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US-funded news service suspends Cantonese commentary over National Security “redlines”

#FreedomofSpeech #NSL

Source: Radio France Internationale; #Feb10

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US-funded news service suspends Cantonese commentary over National Security “redlines”

US-funded news outlet Radio Free Asia (#RFA) has announced the suspension of its Cantonese programmes and commentaries, citing concerns about press freedom in Hong Kong and the “red lines” of the national security law.

“Given the dire situation in Hong Kong, locally-based commentators and hosts face increased risks. It has been clear over the past year that the ‘national security red lines’ are everywhere in Hong Kong,” the memo read. “The freedom of speech accorded to commentators and hosts under Hong Kong’s basic law is not protected by Hong Kong and Chinese laws.”

The broadcasts would be suspended from March 1 “until further notice”.

Founded in 1996, RFA is a non-profit news service funded by the US government to provide news about events in Asia. The outlet publishes in nine languages – including Burmese, Khmer, Korean, Uyghur and Vietnamese.

Source: Radio France Internationale; #Feb10

#PressFreedom #FreedomofSpeech #NSL
#StudentsUnion #Rights #FreedomOfSpeech
“Resist till the end”: Hong Kong Student Union vow to carry on the fight for student rights and academic freedom

Source: Inmediahk, HKFP, CityU Students Union Facebook; #Feb16

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#StudentsUnion #Rights #FreedomOfSpeech
“Resist till the end”: Hong Kong Student Union vow to carry on the fight for student rights and academic freedom

The Student Development Services of City University (#CUHK) in Hong Kong has demanded its Student Union to vacate and return its premises by February 14, claiming that the union failed to comply with a request to submit 16 years of audited financial records within two weeks.

On February 14, representatives of the student union executive committee staged a parting ceremony before returning the office space. They marched from the office to Cut Price, a store run by the student union which offered stationery, snacks and other items to CityU students at a discounted price.

Using a calligraphy brush, a student wrote the phrases “freedom of thought,” “academic autonomy,” “[we will] not yield a single step” and “resist till the end” at the store entrance.

The march ended at the “democracy wall,” a message board previously used by students to share their views on political events. Next to the wall was the Goddess of Democracy statue, a monument commemorating Beijing’s military crackdown on a student-led democracy movement in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989.

Some students pushed over the red barricades surrounding the wall to put up memo stickers with final messages to the student union.

“Thank you, student union,” one note read.

Another one read: “Grateful that we have walked together for 37 years. Add oil, hang in there!”

Source: Inmediahk, HKFP, CityU Students Union Facebook; #Feb14

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#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfSpeech #WhiteTerror
CityU student union under national security investigation following parting ceremony in campus

Source: Inmediahk; #Feb20

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#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfSpeech #WhiteTerror
CityU student union under national security investigation following parting ceremony in campus

City University of Hong Kong (#CityU) Student Union is being investigated by national security police after an on-campus parting ceremony on February 14, sources claimed. 

On February 7, the university announced it would take back the student union's premises in seven days, saying the union failed to submit its audit report for years.

The union held a farewell ceremony at its office on the afternoon of February 14 before moving out.

Around 30 students dressed in black gathered at the student union office, before leading the march on campus.

Over 100 have joined the march at its peak.

It was understood that the National Security Department has begun gathering evidence on campus.

When asked if CityU had reported the protest to the authorities, the school said: "the national security issues that arose was unforeseen. As it had attracted widespread attention, it didn't necessitate the school's reporting the incident."

Source: Inmediahk; #Feb20

Related Article
“Resist till the end”: Hong Kong Student Union leaders vow to carry on their fight for students’ right and academic freedom
#Oppression #PressFreedom
Now news ‘deeply sorry’ over reporter’s question to HK leader about complaint mechanism for Chinese medical staff from China

#WuhanPneumonia #FreedomOfSpeech #RuleByFear #GratitudeEducation

Source: Inmediahk; #Mar17

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#Crackdown #Censorship
Slogan dedicated to victims of Tiananmen crackdown has been painted over and lined with a row of potted plants in a Hong Kong University

#CUHK #LingnanU #HKU #PillarOfShame #Education #FreedomOfSpeech

Source: Inmediahk; #Mar31
Photo credit: HKFP

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#Crackdown #Censorship
Slogan dedicated to victims of Tiananmen crackdown has been painted over and lined with a row of potted plants in a Hong Kong University

Residents at Swire Hall of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) painted a slogan on the bridge after the Tiananmen crackdown in 1989.

