be safe, per the #UK government's advice!
#HongKong #British #China #spy #spies #meme
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Answering to mounting pressure, the #UK government expands the #BNO scheme to provide a lifeboat for young #HongKongers.
#HongKong #China #Britain #ccp #immigration #exodus
Nottingham 放映會《時代革命》
Nottingham Screening - Revolution of Our Times

Nottingham Stands with Hong Kong 及 Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 合辦
日期 Date: 2 April 2022 Saturday
放映時間 Time: 11am-2:30pm
地點 Location: Bonington Theatre, High St, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 7EE
票價 Tickets: £7.21
Please stay for the post-screening sharing
Suitable only for 15 years and over
*劇院外設有停車場,4小時£1 ,全日£3 (請自備零錢)
There is car park outside the theatre, £1 for 4 hours, £3 for whole day (please prepare some coins)
附近也有其他停車場 Other car park near the theatre:
High Street Co-op Car Park
Croft Road Car Park
我哋好快就會公布購票方式,門票數量極度有限,請密切留意Facebook, instagram 及公海。先到先得!
#英國港僑協會 #移英港人 #MissionPerm #移英港人家園計劃 #移民英國 #BNO #港僑協會 #實體活動 #EastMidlands
#NottinghamStandWithHongKong #HongkongersInBritian
#時代革命放映會 #RevolutionofOurTimes #BoningtonTheatre
#Nottingham #諾定咸
【正式開賣 On Sale Now】

Nottingham Stands with Hong Kong 及 Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 合辦

真實記錄了香港 2019 年運動的獲獎紀錄片「時代革命」來到諾定咸!港僑協會誠邀各位港人和你們認識的本地朋友一起參與「時代革命」放映會。透過重溫一幕幕仍然歷歷在目的時刻,讓我們毋忘過去,保存真相。映後將會舉行討論會,讓大家和本地朋友分享自己的經歷和對這部電影的感想。

Buy tickets from here, 在此購票

日期 Date: 2 April 2022 Saturday
放映時間 Time: 11am-2:30pm
地點 Location: Bonington Theatre, High St, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 7EE
票價 Tickets: £7.21

Please stay for the post-screening sharing

分享會嘉賓 Post-screening sharing Guest Speakers:
"英國港僑協會創辦人 —鄭文傑
Founder of Hongkongers in Britain - Simon Cheng"
Founder of Hong Kong Liberty - Finn Lau"
獨立抗爭者/表演藝術家 - Catherine
"Independent Artist/Activist- Catherine"
"前香港公立醫院資深醫生 - 馬仲儀醫生
Former Senior Doctor of Hospital Authority in Hong Kong - Dr. Arisina Ma"

Suitable only for 15 years and over

註: 此票價乃非牟利成本價,嚴禁炒賣。

#英國港僑協會 #移英港人 #MissionPerm #移英港人家園計劃 #移民英國 #BNO #港僑協會 #時代革命 #Nottingham
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
The #BNO lifeboat scheme is expanded, thanks to the campaigning of #HongKongWatch. But this lifeboat will not be smooth sailing:
1) Reaching the #UK doesn't automatically guarantee safety, when #CCP is actively infiltrating the top levels of government. The scheme itself my be abused to infiltrate 🇬🇧 too.
2) Are the UK ready for #HongKongers? While the community is overwhelmingly supportive of freedom loving #HKers, there are also numerous opposing, especially as #Britain is facing a serious economic and energy crisis.
#China #BNO #immigration
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“Many Hong Kongers have said living in Britain is like coming home”

The UK is proud to have welcomed 144,500 people from Hong Kong since our BN(O) visa launch 2 years ago.

Posted by Home Office

#BNOVisa #BNO #移民 #移民潮 #UK #救生艇 #video
Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots
British Hongkongers are British!


2) 在英出生BNO子女獲取英國發出的旅遊證件;

2024年3月,The Hong Kong Scots 為唯一港人團體到聯合國出席聽證,爭取
#聯合國 #人權委員會 為英屬港人(BDTC-HK)平權,與英國 #海外屬土公民(現今英國 #海外領土公民)在英國擁有同等公民權利。香港人想要在國際社會上有獨立聲音,要在大國之間的夾縫掙扎,就要靠自己。

我們沒有大金主,亦沒有英國政治組織支撐,需要全球港人一分一亳支持。請即捐款支持是次倡議之旅,捐款5GBP或以上,將贈送限量版「British Hongkongers are British」磁石貼,以答謝各位支持(磁石貼將於3月中陸續寄出)。


#BNO #BNOVisa #BNO簽證 #通通不是平權 #我要真平權 #還英屬港人真國籍 #敢言 #實事求是
Forwarded from Channel C TG頻道 🎞
英國大選|施紀賢公佈內閣名單 新外相曾聲援反修例示威 斥23條損人權

英國工黨在國會選舉大勝,黨魁施紀賢(Keir Starmer)昨日(5日)覲見英王查理斯三世,獲任命成為首相。施紀賢其後逐步公佈新內閣成員,其中財相里夫斯(Rachel Reeves,暫譯)將成為英國歷來首名女性財相,新外相拉米(David Lammy,暫譯)則曾聲援2019年香港反修例示威者,並表明反對今年3月生效的《維護國家安全條例》(23條),稱條例損害香港人的權利和自由。

#英國大選 #工黨 #BNO #反修例 #23條 #對港政策 #channelchk
求真求知 報道實況 三年風雨 屹立不倒
請即成為Channel C付費會員「自己友」 訂閱享專屬福利!
下載埋Channel C App 瀏覽足本報道!
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屬於Channel C一份子嘅每一個您 成就未來每個週年🫶🏻
【盡知天下事 唯有Channel C】
齊柏林熱狗店送出$50元 禮券乙張!
// 蘇格蘭港人選民資格被「DQ」事件爆發後,協助在投票日無法投票港人的當地港人組織「蘇格蘭香港人」周一(8日)表示,有逾百港人未能投票。組織表示,有蘇格蘭個別地區前線職員見到國籍欄有香港字樣,即當港人是中國籍。有港人即使填報BN(O),但仍被當成是中國籍。


【英國大選.追專訪|蘇格蘭港人選民被「DQ」3大疑團曝光 地區職員見國籍欄有香港就當中國籍】


#BNO #投票通知咭 #英國大選 #蘇格蘭香港人 #郭子健 #追新聞 #thechaser



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