Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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#BrutalCCP says that no nation must interfere in other nation’s/nations’ affairs. But, it’s very clear that an evil like #CCP has been interfering in most nations’ policies and not just one, like a big bully and a criminal organization, while not caring for it’s deprived people first, and strangulating peace, functionality and livelihood of governments and citizens of other nations. It has multiple ways in harming other nations by bribing the officials and governments of other nations, who become mere puppets to it and do what it says.

So, can the world keep quiet after how #CCP has been involved in a Genocide of Uyghurs, and cracking down on Hong Kongers in Hong Kong?

It’s time for everyone to stand up to #CCP, and not be lured by it’s money. If humanity has to sustain with peace, family and happiness, with life full of opportunities, Evil Regimes like #CCP must end.


Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
If young, fearless, and stand up for what they believe are the offenses, they are guilty. For a coward government - convicting these youngsters for subversion just shows how weak it is.
#fuckccp #ccp #boycottchina #china #hongkong #subversion #hongkongindependence
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
涉管理「香港獨立黨」平台眾籌倡港獨 41歲居英葡籍男認罪還押4.11判刑 官斥隔岸觀火 https://channelchk.com/a/16624 一名41歲居英葡籍男子被指為「香港獨立黨」主席,在多個社交平台發佈帖文,內容提及發起眾籌籌軍費佔領香港、提倡「港獨」等。他在前年11月入境本港時被捕,被控一項串謀煽動他人實施分裂國家罪。他今日(27日)在區域法院承認控罪,還押至4月11日判刑。法官練錦鴻在庭上斥被告,當時身處海外「隔岸觀火、惹起火頭」,認為他其心可誅。 快啲Follow我哋後備IG啦 h…
A 41-year-old Portuguese national residing in the UK, accused of being the chairman of "Hong Kong Independence Party," pleaded guilty to charges of inciting secession and advocating "Hong Kong independence." He posted related content on various social media platforms, including crowdfunding for military expenses to occupy Hong Kong. Arrested upon entering Hong Kong in November two years ago, he was remanded in custody until April 11 when sentencing will take place. The judge criticized the defendant for observing from overseas and igniting tensions, emphasizing his culpability. This case highlights concerns that it may be unsafe for individuals with political opinions to visit Hong Kong. #HongKongIndependence #Incitement #Sentencing #PoliticalOpinions
HK govt targets HKers relentlessly: 20-year-old returns to HK after 4 years abroad, arrested for 2020 illegal assembly, pleads guilty, sentenced to 8 weeks. Amid #NationalSecurityLaw, a student involved in a 2019 event at APM mall, chanting '#HongKongIndependence,' detained upon return to HK in July 2024. Admits to illegal assembly, sentenced to 8 weeks. DOJ now baselessly accuses him of intending to harm police. #APMmall #BailRevoked #IllegalAssembly