Every year since then, HKU students have retouched the slogan, which read: “Souls of martyrs shall forever linger despite the brutal massacre; Spark of democracy shall forever glow for the demise of evils.”

33 years later, the university cordoned off the bridge claiming for “regular maintenance works”. Later on the slogan was found covered with cement and on top of it, a row of flower pots was added.

The removal of the slogan was part of a wider clampdown on commemorations of the Tiananmen crackdown at universities across Hong Kong.

In December, HKU dismantled the Pillar of Shame statue – an eight-metre sculpture that depicts bloodied bodies bundled together – in the middle of the night.

The next day, also in the early hours, a Goddess of Democracy statue and a relief sculpture were taken down at Chinese University (#CUHK) and Lingnan University (#LingnanU).

#CUHK #LingnanU #HKU #PillarOfShame #Education #FreedomOfSpeech

Source: Inmediahk; #Mar31

Photo credit: HKFP
#Arrest #StandNews
Hong Kong journalist Allan Au arrested by national security police

#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfSpeech #Sedition #Crackdown

Source: Inmediahk, HKFP; #Apr11

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#Arrest #StandNews
Hong Kong journalist Allan Au arrested by national security police

Hong Kong veteran journalist #AllanAu was arrested by national security police in the morning of April 11 for allegedly conspiring to publish seditious materials, under the colonial-era anti-sedition legislation.

Linked to the Stand News case, Au is the 8th member being arrested following 7 others in December 2021.

Hong Kong National Security raid pro-democracy newspaper, arrested 6 senior staff

Hong Kong Authorities' #Crackdown on Stand News

Hong Kong Police Issues Arrest warrant for Stand News founder

The 54-year-old journalist was previously a columnist for outlets including Stand News and Ming Pao. Au was taken away from his home in Lai Chi Kok by the National Security police to the police station in Kwai Chung.

#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfSpeech #Crackdown #Sedition

Source: Inmediahk, HKFP; #Apr11

"Wishing peace for Mr. Allan Au and all Hongkongers," wrote Ar To. "Outlive them. See you in the future."

Hong Kong artist #ArTo posted this comic today, after veteran journalist #AllanAu was arrested by national security police.

Au was accused of "conspiring to publish seditious materials", though the police refused to give details on which of his writings broke the law.

See also:
Hong Kong journalist Allan Au arrested by national security police

#Art #FreedomOfSpeech #NationalSecurityLaw #Sedition
Chief Executive-Elect Rejects Needs to Defend Freedom in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Chief Executive-Elect, John Lee visited the Legislative Council in early May and was asked why defending the freedom of speech and the press freedom was not in his election platform.

Lee argued that the city's mini-constitution, Basic Law has offered freedom in Hong Kong in many ways.

"We have all the freedom." He defended, "But this doesn't mean we have the freedom to violate the law."

Lee also added, "so long as permitted by the law, everyone has absolute freedom."

Source: Inmediahk; #May09

#ChiefExecutive #JohnLee #PressFreedom #FreedomOfSpeech

One More News Outlet Closes Down in Hong Kong

#FactWire is an independent investigative news agency founded in Hong Kong in 2015, with the support of 3,300 Hong Kongers through crowd-funding.

For the past six years, FactWire has published a number of in-depth news reports, covering a wide range of topics from the safety issues at Taishan Nuclear Plant in China, the 2019 Anti Extradition protests, to the latest Chief Executive election in Hong Kong.

However, under the current political environment of Hong Kong, FactWire announced its closure on June 10, 2022. Despite the support of the public and their subscribers, the independent news agency made the decision to cease operation and dismiss all its employees.

