Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Today, #HKGov announced a law to forbid people from promoting blank vote in the newly amended election. They claimed that blank vote would hurt the legitimacy of the lection. However, the logic behind this is to forbid #HKers to have any kind of method to protest. The amendment itself has already violated the basic law & breached the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

While already having the full control of the election, they also force citizens to agree with them by putting candidates they have already planned for. The other countries that have similar election are Norrth Korea & Iran.
April 15, #HKGov held a #NationalSecurity Education Day. It's in fact, a brainwashing event similar to the #Nazi before WW2. Police Training College was opened for children to play toy guns in fake metro which reminded everyone of the terrorists attack #HKPolice did to people on Aug 31.

The National Security Edu is step 2 of the total assimilation for #CCP to turn #HK into another city in #China. The curriculum will be taught from Kindergarten to High school. It's basically implementing the #Uyghur re-education camp in all the schools in HK.

This brainwashing curriculum will turn kids to believe that the meaning of national security is equal to CCP remaining in power in China. Therefore, any means to secure CCP's power is necessary on the expense of the citizens. It explains why all these horrific scene appeared for the past 2 years.

Beijing not only persecutes its own citizens but also encourages other government to do the same. That's a threat to #humanities.
#HKGov will be passing a bill that will take away people's right to enter or leave #HK. If the bill passes, which it probably would, what can the world do to save #HongKongers?
21 people were rearrested from the Polytechnic University Siege. This is a new low as they were already released once and now rearresting them again because they were surrounded.
1 of them is a current high school graduate. Meaning, he will miss his final exam and miss his opportunity to apply for any university.
As the world starting to realize how much of a threat #CCP is to democratic countries, #HongKongers have already fought the fight 2 years ago. Now, #Taiwan has become the most dangerous place in the world. If #CCP's power continue to grow, there will be nowhere safe.

#Freedomofspeech has always been the core value of #HongKongers. We always value honesty & integrity. This is how we separate ourselves from #China. Now, #HKGov alongside the judges are destroying the opportunity for people to know the truth.
#MilkTeaAlliance  rally in #Perth.
This rally will protest against #UyghurGenocide, #Tibet persecution, #HongKong destruction of freedom, CCP’s backing of #MyanmarCoup, #CCP economic and military coercion against Australia and Taiwan.
#CarrieLam announced her plan to exchange civil servant between #HongKong & #China. Her intention is obviously trying to destroy the governing system that's inherited from #UK. #HK's governing system has a much longer history than #China. The only thing they are trying to bring to HK is corruption which #CCP is known for.