Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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There's absolutely no consequences for whatever #HKPoliceTerrorist do whatsoever. And this includes prostitution. That's because they are protected by the judges. We often mention #CarrieLam & other government officials when it comes to putting them on sanction list. But we shouldn't forget the judges played a huge part on destroying our #ruleoflaw!
Although #HKGov, #CarrieLam & #HKPoliceTerrorist were able to use 7000 police to stop people from commemorating #TienanmenSquareMassacre, they couldn't stop people all around the world. There might be the most people to commemorate #June4 all around the world this year. So, typical #Wumao responded & insult the Queen Elizabeth in an attempt to save #CCP's face.
It's been 2 years now. Our comrade, Leung Ling-kit, reminded us to stop #CarrieLam & #HKGov from passing the extradition bill with his life. After 2 years, the fight is still far from over.
Last year, #CarrieLam claimed that #NationalSecurityLaw would only affect a small portion of people. Today, John Li said buying newspaper might commit #NSL. In fact, it's more than just a matter of undermining #FreedomOfPress. But #HKGov is using #NSL to freeze a listed company & staffs not being able to get their salary which will affect hundreds of families.

After taking down @appledailyhk, #HKGov will be targeting other news outlets, yellow economy, & political KOL, and finally, activists outside of #HK. This is certainly a security issue throughout the globe.
According to RTHK, it was Carrie Lam who proposed to remove Matthew Cheung & promote John Li as Chief Secretary.
However, including Chris Tang, most important roles in #HKGov were once a police officer. Obviously, #CarrieLam isn't in control, but instead getting removed by the #HKPolice.
With this reform happened right after Apple News being taken down, it is hard not to link the connection between the 2 incidences.
Obviously, #CCP strives to remove all the news outlet that monitors them. Now AppleNews is gone, the darkest days for HK has finally begun. We as protesters must find a way to prepare for what is to come.


#CarrieLam is 1 of the 2 women who are listed as #PressFreedom predator. But she is only a puppet. The biggest freedom predator is #CCP.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
For those who are not familiar with the history of #CulturalRevolution, we are witnessing #CulturalRevolution2.0. It is simply a more severe version of a police state. For #CarrieLam has told people to report their children & students is exactly what cultural revolution is about. When it matures, no one in #HK will be safe. By then, the only way to survive will have to form underground groups.

#HKPolice discovered 3 top government officials violate gathering banned in March while investigating on a rape case. The 3 officials were Commision of Custom, Hermes Tang, Director of Immigration, Ka-Wang Au & Undersecretary for security, Sonny Au. They were having dinner with upper management from a Chinese corporation listed in #HK, Evergrande. It was reported that there were 9 people at the dinner & 1 of the other 6 was suspected to attempt rape.

The venue was a private club in Wan Chai. The dinner was at least over 3k HKD each but the 3 officials claimed they didn't need to pay for it. This sort of corruption is a new low, but #CarrieLam & #HKGov are still trying to defend the 3 officials.

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
The #StudentsUnion of the top #university in #HongKong, raided by the police over a statement of commemoration. Students are told they’re under investigation for “national security” charges. Students in their early 20s. #CarrieLam said “they’re not children anymore.”
On the other hand, #CarrieLam demanded the public stop going after the three officials who attended a lavish dinner when social gathering ban was in order, said their apology should suffice. No further investigations regarding #corruption will be taken. 🤷🏻
#hku #hk #nationalsecuritylaw #diyms #english
Tong Ying Kit, the 1st person who was arrested for #NationalSecurityLaw was found guilty on the same day Edgar Cheung got the Olympic gold medal. They are both 24 years old.

Tong was convicted of committing incitement to secession & terrorist activities. All Tong did was riding a motor cycle displaying "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times" flag.

Those judges, who were hand picked by #CarrieLam, handed the verdict only based on Tong displaying the slogan. They claimed that he understood the slogan would incite others to commit secession based on no evidence.