In a statement published on their website, they wrote:

"In recent years, the media has contended with great change. Despite having wrestled many times with the difficult decision as to whether to continue our journalistic work, we had always come to the same affirmative conclusion: to stand fast to our core values and beliefs, and to always report the facts."

The news agency reiterated that "It is our honour to have been witnesses to, and scribes of Hong Kong’s history with you", and asked Hongkongers to "take care".

Read the statement:

Source: Factwire; InMedia #June10


#FreedomOfSpeech #PressFreedom #AppleDaily #StandNews #CitizenNews
Famed Hong Kong Author Ni Kuang Passed Away at 87; Novel Warned of Doom if Hong Kong Lost Its Freedom

Hong Kong author Ni Kuang passed away at home on July 3, 2022 at 87 years of age. A prolific Chinese-language novelist and screenwriter, he was the author of numerous celebrated science fiction novels, including the long-running Wisely series and Dr. Yuen series.

His death was widely mourned by Hong Kong's netizens as well as fellow writers. Author Sai Shing Sun, who is a friend of Ni and had long considered him to be his godbrother, posted on Facebook: "Big Brother Ni had left this afternoon." Columnist and writer Chip Tsao posted a photo of him and Ni together, and remembered him as "the most clear-minded individual in the Chinese-speaking world these past 70 years".

Ni appeared on an #RTHK talk show three years ago, where he and veteran lawyer Paul Shieh discussed his novel "Chasing the Dragon" (追龍). The story revolved around a great city in the east, and it was prophesied that it would lose its great qualities, and the city would thus perish.

An excerpt from "Chasing the Dragon" reads:

"To destroy a great city, the cause doesn't have to be a natural catastrophe; it could also be a man-made disaster. And it is not necessarily a war; but a few words of a few people, the foolish and ignorant acts of a few people - it is enough make a great city completely die. You don't have to destroy its buildings. You don't have to kill a single inhabitant. You can even make it appear the same as before on the outside. You only need to make its great qualities disappear, and city would then perish and die."

Ni, who fled China after the Communist Party came to power, said on the program that the novel was a political allegory for Hong Kong.

"Hong Kong was liberated, just like Shanghai was liberated, by the Communists. They came to power with their own principles. People talk about 'One Country Two Systems' this and that, and I only laughed at them for being so easily duped. They asked me why; I said I don't even believe that One Country Two Systems exists. What do you mean it's damaged? The question is moot.

"Communists do whatever they want. Communists promised One Country Two Systems; since when were Communists trustworthy? They never followed through a single promise all these years."

If Hong Kong were to lose its freedom, he said on the 2019 show, then Hong Kong's great quality would be destroyed. "[They would] be unreasonable, and restrict people's freedoms ... mainly the freedom of speech. It's the mother of all freedoms. Without freedom of speech, you have no other freedoms."

source: In-MediaHK.net #Jul4

#NiKuang #HongKongLiterature #FreedomOfSpeech #OneCountryTwoSystems #CCP
Former Student Union President Arrested for Sharing Post in Social Media

In Hong Kong, former president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong student union Owen Au Cheuk-hei was arrested by officers of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). He was accused for sharing a post on social media urging people to cast a blank vote in the Legislative Council (LegCo) election in 2021.

In response to an inquiry from Hong Kong In-Media, the ICAC confirmed the arrest of a person on July 12, 2022 for sharing a post on social media, allegedly inciting others to cast blank votes or not to vote in the 2021 Legislative Council general election, breaching section 27A of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance.

Source: Hong Kong In-media (#Jul12)

#CUHK #StudentUnion #SocialMedia #ICAC #LegCo #Election #FreedomOfSpeech #PoliticalPrisoner #Censorship

Hong Kong Civil Servants Arrested for "Seditious" Social Media Posts

On Aug 9, national security police arrested 4 men, two of whom are civil servants, for allegedly publishing seditious posts online, Hong Kong Police said. 

