Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
The #BNO lifeboat scheme is expanded, thanks to the campaigning of #HongKongWatch. But this lifeboat will not be smooth sailing:
1) Reaching the #UK doesn't automatically guarantee safety, when #CCP is actively infiltrating the top levels of government. The scheme itself my be abused to infiltrate 🇬🇧 too.
2) Are the UK ready for #HongKongers? While the community is overwhelmingly supportive of freedom loving #HKers, there are also numerous opposing, especially as #Britain is facing a serious economic and energy crisis.
#China #BNO #immigration
🇨🇦請支持加拿大港人聯署行動 要求政府延長及擴大「救生艇計劃」




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#HongKongWatch #香港監察
【恭賀新禧|彭定康向港人拜年:我愛香港 堅信香港價值長存「獨裁政權會消失於歷史長河」】

恭賀新禧!英國組織「香港監察」(Hong Kong Watch)周六(21日)上載前香港總督彭定康的影片,向香港人拜年。彭定康提到大批港人因香港自由遭侵犯而移居海外,感謝他們在外國的貢獻,同時對仍然在港的港人送上祝福,祝港人福壽綿綿、一團和氣、財源廣進,他亦認為香港價值可以長存,「比任何地方的獨裁政權都會長久得多」。

彭定康的賀年影片以新年版編曲的《願榮光歸香港》為背景音樂,彭定康先以粵語說出「恭喜發財」,其後恭祝所有香港人新年快樂。彭定康祝願港人福壽綿綿、一團和氣、財源廣進(Longevity, Peace and Prosperity),感謝移居外國、尤其是移英港人所做的一切,亦對仍在香港的港人送上祝福,表示「我愛香港」。

「香港監察」創辦人羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)亦發表賀年短片,稱今年是兔年,兔代表希望、長壽、繁榮及和平,希望這些特點可成真。



#兔年 #農曆新年 #彭定康 #羅傑斯 #香港監察 #恭賀新禧 #YearOfRabbit #LunarNewYear #HongKongWatch #ChrisPatten #BenedictRogers #HongKong
🇨🇦 【加拿大僱主及企業聯署】支持為香港人延長及擴大開放式工作簽證政策
✍️ 加入聯署:https://forms.gle/88vfq7huPRDS4h8o9




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#HongKongWatch #香港監察
【集會要人】🇬🇧🇨🇦 倫敦、多倫多聲援香港政治犯集會 Free Hong Kong Political Prisoners rallies in London and Toronto
#釋放所有政治犯 #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners

Hong Kong groups in London and Toronto have organised rallies respectively to stand in solidarity with those in prison and on trial in Hong Kong and urge the international community to push for their release. Details are as follows:

🇬🇧 倫敦 London
日期 Date:2023年3月18日(六) Saturday, 18 March 2023
時間 Time:3:00 pm GMT
地點 Location:Montgomery Statue, London SW1A 2AT (opposite 10 Downing Street)

🇨🇦 多倫多 Toronto
日期 Date:2023年3月18日(六) Saturday, 18 March 2023
時間 Time:3:00 pm EST
地點 Location:Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge Street, North York, ON, M2N 5V7

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#HongKongWatch #香港監察
【集會要人】🇬🇧🇨🇦 倫敦、多倫多聲援香港政治犯集會 Free Hong Kong Political Prisoners rallies in London and Toronto
#釋放所有政治犯 #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners

Hong Kong groups in London and Toronto have organised rallies respectively to stand in solidarity with those in prison and on trial in Hong Kong and urge the international community to push for their release. Details are as follows:

🇬🇧 倫敦 London
日期 Date:2023年3月18日(六) Saturday, 18 March 2023
時間 Time:3:00 pm GMT
地點 Location:Montgomery Statue, London SW1A 2AT (opposite 10 Downing Street)

🇨🇦 多倫多 Toronto
日期 Date:2023年3月18日(六) Saturday, 18 March 2023
時間 Time:3:00 pm EST
地點 Location:Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge Street, North York, ON, M2N 5V7

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#HongKongWatch #香港監察