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#KwaiChungLockdown #Omicron
Chaotic Mass Testing Stokes Fear of Rampant Virus Spread at Kwai Chung Estate

Source: Whats News Media, #Jan22
#KwaiChungLockdown #FailedState #Omicron #WuhanPneumonia

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#KwaiChungLockdown #Omicron
Chaotic Mass Testing Stokes Fear of Rampant Virus Spread at Kwai Chung Estate

Thousands of residents at Kwai Chung Housing Estate were forced to undergo immediate and ongoing daily COVID-19 tests at makeshift testing stations, after authorities placed two buildings under a mandatory 5-day lockdown and at least 4 other buildings under overnight lockdown.

Over 10,000 residents live in the 4 buildings locked down for the overnight COVID-19 testing. However, only 4 makeshift testing booths were set up.

There was, however, no arrangement for residents to be tested in batches. This caused overcrowding at lift lobbies and elevators, as many headed out for their tests at the same time. A photo of elevator CCTV showed around a dozen people squeezing into elevators; the photo has since gone viral on social media.

Long, winding queues formed as residents filed patiently into the courtyard for their tests. Residents said that the queue snaked through some narrow passageways, and those returning home after tests had to go back the same way, squeezing past the long queue.

No social distancing measures were employed, residents said, and they feared that this virus testing would instead spread the virus even further.

Source: Whats News Media, #Jan22

#FailedState #WuhanPneumonia
#KwaiChungLockdown #Omicron
What is Hong Kong Government's real intention behind locking down residential buildings?

Elsewhere in Hong Kong on Sunday (January 23, 2022), hundreds of camping tents were seen in Victoria Park, where domestic helpers meet and socialize as usual on their day off.

Source : Local press Hong Kong; #Jan23

See also:
Radical Lockdown Strategy Affecting 2,700 Residents in Grassroot Public Housing Estate in Hong Kong

Frustrated Kwai Chung Residents Hurl Abuses at Top Officials During "Visit"

Chaotic Mass Testing Stokes Fear of Rampant Virus Spread at Kwai Chung Estate

#FailedState #WuhanPneumonia
#Lockdown #FailedState #Omicron
Double standards? Government House, Police Headquarter and Consulates spared from Lockdown despite COVID-19-positive wastewater samples

Source: Channel C TG; #Feb5

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#Lockdown #FailedState #Omicron
Double standards? Government House, Police Headquarter and Consulates spared from Lockdown despite COVID-19-positive wastewater samples

Hong Kong authorities continued its lockdown strategy in many grassroot housing estates over the past several weeks, in order to achieve China's dynamic zero COVID objective, which has grievously affected lives of thousands of local residents.

Whenever wastewater samples tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, the whole housing estate could be locked down for 3-5 days, and its residents subject to mandatory testing.

On February 5, the authorities announced that wastewater samples from six sewage monitoring areas were found positive for the virus. It indicated that there may be hidden cases in the premises within these areas.

Among these areas were Peak Road, Magazine Gap Road and Cotton Tree Drive, including the Government House where the Chief Executive Carrie Lam resides.

Also in the area are Grenville House, home of former Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa; the Police Headquarters; the Consulate General of the U.S; and the British Consulate General.

Instead of locking down these areas and conducting mandatory COVID-19 testing as it had done elsewhere, the authorities only dispatched 3 sets of rapid test kit for the affected residents to self-test.

Responding to local media inquiry, a spokesperson for the government claims that these rapid test kits are the "newest approach" for COVID-19 testing, and deployment arrangements may differ according to the situation in each affected area. The Office of the Chief Executive said the Chief Executive and her family members will conduct the self-test as required.

Source: Channel C TG; #Feb5

Related articles:

Radical Lockdown Strategy Affecting 2,700 Residents in Grassroot Public Housing Estate in Hong Kong

Chaotic Mass Testing Stokes Fear of Rampant Virus Spread at Kwai Chung Estate
#MandatoryTesting #PoliceState
Mandatory COVID-19 testing turns into police-resident stand off

Source: Channel C HK, Pazu’s Facebook page; #Feb10

#FailedState #Omicron #WuhanPneumonia

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#MandatoryTesting #PoliceState
Mandatory COVID-19 testing turns into police-resident stand off

At around 8pm on February 10, a large crowd of over a hundred residents at Sun Chui Estate were agitated after waiting for three hours for mandatory COVID-19 testing in a pop-up center in Tai Wai, Hong Kong as the testing center insisted to close on time.

Instead of soothing the hightened emotions among residents, police officers on the scene criticised them for "creating troubles". Some even switched on their video cameras, pointing them at the crowd of angry residents aiming to intimate and silence them.