Sources claim that the two civil servants are the administrators for the "Civil Servants Secrets" Facebook page, which publishes stories submitted anonymously by civil servants of the city.  The relevant Facebook page and Instagram are both currently down.

Police said that the two, aged 28 and 29, published seditious posts that "promoted feelings of hostility between different classes of the city's population".

Police had further investigated 5 other men, two of whom were arrested for allegedly committing fraud.  Police searched their homes and workplaces, and confiscated electronic communication devices.  Police said that the operation is ongoing, and there may be more arrests connected to the case.

Oscar Kwok, Head of the Hong Kong Civil Service College, spoke to reporters from HK01 last Friday that he reads the "Civil Servants Secrets" page to understand their feelings.  Kwok had served in the police force for 32 years, and said that he hopes the public - particularly the media - would speak more positively of civil servants and show gratitude for their work, so that they could be more motivated to serve the public.

A message from someone who claimed to have witnessed one of the arrests at a government office quickly circulated online.  The message said that police arrived at their office in large numbers, and the staff was told not to touch their computers.  Several computers were confiscated, including one that was said to contain very sensitive data.  The whole office was shocked. The source said: the managers looked sombre, and the rest of the staff kept their heads down as they quietly went back to work.

Channel C, HK01 #Aug09


#CivilServants #Suppression #FreedomOfSpeech #NationalSecurityLaw
#FacebookPage #CivilServantSecret #Seditious
Hong Kong Man Arrested for Sedition Outside British Consulate after Playing Songs while Mourning the Queen

Large crowds of Hongkongers gathered outside the British Consulate in Central on Monday evening, as the Queen's state funeral took place in London at the same time. Many lit candles in remembrance of the late queen.

One man brought his harmonica and allegedly performed various songs, including #GodSaveTheQueen and #GloryToHongKong. This reportedly caused a commotion in the gathered crowd, and the police arrested him after around half an hour.

Police announced today (20th) that the man was suspected to have taken actions with seditious intent, and is currently under arrest for investigation.

source: Hong Kong Economic Times #Sep20


editor's note: The sedition law, under which the man was charged, dated back to Hong Kong's colonial days. Britain has repealed the offence of seditious libel in 2009. In July 2022, the UN Human Rights Committee had urged Hong Kong to abolish its sedition law as well as the National Security Law as they violated the freedom of expression in the city.

see also: Explainer: Hong Kong’s sedition law – a colonial relic revived after half a century (Hong Kong Free Press)

#Sedition #FreedomOfExpression #FreedomOfSpeech
"Glory to Hong Kong 2023 Edition" Re-Released; Production Team Echoes Sentiments of "Not Wanting to Lose Freedom to Choose Music"

Source: In-Media HK #Jun19

#GloryToHongKong #FreedomOfSpeech #Suppression

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"Glory to Hong Kong 2023 Edition" Re-Released; Production Team Echoes Sentiments of "Not Wanting to Lose Freedom to Choose Music"

Hong Kong's protest anthem "Glory to Hong Kong" was suddenly taken offline across multiple streaming platforms after the government filed an injunction to ban the song earlier this month. At the time, the production team cited "technical issues" unrelated to the streaming platforms, not political reasons, as the cause for the takedown.

Within a week, the team has re-released a "2023 Edition" of the anthem on KKBox, Spotify, YouTube Music, and other platforms. The newer version is labeled "remastered" in the title. The melody and lyrics have remained unchanged.

Prior to the takedown, the anthem had taken over the top spots on multiple streaming services within 24 hours of the government's injunction filing. The song's unannounced disappearance was met with reactions of dismay by netizens, as well as anger at what appeared to be the streaming platforms bowing to government pressure to silence the song.

Dgxmusic, the team behind the anthem, responded to the public's concerns through a Facebook post, expressing that they understand the sentiment of "not wanting to lose even the freedom to choose music", and will strive to uphold this aspiration. They also "firmly oppose any attempts to restrict freedom of thought and speech."

The High Court has scheduled the hearing for the injunction on July 21.

Source: In-Media HK #Jun19

#GloryToHongKong #FreedomOfSpeech #Suppression