Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Although #CCP called themselves a communist party, #Nazism is their true ideology. They don't only wipe out the political system HK inherit from UK but also the language and culture. Developing a totalitarian regime is only the first step to begin genocide in #HK. The fate of #HongKongers will be exactly like #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang if #CCPChina do not end.
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
There is no excuse to repeat mistakes when history makes its lessons so clear, the world, collectively, cannot afford it! There are alarming similarities between the Nazis and CCP, we cannot handle #XiJinping the way we handled #Hitler!
#CCP #Nazi #China #Germany #history #Uyghurs #UyghurGenocide #Jews #Holocaust #hongkong #standwithhongkong #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
2) Looking forward to further action now that it’s been established that #CCP has committed #genocide
3) Countries like #UK and #Germany who claim to be defenders of #humanrights have a lot of catching up to do!
#netherlands #dutch #parliament #uyghurs #uyghurgenocide #english #diyms
The @iocmedia will be remembered for supporting a regime that commits #Uyghurs genocides and undermine #HumanRights in #HK. They forgot about promoting fairness, sportsmanship & peace.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
We would like to think that our modern society would help safeguard #humanrights. However,2021 has not been a glorious year for humanity. #CCP continues to enslave #Uyghurs, eliminates the original language of #mongolian, abuses #HKers freedom of speech and destroys #TheRuleOfLaw. Meanwhile, military coup in #Myanmar has turned the country into hell.

Worst of all, despite the lip service the free countries provided, #EU led by #German continues to make trade deals with #China.

#US continues to allow apps run by CCP owns corporates to steal personal data from their own citizens; letting CCP espionage disguise as Confucius Institute in its own universities to steal all the intellectual properties.

Giant tech monopolies all help #CCPChina to censor anything that mention about #humanrights, #freedom or #justice.

The #worldwiderallyforfreedom shows how angry people are. Let this protest be a start. More and more people will commit themselves to vote out those politicians who say one thing and act as another out and boycott those companies who do not fulfill their corporates duties.
Hugo Boss announced that they will continue to support #XinjiangCotton made by #Uyghurs Slavery. I guess history does repeat itself quite literally.
The intimidation and harassment on #Uyghurs by CCP regime does not stop even for exiles.

Women who made allegations last month of rape and sexual abuse in Chinese detention camps have been harassed and smeared in the weeks since.

This news receives way less attention than it should have. Obviously, #Beijing focusing on tracking different ethnicity isn't only eyeing on people within the country but the world. Although China has only enlisted Chinese surveillance companies, the surveillance camera is sold world wide. Those cameras would be installed with a backdoor which connects to PLA's servers.

Without monitoring nor ethical constraint, China is already a leader in big data & #AI. We all know how #Uyghurs are monitored & are put into #reeducationcamps. If these technologies are used with the purpose of #genocide, if not already have, the outcome will be unimaginable. Before you know it, Chinese global domination is already knocking at your door.

#XiJiang #1984 #uyghurgenocide