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Justitia Hong Kong 暖氣軍師撐香港 Channel




This is how you can support them and get involved.



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#光復香港時代革命 #自由 #民主 #民主自由 #英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師
Justitia Hong Kong 暖氣軍師撐香港 Channel
簡單來說,普京入侵烏克蘭為的並非是單純解決領土糾紛,而是正式向擁有民主人權的自由世界宣戰。如果我們容讓普京好像希特拉一樣變本加厲去大肆蹂躪歐洲諸國,又或者如同前蘇聯姑息史大林的暴行,今次的受害者將不再限於烏克蘭本土或歐洲境內,而可能會漫延至世上其他愛好和平的民主國家國民。試想像普京為一個黑社會龍頭大佬,正在密謀策動向文明世界開戰,而其他平時只講不做的獨裁國家元首亦可能會相繼響應。台灣會是一個明顯的目標,如果台灣淪陷,亞太區其餘的民主地區亦凶多吉少。 現在是時候以行動支援烏克蘭,避免有對人類更嚴重的威脅發…
How can we support Ukraine?

In short, Putin has not just declared war or invaded Ukraine per se, he has declared war on democratic systems, the liberal and democracies where we are leading our free and autonomous ways of life. If we allow Putin to carry on his aggression just as Hitler has been allowed to wreck havoc across Europe or as the Soviet Union has tolerated the atrocities of Stalin; the victims this time will no longer be localised in Ukraine or in Europe but spill over to all over the peace-loving people of the democracies globally. Think of Putin as the gangster boss heralding the start of a thugs’ war on civility; other dictatorships with self-conscious existential insecurity will follow his calls. Taiwan is a conspicuous target; once it falls, so will the rest of the democracies in the Asia Pacific region.

It is time to take active actions to support Ukraine to prevent the larger threat to our ways of life. HongKongers fled Hong Kong to evade the dictatorship of China. We are fraternally linked to Ukrainians in this sense.

For those HongKongers in the U.K., what happens to Ukraine now foreshadows the possible fate we may face. Dictatorships like Russia and her ally China will not stop at the invasion of one country, but they will aim at infiltrating democracies. Dictators are trying to bring us down through espionage and causing internal divisions. We should band together to fight against this belligerent and aggressive trend of authoritarian dictatorships.

We must show support and solidarity with Ukrainians and do whatever we can. We can sponsor humanitarian groups who support the affected Ukrainians. We can also share news and actions to take to people around us. Spread your ideas and encourage people around you to stand with Ukraine. We must not yield to tyrants.

This is how you can support them and get involved.



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#JustitiaHK #london #hongkongers #hongkong #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freehongkong #liberatehongkong #democracynow #savehk #standwithukraine

#光復香港時代革命 #自由 #民主 #民主自由 #英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師
蘇格蘭政府已實施「免費乘搭巴士計劃」(Young Persons’ (Under 22s) Free Bus Travel),所有蘇格蘭居民、年齡介乎5至21歲者皆可申請。免費巴士服務涵蓋於整個蘇格蘭地區,亦適用於往返蘇格蘭不同城市。

另外,如本身已持有Young Scot Card,亦需額外申請更新版才可享有免費服務。合資格港人可循以下網址申請:https://www.transport.gov.scot/concessionary-travel/young-persons-free-bus-travel-scheme/#overview


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#光復香港時代革命 #國安法 #自由 #民主 #民主自由 #英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師
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#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師 #JustitiaHK
流散.聚合 - 香港民族藝術展





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#london #hongkongers #fightforfreedom #standwithhk #freehongkong #hongkong #hkisnotchina #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師 #JustitiaHK
Diaspora – Exhibition of Hong Kong Nationhood

This exhibition aims to present the nationhood of Hong Kong, based on the way in which a common imaginary of nationhood has been developed through the lens of the arts. It involves 11 (tbd) HK artists. This exhibition is created by HK people, curated by HK people, and produced by HK people.

It endeavours to:

Look at Hong Kong’s pro-democracy social movements from a holistic approach;
Create an open space for audience to give voice to their Hong Kong identities;
Serve as a documentation and archive in the chronicle of Hong Kong identity and nationhood.


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#london #hongkongers #fightforfreedom #standwithhk #freehongkong #hongkong #hkisnotchina #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師 #JustitiaHK
JHK 將會聯同King’s College合辦一個放映會同埋panel discussion. 屆時會有黃偉國教授 (https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/黃偉國),同埋King’s college London 歷史學會主席同大家分享對於2019年運動嘅睇法,同埋呢場運動對於香港民族同埋世界嘅影響。

如果大家有興趣出席,請到eventbrite 留低你哋嘅姓名,同埋聯絡方法。到時會有人數限制,只有已登記咗人士可以進場。


如果有任何關於呢個活動嘅問題請聯絡JHK: justitiahongkong@gmail.com



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#JustitiaHK #london #hongkongers #hongkong #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #freehongkong #hkisnotchina #hongkongprotest #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #democracy #democracynow #savehk #NationalsecurityLaw

#光復香港時代革命 #國安法 #自由 #民主 #民主自由 #英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師
流散.聚合 - 香港民族藝術展



- 全面回顧香港社運;
- 為觀眾提供平台,討論香港人身份,以及;
- 作為香港民族編年史的文件和檔案。

Diaspora – Exhibition of Hong Kong Nationhood

This exhibition aims to present the nationhood of Hong Kong, based on the way in which a common imaginary of nationhood has been developed through the lens of the arts. It involves 11 (tbd) HK artists. This exhibition is created by HK people, curated by HK people, and produced by HK people.

It endeavours to:

- Look at Hong Kong’s pro-democracy social movements from a holistic approach;
- Create an open space for audience to give voice to their Hong Kong identities;
- Serve as a documentation and archive in the chronicle of Hong Kong identity and nationhood.


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#london #hongkongers #fightforfreedom #standwithhk #freehongkong #hongkong #hkisnotchina #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師 #justitiahk
暖氣軍師 及 蘇格蘭香港人 就《時代革命》公映的呼籲:




日期及時間為4月5日(星期二)晚上7:40 ,地點為Glasgow Film Theatre。



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#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #英港同行 #暖氣軍師 #justitiahk