不能說的老人台 ElderlyChannelHK
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每日為你介紹同解構老人台廣告商嘅營銷策略,以及老人台嘅節目編排、戰略方針📺 我哋支持自由市場,商戶應該有選擇宣傳平台嘅權利,顧客亦應該有幫襯與否嘅自由,不過,本頻道可不贊同誹謗、恐嚇行為的喔!🙅🏻‍♀️
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We are your loyal customers from Hong Kong. It is regrettable to see Kose's Hong Kong branch decided to advertise a Pro-Beijing TV Station named TVB.

TVB is a Pro-Chinese Communist Party(CCP) television station which reports biased and fake news, spreading propaganda for CCP, and trying its best to justify all misbehaviours that HK Government have done, including justifying HK police brutality and defaming the democratic movement in HK. Therefore, collaborating with TVB is no different from agreeing their behavior.

Japan is a country that upholds universal values, such as pursuing freedom and human rights. We would like you to pressure your Hong Kong Branch to stop holding a candle to the devil and withdraw advertisements from TVB. We look forward to your reply, thank you. #FreedomOfPress #StandWithHK
We are the netizens from Hong Kong. It is regrettable to see #HiPP's Hong Kong branch decided to collaborate with TVB and sponsor their actors Lokyi Lai and Stephen Wong. Also, we are dissatisfied that HiPP(HK) tries to silence all the netizens who criticize their marketing strategy.

TVB is a Pro-Chinese Communist Party(CCP) television station which reports biased and fake news, spreading propaganda for CCP, and trying its best to justify all misbehaviours that HK Government have done, including justifying HK police brutality and defaming the democratic movement in HK. Therefore, collaborating with TVB is no different from agreeing their behavior.

Germany is a country that upholds universal values, such as pursuing freedom and human rights. We would like you to pressure your Hong Kong Branch to stop collaborating with TVB. Otherwise, Hongkongers have no choice but to boycott HiPP's products. We look forward to your reply, thank you.

#FreedomOfPress #StandWithHK
不能說的老人台 ElderlyChannelHK
續上文 【TVB鬧市亂揸無人機】 2022年農曆新年期間,TVB違反民航處多項《安全操作指引》,喺離地300呎(約90米)以上、人群及車輛上方及「機場及飛機升降航道範圍」操作無人機。TVB對事件無回應。 【TVB藝人疑似危駕航拍機】 #謝東閔 早前疑似駕駛航拍機,喺汀九橋逆線貼近車輛飛行,嚴重威脅司機安全,之後亦有多人向我哋提供影片,指控佢喺港鐵站、輕鐵站操作無人機。TVB對事件無回應。 【沙士「#冼剩種」事件】 早前 #聲夢傳奇 成員 #冼靖峰 開Live期間口放厥詞,指2003年出…
A TV station-monitoring organization in Hong Kong (SayNo4TVB) was reported by the TV station (Television Broadcast Limited, TVB) and banned by Facebook and Instagram recently, due to the "violation of copyright". I doubt that meta is helping TVB to suppress freedom of speech and press.

According to the "Copyright Ordinance" in Hong Kong, Fair Use is allowed for quoting copyrighted materials, such as research, education, news reporting, criticism or comment, etc.

Since #SayNo4TVB only used the mentioned materials for Fair Use and never made any profit from them, could meta explain why has your company banned "SayNo4TVB"? Does meta's management team in China has some kind of "political bias" or favors? Or is meta facing any kind of "pressure"?

#FreedomOfSpeech #FreedomOfPress