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#Biden was criticized by Republicans recently for saying that US is “not looking to decouple from #China.”

He also referenced the Chinese #SpyBalloon that flew over the United States before the military shot it down, and said he wouldn’t let the “silly balloon” damage his communications with the CCP.

The #FBI was given six days to hand over key documents or they will face criminal charges for contempt of Congress.

This has to do with documents that could be incriminating to the #Biden family.

Representative #JamesComer, has renewed demand for #FBI-generated record alleging a bribery scheme involving then-VP #Biden.

The #FBI leadership could face charges of #CriminalContempt of Congress, unless they hand over documents on potential financial crimes of the #Biden family.

Back in May of 2022, the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana filed a lawsuit seeking a preliminary injunction to stop Biden and his administration from #colluding with social media giants to suppress free speech.

But the legal system moves slowly, so it took until now for the #FreeSpeech case against #Biden to reach its preliminary highlight on Friday.

Media is too big
The most important lawsuit in the United States just took place in the Western district of Louisiana: the #FrreeSpeech case against #Biden.

And we absolutely could not believe our eyes and ears when we saw and heard the government’s arguments.

A #Biden executive order on February 16 aimed to use #AI on programs for #RacialEquity.

It would "promote equity in science and root out bias in the design and use of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence; protect the right to vote and realize the promise of our Nation’s civil rights laws…"

Media is too big
A lawsuit was filed to prevent the #Biden administration from colluding with #SocialMedia giants in May 2022.

Due to the legal system’s slow pace, it just recently reached its highlight as both sides presented their arguments. #TruthOverNews unearths the details:
Media is too big
A lawsuit concerning the #Biden administration colluding with #SocialMedia giants just took place in the Western District of Louisiana.

Despite being exposed, the Biden administration has decided to double down on illegal state censorship. #TruthOverNews reveals the details:
The government’s proposal would result in a ban of roughly half the #GasStoves currently on the market.

The #Biden administration policy in question is from the Department of Energy which has published proposed rules for stoves to align them with "energy conservation standards."
