Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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Seems like #CCP knows no #HongKonger would find these people guilty of the sham #nationalsecuritylaw.
#hongkong #china #jimmylai #freedomofspeech #pressfreedom #democracy
#HKGov is using every means to stop #JimmyLai from hiring Timothy Owen's as his attorney. If the government is doing something illegal, they simply don't allow people to hire their own lawyer.

The country's top legislature has passed an interpretation of Hong Kong's national security law, clarifying that the courts need approval from the Chief Executive, or the committee on safeguarding national security, to allow foreign lawyers to take part in national security cases here.

Their intention is only to prevent #JimmyLai from hiring a foreign lawyer.

With the new interpretation, it will put John Lee above the law.

UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, said UK has the right to interfere according to the joint declaration referring to #JimmyLai's case.

Dec 18: Founder of Apple Daily, Jimmy Lai, along with three Apple companies, is being tried in the High Court for charges of conspiring with foreign forces and conspiracy to publish seditious publications. The case raises concerns about how the national security law threatens human rights in Hong Kong. Notably, Lai has already spent over 3 years in jail before the trial, highlighting the government's practice of punishing political prisoners even before their day in court. The trial continues tomorrow. #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #PressFreedom #HumanRights #NationalSecurityLaw #HighCourt
Dec 19: Founder of Apple Daily, Jimmy Lai, and three Apple companies continue their trial on charges of conspiring with foreign forces and publishing seditious publications. Yesterday, the defense argued that the prosecution's addition of sedition charges exceeded the time limit for prosecution. Today, they added that the prosecution should have timely initiated charges due to the six-month limit for sedition offenses. The prosecution contends that the conspiracy was ongoing, citing over 160 seditious publications released by Lai within two years. The judge will rule on the legal dispute this Friday.

Legal dispute arises as the six-month time limit for sedition offenses becomes a focal point in the trial of Jimmy Lai and the Apple Daily companies. Defense argues charges exceed the limit, questioning court jurisdiction. Prosecution contends ongoing conspiracy justifies charges. Ruling expected Friday. #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #Trial #LegalDispute #SeditionCharges
華郵:李宇軒中國拘留期間遭虐待 返港後指證黎智英






李宇軒在2021年3月22日在中國刑滿出獄,同日由深圳移交香港警方,並送往小欖精神病中心,他被控「串謀勾結外國勢力或者境外勢力危害國家安全」等罪名。案情指他與《壹傳媒》創辦人黎智英、黎的助手Mark Simon以及劉祖迪等人,在2019年反修例運動期間,控制「重光團隊」呼籲外國制裁中國和香港。


#李宇軒 #12港人 #黎智英 #陽光司法 #JimmyLai #蘋果日報 #AppleDaily #新聞自由無價 #守護真相 #撐蘋果 #壹傳媒 #滅聲

報導:光傳媒 Photon Media www.photonmedia.net
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
華郵:李宇軒中國拘留期間遭虐待 返港後指證黎智英 《華盛頓郵報》今(18日)發表獨家調查報道,指「12港人案」之一的李宇軒被中國拘留期間遭虐待,日間被迫盤腿坐在混凝土櫈子,晚上在不同時間突然被叫醒。報道引述7位知情人士表示,從李宇軒的牢房一直能聽到尖叫聲。李宇軒返港後,成為證人指證《壹傳媒》創辦人黎智英。 《華郵》引述多位知情人士透露,「12港人」被送到深圳鹽田看守所後,被分開關押在單人牢房,有兩名警衛輪流24小時監視他們,即使上廁所也要監視,牢房內燈光一直開着。 報道形容,他們通常不准在牢房內四處…
Dec 18: According to an exclusive investigation by The Washington Post, Andy Li Yu-hin, one of the "12 Hong Kongers," may have been coerced into accusing Jimmy Lai, the founder of Apple Daily. During his detention in China, Li Yu-hin faced torture and harsh conditions. He was forced to sit on a concrete stool for prolonged periods and experienced sleep deprivation. Upon his return to Hong Kong, Li Yu-hin's testimony implicating Jimmy Lai raises concerns about the potential influence and pressure exerted on him. This case sheds light on the ongoing complexities surrounding the 2019 Hong Kong protests. #HongKong #12HongKongers #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #PressFreedom #Coercion #HumanRights #PhotonMedia