Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Part 1 初選 47 人案,經過三年多終於有裁決,毫不意外地 16 個不認罪的被告,絕大部分被判罪成,47 人只有兩人暫時脫罪,但仍要面對上訴。雖然結局早已注定,但作為香港歷史上最重大的政治審判,仍然有必要將法庭如何將香港反對派代表人物全部打成顛覆國家罪犯,留下一個簡單的紀錄。 由當日民主派大搜捕開始,公眾心中都有同一個疑問:立法會議員行使憲制權力,否決政府提出的財政預算案,如何可以被指稱是顛覆國家政權? 今日,李運騰、陳慶偉和陳仲衡三個法官,給出了法庭的答卷。他們前後用了 337 頁、87000…
The Hong Kong court twisted logic and law to imprison opposition figures and strip away citizens' voting rights. They exploited the broad definitions of the national security law, labeling peaceful actions as subversion. The court equated legislative activities with unlawful conspiracy, undermining democracy. They ignored the defense's argument and extended "unlawful means" to non-criminal acts. This sets a dangerous precedent, allowing the government to criminalize dissent. The trial unjustly imprisoned individuals and eroded voting rights, undermining democracy. This highlights the erosion of Hong Kong's autonomy and the need for international support.

Credit: @mwcartoons @renews_hk @inmediahknet

#HongKong #PoliticalRepression #TwistedLogic #StrippedRights #VotingRights #RuleOfLaw