The situation soon turned into a police-resident stand off. An emotional officer hurled insults at the crowd, saying "it's none of your business." He was quickly pulled away from the crowd to avoid further clashes.

Meanwhile, another officer, taunted residents by remarking that, "you should come to the counter earlier!"

Being provoked, the crowd immediately retalitated in anguish. Many shouted back that they have arrived at the scene as early as they were instructed to.

#FailedState #Omicron #WuhanPneumonia

Sources: Channel C HK, Pazu's Facebook page; #Feb10
#Satire #SurveillanceState
Down with the live-with-COVID believers

#Omicron #FailedState #CCP #Authoritarianism

image source: Ar To

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#Satire #SurveillanceState
Down with the live-with-COVID believers

Above four-panel-cartoon is created by a popular artist in Hong Kong, Ar To. The cartoonist attempts to bring out real intention behind the COVID-control measures purposefully imposed in the city in the face of Omicron outbreak.

Inscriptions from upper right panel:
"So it's come to this ..."
"We've got to live with the vir-"
"We've got to live with surveillance!"

Hong Kong is reeling under an outbreak of Omicron infections, recording nearly 7,000 cases in a day on February 20, straining hospitals and testing centers to their limits.

An opinion poll taken last month -- at the beginning of the current outbreak -- shows that nearly two-thirds of citizens are receptive of a "live with the virus" approach similar to other countries such as the UK.

The Hong Kong government, however, had taken this outbreak as an opportunity to tighten gathering restrictions, enforce mandatory use of its controversial #LeaveHomeSafe tracking app, and carry out sudden, community-wide lockdowns and mandatory testing that last for days. As China is growing more concerned with Hong Kong's seeming inability to contain the outbreak, Carrie Lam and her government may be hard pressed into enacting more Orwellian surveillance measures in order to satisfy Beijing's demands for "dynamic zero covid" -- whatever that now means.

image source: Ar To

See also;
New York Times: Hong Kong Can’t Live With the Virus. It Can’t Stop It, Either.

#Omicron #FailedState #CCP #Authoritarianism
#FactWire: #Sinovac limits Hong Kong’s protection against infection from #Omicron, analysis suggests

Source: FactWire; Hong Kong Free Press #Feb26

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#FactWire: #Sinovac limits Hong Kong’s protection against infection from #Omicron, analysis suggests

//Analysis conducted by FactWire suggests that only 16.5 per cent of Hong Kong’s population is currently protected against infection from the Omicron variant of Covid-19, when factors such as the percentage of vaccinated residents, the type of vaccine received, and waning antibody levels are taken into consideration.

This is due to the limited effectiveness of the Chinese-made CoronaVac vaccine, commonly known as Sinovac – one of the two options available in Hong Kong – against infection from the Omicron variant. Almost half of those receiving their first or third jabs in February opted for Sinovac, which may prevent severe illness but not infection.

...three doses of Sinovac may only be 36 per cent effective, falling drastically to 19 per cent after three months, and standing at a mere 8 per cent after six months.

Had BioNTech been the only vaccine offered in Hong Kong since the beginning of its vaccination programme, a protection rate of 56.93 per cent would have been achieved by the end of April, and would have reached 77.4 per cent at the end of October.//

Read the full article:

Source: FactWire; Hong Kong Free Press #Feb26

#Covid19 #Pandemic #MadeinChina #ChineseVaccine
#Dictatorship #FailedState
Ex-legislator finds significantly lower mortality rate in 5th wave of COVID-19 outbreak in HK, questioning government's ever stricter control measures

Source: Perry Chan's Facebook page

#Omicron #WuhanPneumonia #Sinovac #BionTech #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied

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#Dictatorship #FailedState
Ex-legislator finds significantly lower mortality rate in 5th wave of COVID-19 outbreak in HK, questioning government's ever stricter control measures

Perry Chan Pui-yin, former pro-democracy legislator representing the sector of medical doctors in Hong Kong compiled and tabulated the number of deaths in connection to COVID19 since 2020.

Chan concluded that among the total number of 40,700 confirmed cases in the 5 waves of COVID19 outbreaks, 259 patients passed away, equivalent to a mortality rate of 0.64%.

However, in the 5th wave alone, 46 died among the 28,069 confirmed cases as at February 18. That is to say, the morality rate has reduced significantly to only 0.16%.

Its worth noting that delay factors should be considered alongside with mortality rate during an outbreak, as it could take as long as 2-3 weeks to record a related death.

Among the 46 death cases recorded during 5th wave of COVID-19 outbreak, 40 of them had not vaccinated, 3 others had 2 doses of Sinovac vaccinations, 1 had 1 dose of Sinovac vaccination while the remaining 1 had two jabs of BionTech vaccinations.

