Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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The use of the microwave weapon is not being publicised, in fear this weapon would complicate relations between US and China. However, according to the Times, similar weapons are suspected to have been used during an attack on US diplomats in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou in 2018, and during alleged attacks against the US and Canadian embassies in Cuba’s capital Havana dating back to 2016.

Nonetheless, China is not the only country looking into weaponising electromagnetic waves. Scientists in Tokyo and US are also researching the use of microwave in animals, potentially weaponising the technology as well.

#US #CCP #China #India
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
#China #CCP #US #WuhanVirus #death #economy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYo_dz2njKM
Not everyone agrees that #COVID19 is a lab made virus but #CCP certainly used it as a bio-weapon. Li Yi, a CCP scholar, laughed about how #coronavirus affected #Europe & #US but not #China. He also said 4000 deaths is equals to nothing to #CCPChina.

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
As #HongKong shut its doors to the young, the world receives them. Geographical differences will not stop #HongKongers from fighting. // #exile #nathanlaw #tedhui #baggioleung #brianleung #raywong #uk #us #germany #english #diyms
Zoom helped China to censor stuff and it’s super uncool. They deserve to be sanctioned.

#zoom #ccp #china #US #diyms
10 of the #12HKYouths will be under closed trials today. At the moment, Consulate general of US offers mediate. However, there's no detail on how it is done.
Rumors has been spread about #XiJingPing wants to show a strong bully type political stand while #US election is still unsettle. It's obvious that he also believes he can bully his way out if #Biden becomes the #POTUS.
We have been trying our best to explain how #CCP's policy on #HongKong is related to the #Election20. It is obvious that #CCPChina has already foreseen what was going to happen in #DC on Jan 6th & take advantage of it. They calculate the timing meticulously to their benefit, knowing that the whole world will shift focus to the chaos the #US is currently suffering. Whether you support #Trump or #Biden, we have to face the fact that #XiJingPing has already assumed that #JoeBiden is on his side. The future of #HK indeed looks dark and we might lose the help we've once had.

Image from Hong Kong Watch

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
No one is afraid of you China -_-
So take your empty threats and leave please.

#ccp #china #US #taiwan #sanction #meme #diyms #english
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Moral of the story: minimise trading with China unless you want it to be used as leverage all of a sudden 🙃

#pineapple #meme #leo #taiwan #freedompineapple #china #CCP #US #Canada #diyms #english
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
We would like to think that our modern society would help safeguard #humanrights. However,2021 has not been a glorious year for humanity. #CCP continues to enslave #Uyghurs, eliminates the original language of #mongolian, abuses #HKers freedom of speech and destroys #TheRuleOfLaw. Meanwhile, military coup in #Myanmar has turned the country into hell.

Worst of all, despite the lip service the free countries provided, #EU led by #German continues to make trade deals with #China.

#US continues to allow apps run by CCP owns corporates to steal personal data from their own citizens; letting CCP espionage disguise as Confucius Institute in its own universities to steal all the intellectual properties.

Giant tech monopolies all help #CCPChina to censor anything that mention about #humanrights, #freedom or #justice.

The #worldwiderallyforfreedom shows how angry people are. Let this protest be a start. More and more people will commit themselves to vote out those politicians who say one thing and act as another out and boycott those companies who do not fulfill their corporates duties.
#Solidarity #GlobalSupport
#US Consulate and #EU Office Join #Hongkongers to Mourn on June 4th

On the evening of June 4, 2021, candles are placed on the window side of both the American Consulate General and the European Union Office
in Hong Kong in commemoration of those deceased in the June Fourth #TiananmenMassacre.

Source: Stand News #Jun4
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
China's anti-sanctions law a new headache for banks in Hong Kong International businesses — in particular banks — are now scrambling to work out what that could mean for them, fearful that they could be caught between competing sanction regimes https:/…
The China's anti-sanction law will put #HongKong back into a fishing village. Those officials are sanctioned by #US & #EU because they are responsible for freedom crackdown to #Uyghurs & #HKers. However, this law is obviously holding the whole city, the people, & everyone's assets as hostage.

Yesterday, HKDMovement talks about how the crisis in #Ukraine can affect #HongKong and #Taiwan. Knowing that the situation is changing every minute. We hope nothing but the best for #Ukrainians and urge #Nato, #US, #EU and others to help the people as soon as possible.


Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
"The friendship between Russia and China knows no boundary" - what sounds straight out of Sino-Soviet propaganda in the 1950s founds its way through #XiJinping's lips today. By now we all know who's propping #Putin's evil war on #Ukraine. Is CCP really heeding #US's warning?
#Taiwan #Russia #China #USA #Biden
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
No more mutual recognizing between US and HK for the accountants … not sure how much actual impact there will be but there surely gonna be symbolic meaning. #hk #us #cpa #accountant #hkicpa #finance
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
US issues ‘wrongful detention’ risk warning for travellers to Hong Kong https://hongkongfp.com/2022/07/21/us-issues-wrongful-detention-risk-warning-for-travellers-to-hong-kong/
#US issue a level 4 travel warning to #HongKong with 'wrongful detention' risk warning. However, there isn't a single chinese news outlet report this significant news showing how #CCP has full control over the press in HK.

Another question is what kind of wrongful detention are there in HK? Could it be people arrested by National Security Police, or locked up because of their COVID-0 protocol, no one will ever know.