This is a total display of how the judges in #hongkong working with the #CCPChina to undermine the freedom in HK & destroy the #ruleoflaw. They betray their own profession and hand in verdict based on their political0 benefits. They should also be responsible & sanctioned for what they've done to #HongKongers

#CarrieLam publicly interefered Hong Kong Law Society election, threatening that it would become the next "Teacher's Union". As a result, 5 candidates who ties with Liaison Office won the election.

Before the election, Jonathon Ross, who belongs to the liberal camp, withdrew from the election because him & his family was threatened.

#HKGov & #CCP used mafia style method to control the Law Society election will completely destroy its independence. From this point, using legal method to constrain the government will become extremely difficult. At the same time, citizens and activists in HK will become vulnerable.

The #HKGov further undermine the #RuleOfLaw. Pro-Beijing Lawmakers & #CarrieLam are proposing a Legal aid reform: Critics fear right to choose lawyer will be undermined but Hong Kong gov’t advisor says plan will be ‘fairer’.

This is against Basic Law 35 so that people with charges won't be able to choose their desired attorney similar to people in #China.

This obviously targets those who are arrested because of the protest started 2 years ago & the lawyers who are trying to protect the rights of the activists.
Despite other countries urging #HKGov to open its border, they insist on "COVID ZERO" policy which highly affect the economy & citizens' daily lives. #CarrieLam insists that the policy will probably continue until Nov next year.
Many blame #HKGov is constrained by #Beijing & care about what #CCP wants rather than what #HKers need. The effect of the policy is actually closing the HK's border, which keeps people from leaving or entering the city & turn #HK into a massive jail. If this is indeed what Beijing's plan is for Hong Kong, the situation of the city will be very similar to #Tibet & #XiJiang.


Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Where to begin? Completely ill-considered measures: some offices and residences are connected to malls, are those citizens not to go to work / home? And restrictions on family gatherings in private premises? They gonna break down my door? They probably will….
#hongkong #hk #carrielam #ccp #dynamiczeropolicy
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
“Significantly reduce questions on gov’t work” means this CCP puppet does not allow any scrutiny. That’s why Hong Kong’s news media are dismantled. Chief Exec. Carrie Lam advises lawmakers to ‘significantly reduce’ questions on gov’t work, citing Covid fight…
Chief Exec. of #HK #CarrieLam advises lawmakers to ‘significantly reduce’ questions regarding 'COVID-Zero' nonsense. After the election is reformed, the LegCo is completely dysfunctional. Even when the COVID mandates are a complete failure, no questions can be asked. All decisions are made based on Carrie Lam's mood. Everyone else has to comply, or they violate. #NationalSecurityLaw.

Just as we had predicted, the #NationalSecurityLaw was purposely written to affects everyone including those outside of #HKGov's jurisdiction. This is also the reason why #CCP strives to take control of the interpol.

This is also a tactic of fear #CCPChina & #CarrieLam trying to spread outside of #HK. The regime has spent 2 years reforming the Gov't body into a fascist regime. Now, they are trying to spread their influence around the world.

Security Bureau threatens UK-based Hong Kong Watch founder with life imprisonment;


#CarrieLam announced that she won't be running for upcoming re-election. Since #HongKong handed to #CCP, non of the Chief Executives could pass through 2 terms. Carrie Lam would be the 2nd CE that only has 1 term. This reflects how much of a failure state #HK has become since #CCP has taken control of the 3rd largest financial hub in the world.

The way Carrie Lam announced her not running for re-election after visiting Shenzhen shows #Beijing's direct influence on #HKGov. This breached Sino British Joint Declaration which clearly stated that #CCP wouldn't interfere with HK's internal affairs.
Change in the time of Carrie Lam
Credit: twitter @AFP

Losing faith in the courts.

Hong Kong's most prominent democracy activists have disappeared from view as their prosecution under a security law drags into its second year

Full article: http://u.afp.com/whUV

#CarrieLam #撕裂 #柒婆 #禍港正苦 #攬炒之母 #不尋求連任 #特首 #愛国者治港