Chan stressed that these data should be read in relation to the patients' age and background in order to avoid a biased conclusion.

Source: Perry Chan's Facebook page doctordaddysoccer.blogspot.com/2022/02/723.html

#Omicron #WuhanPneumonia #Sinovac #BionTech #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied
Hong Kong's immunised who died of #Covid19 mainly got #Sinovac vaccine: Media

//Almost 87 per cent of Hong Kongers who died from Covid-19 after getting at least one dose of vaccine received China-made Sinovac Biotech Ltd's shot, Ming Pao reported, though most deaths occurred among those who weren't immunised.

Most deaths in Hong Kong have occurred among under-vaccinated senior citizens, particularly those living in elderly care homes.

There have been more than 5,400 fatalities in the latest Omicron-driven outbreak, making the city's death per capita the world's highest.//

Read the full article:

Source: Bloomberg; Strait Times; Mingpao #Mar20

#Omicron #Pandemic #5thWave #Death #Vaccination #WuhanPneumonia
#CarrieLam claims "no man-made error" in #Omicron outbreak, resulting in over 7,000 deaths in Hong Kong

The #COVID19 death toll surpasses 7,000 in Hong Kong during the 5th wave of the outbreak. The Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, refused to carry out a comprehensive review, saying that she and her administration should not be distracted to deal with a large-scale investigation.

During the COVID-19 briefing on March 27, 2022, Lam was asked who would be held accountable for the loss of lives and whether she would admit there were mistakes in her Covid approach and apologize to affected families.

Without addressing the questions directly, Lam denied that these were man-made mistakes. Lam insisted, “In a public health crisis, it is impossible to completely avoid these sorts of factors”.

Source: Inmediahk; #Mar27

#PublicHealth #OmicronVariant #Pandemic #Death #FailedState
HK Schools Resumed after "Early Summer Vacation", with Daily Rapid Testing for Students

During the daily #COVID19 press conference on April 11, Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced plans for schools to resume beginning on April 19, after nearly 2 months of suspension due to a wave of #Omicron sweeping through the city.

Students will need to take a rapid test every day before attending school; only those with a negative result will be allowed in.

The government also laid out guidelines for closing schools: if 5% of a school's students and staff test positive, the Centre for Health Protection (#CHP) will investigate the outbreak.

Vaccination will not be required for students, but those without it will not be allowed to attend extracurricular activities.

The timeline for resuming in-person classes:

Secondary schools: Starting May 3, schools can resume their classes in stages or entirely. By May 10, all classes must resume.

Primary schools: classes can resume in stages or entirely starting April 19. All classes must resume by May 3.

Kindergartens: One-third of classes are to resume starting May 3, with the remaining to resume on May 10. All classes must resume by May 16.

This will bring an end to the suspension of classes, which was began on Feb 21 when the government announced an "early summer vacation" for all schools.

During the press conference, Carrie Lam expressed her thanks that more schools have proactively taken anti-pandemic measures, including arranging vaccinations and distributing prevention kits, as a result of the government-mandated "summer vacation".

During the questioning period, a NowTV reporter asked whether parents could opt for online classes, instead of sending their children to school.

Secretary of Education Kevin Yeung replied that the policy was a balance between needs and risks, and they found that despite the risk being non-zero, resuming in-person classes was necessary. He further stated that students aged 6-15 are required by law to attend school.

#Apr11 #WuhanPneumonia #OmicronWave #ClassSuspension

source: In-Media HK
#CCPcontrol #Censorship #Silencing
Furious Chinese Netizens over City Lockdown posts National Anthem "Rise Up" to Protest, and are Promptly Blocked on Weibo

With the widespread of #Omicron in Shanghai, the Chinese government is responding with a tougher stain on the lockdown of the city, leading to public discontent and resistance.

Many Chinese netizens used the first line of the national anthem, "Rise up! Those refuse to be slaves", as a hashtag and posted it on #Weibo to express their anger. This was blocked by Weibo later on, which is ridiculously tantamount to making the national anthem a forbidden word.

It was found later, after searching on Weibo, that the national anthem is still searchable, but the search results would be blanked if the keyword is a hashtag of the national anthem.

This is not the first time China has banned its national anthem. Back in the early days of the #COVID19 outbreak in #Wuhan, when 'whistle blower' Dr. Li Wenliang died, Douban.com banned the lyrics of the same song for "containing radical current affairs or ideology".

Source: Whats News Media; #Apr21

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National Flag Guard – Doctor LI Wenliang was died due to the systematic speech controls, which he believed in and supported